Proceedings PING 2018: modern trends in material engineering Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Vrtáček, Jiří
Janda, Tomáš
Jirková, Hana
Janíček, Štěpán
Peković, Michal
Návrh nástroje pro zpracování plechů z vysokopevných ocelí Steels for automotive industry are very important in design of modern vehicles. Advanced materials, such as high strength steels, can be used as car body safety elements due to their high mechanical properties while reducing the weight of the manufactured parts. Weight reduction le... |
Stehlík, Adam
Bublíková, Dagmar
Jirková, Hana
Jeníček, Štěpán
Vliv parametrů tepelného zpracování na mechanické vlastnosti a vývoj mikrostruktury u vysokopevných ocelí legovaných Mn a Si For modern steels in present time is required high strenght and ductility. This could be possible for high-strenght martensitic steels with good microstructure with some residual austenite. Resulting microstructure made by proper heat treatment are not affected only by alloying strategy, but... |
Rubešová, Kateřina
Jirková, Hana
Peković, Michal
Janda, Tomáš
Rozpuštění chromových karbidů nekonvenční technologií tváření s přechodem přes semi-solid stav The processing of conventional tool steels is common industrial practice, yet it is possible to discover new, previously unused methods for modifying the resulting structures and obtaining better mechanical properties. One of the tasks in high-chromium steels is the removal of the sharp... |
Průcha, Vojtěch
Kříž, Antonín
Veselý, Vilém
Problematika vyhodnocování karbidické fáze v rychlořezných ocelích Effects of multiaxial forging on the size of the carbide phase and its volume fraction in the matrix are described. The analysis was performed on high-speed tool steels with different aggregate forging ratios, as defined in ČSN 42 0276 standard (Elfmak - Pk = 4.93 and... |
Procházka, Radek
Konopík, Pavel
Progresivní hodnocení trvalé pevnosti kovových materiálů pomocí termografie The article deals with use of thermography methods as a tool for rapid evaluation of cyclic fatigue tests of metals in the high cycle region. The potential of this method can be fully applied in the development and optimization of metallic materials and processing technologies... |
Peković, Michal
Jirková, Hana
Vrtáček, Jiří
Opatová, Kateřina
Janda, Tomáš
Rubešová, Kateřina
Termomechanické zpracování ocelí s použitím zařízení pro inkrementální tváření tyčí HDQT-R 30-12 Nowadays, conventional longitudinal rolling technology is used to reduce the diameter of the rods. In industrial rolling mills, in most cases, there are only single-purpose rolling lines that are not equipped with modules for direct heat treatment after rolling. The experimental device ... |
Opatová, Kateřina
Jirková, Hana
Peković, Michal
Stehlík, Adam
Vliv parametrů technologie press-hardeningu na vlastnosti AHS ocelí pro automotive During the development of new steels for the automotive industry, a great emphasis is placed on the high values of their mechanical properties. This makes it possible to save material costs and thus reduce operating costs. For this purpose, two new high-strength (AHS) Steel Do... |
Kučerová, Ludmila
Zetková, Ivana
Jandová, Andrea
Bystrianský, Martin
Opatová, Kateřina
Mikroskopie oceli X3NiCoMoTi 18-9-5 zpracované 3D tiskem Microstructure of steel processed by additive technologies (3D printing) is very different from microstructures of steels with the same chemical compositions obtained by conventional casting and forming. Microstructure differences are caused mainly by high thermal gradients produced by laser heating&#... |
Khalaj, Omid
Jirková, Hana
Svoboda, Jiří
Termomechanické Vlastnosti o Vysokopevnostní Fe-Al základové ODS Slitiny Nowadays, to have specific material properties, combination of new technology including unconventional use of different types of materials is needed. One of these possibilities could be a combination of powder metallurgy followed by mechanical alloying and hot consolidation. It will start by... |
Jirková, Hana
Opatová, Kateřina
Jeníček, Štěpán
Vrtáček, Jiří
Radčický, Antonín
Využitelnost vícefázové oceli typu TRIP pro technologii press-hardeningu Development of high strength or even ultra-high strength steels is mainly driven by the automotive industry which strives to reduce the weight of individual parts, fuel consumption, and CO2 emissions. Another important factor is to improve the passenger safety. In order to achieve ... |
Jeníček, Štěpán
Vorel, Ivan
Jirková, Hana
Opatová, Kateřina
Koťěšovec, Vratislav
Identifikace přítomnosti nepopuštěného martenzitu v zákalných strukturách nové generace kovářských ocelí s vyšším obsahem křemíku pomocí barevného leptání Observation and identification of phase transformations of austenite during isothermal bainitic processing, Q-P heat treatment or quenching and tempering is often quite a tricky task. The reason is that obtained microstructures are typically very fine with insufficient contrast of various structu... |
Jandová, Dagmar
Příprava vzorků a kvantitativní hodnocení částic sekundárních fází v oceli Metallographic samples and extraction carbon replicas were prepared from two creep resistant steels. The particles of chromium carbides and Laves phase were observed using scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and micrographs were evaluated using NIS-Elements image analysis program... |
Jandová, Andrea
Kučerová, Ludmila
Vliv částečné náhrady křemíku hliníkem na mikrostrukturu a mechanické vlastnosti tepelně zpracované oceli The high strength low-alloyed steels using the TRIP (Transformation induced plasticity) effect achieve high strength (up to Rm 800 MPa) and ductility (around A = 30 %). The TRIP effect is based on the stabilisation of retained austenite in themo-mechanical treatment with subsequent ... |
Janda, Tomáš
Jirková, Hana
Jeníček, Štěpán
Jandová, Andrea
Vliv rychlosti ochlazování na mikrostrukturu a vlastnosti oceli 42SiCr zpracované konvenčním TZ a QP procesem Innovative methods of heat treatment (HT) of high-strength steels such as QP process can achieve a very favourable ratio of ductility and strength. Material processed by this technology has a higher retained austenite content, and so a higher ductility. The described experiment deals&#x... |
Chval, Zdeněk
Ráž, Karel
Čechura, Milan
Tepelné ovlivnění kovacího lisu LZK 4000 Thermal loading of mechanical forging press is one of the most important factors which are influencing its function and final accuracy of forgings. It is necessary to eliminate deformations caused by thermal loading of all main parts such as ram and frame. This is done ge... |
Hradil, David
Duchek, Michal
Hrbáčková, Taťána
Vliv hlubokého kryogenního zpracování na vlastnosti nitridované vrstvy |
Hajšman, Jan
Nanoindentace TRIP ocelí TRIP steels are high strenght steel used mainly in automotive industry for their remarkable properties (hight strength and elongation, relatively light weight). The microstructure of TRIP steels contains retained austenite which transforms to martensite during plastic deformation. The transformation i... |
Cais, Jaromír
Jirounková, Klára
Vývoj nových Al-Si slitin pro automobilový průmysl |
Bystrianský, Martin
Kučerová, Ludmila
Volkmanová, Julie
Untitled The paper focus on possibilities of imaging microstructure changes in high strength low-alloyed carbon steel using an in-situ tensile stage placed in scanning electron microscope (SEM). The sample can be observed either in secondary electrons (SE) or by electron backscattered diffraction (EB... |
Bublíkova, Dagmar
Jirková, Hana
Rubešová, Kateřina
Peković, Michal
Volkmannová, Julie
Vliv rychlosti ochlazování na podíl zbytkového austenitu u zápustkových výkovků z vysokopevných ocelí legovaných Mn a Si Various ways are sought today to increase mechanical properties of steels while maintaining their good strength and ductility. Besides effective alloying strategies, one method involves preserving a certain amount of retained austenite in a martensitic matrix. The steel which was chosen as&#... |
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- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
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- Proceedings PING: modern trends in material engineering