Diplomové práce / Theses (KIV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 281 až 300 z 491
Nikl, Milan
Pokročilé polymorfní aplikace na platformě Android

This thesis presents the concept of running a polymorphic application on the Android platform. The polymorphic application represents an alternative to the traditional approach of using many single purpose application on an Android device. Instead the device user can change the design o...

Pejřimovský, David
Vytváření a ukládání popisu webových služeb v úložišti CRCE

This diploma thesis deals with creation and storing of web services descriptions. The descriptions are created in unified representation and stored in form of meta-data into CRCE repository. This thesis consists of two parts. Theoretical part deals with analysis of service oriented arch...

Moulis, Jan
Vizualizace časové osy

This diploma thesis deals with visualization of timeline and historical events, represented by the graph of events. The main emphasis is focused on the relationships and connections between those events and interactivity with the visualization. This thesis summarizes the theoretical knowledge,&#x...

Masopust, Jan
Generování struktury silniční sítě na základě rozpoznávání<br> obrazu (map)

This thesis deals with generation of road network structure based on recognition of online available road maps. The first part of this paper describes the methods of image processing and pattern recognition. Selected algorithms are used to design and implement application. The outcome&#...

Košař, Vojtěch
Srovnání deskriptorů pro reprezentaci obrazu

This diploma thesis deals with comparsion of methods used for extraction of image descriptors intended to be used for face recognition. There are theoreticaly described LBP, LDP and POEM methods. These methods are implemented and their parameters are tuned on the FERET database. So...

Krupička, Jan
Mobilní aplikace pro monitoring pohybu a elektrofyziologických potenciálů

Health is an important topic for mankind. By its improvement or preservation we extend the period of quality life. It is appropriate to base resolution of health problems, research or prevention in the form of regular physical activities on accurate and numerous mensuration of ...

Kupilík, Ondřej
Kontrola formálních pravidel u dokumentů vybraných textových procesorů

The diploma thesis deals with the control of rules in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, and LibreOffice documents. The goal of the thesis is to analyse the possibilities of the control of rules in the documents of chosen word processors, to define a set of the rules, and t...

Kaas, Ondřej
Programové vybavení pro analýzu geografických dat založenou na shlukování

This Master thesis deals with using clustering methods in real geomathematics problems. The goal of this thesis is to create a program for analysis and improvement localization of a cloud of points based on the clustering library. In the beginning the problematics of visualization,...

Havlíček, Ondřej
Implementace openEHR do elektronické<br> zdravotní dokumentace

The work is focused on a new personal electronic health record (EHR) system; i.e. the system which is being developed bellow neuroinformatics research group at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The system is based on the \textit{openEHR\textit{}} concept, w...

Hain, Lukáš
Experimenty s Apache Mahout

This thesis focuses on the Apache Mahout toolkit. The goal is to create a tutorial and verify its usability on some tasks from natural language processing (NLP) field. The text shows a solution to three NLP problems: classification of e-mails in a support forum, extracti...

Žák, Petr
Sběr zdravotnických dat

This thesis focuses mainly on data exchange between different medical information systems. The first goal is to describe some principles and standards of medical data exchange in theory. Next step is to analyse ways of extracting, transporting and storing data from Medicalc information&...

Adamec, Robert
Testování strojového překladu

This thesis aims to summarize the machine translation theory and use the obtained knowledge in experiments with ZČU model in Moses. The thesis defines important terms of machine translation and describes the usage of Moses. Alongside it contains information about the ZČU model,&#x...

Kryl, Martin
Získání a uchování metadat z heterogenních dat

This work tackles an issue of reading metadata from image files and adding them to RDF model. Image file types in the scope of the work are JPEG, PNG and TIFF. Metadata Extractor library is used for reading metadata from image files. Mapping definition is written in&...

Žák, Michal
Generování kostry objektů reprezentovaných trojúhelníkovými sítěmi

This diploma thesis deals with automatic generation of animation skeleton for humanoid objects which are represented by triangle meshes. After research focused on existing similar methods, new original method was invented, implemented and afterwards tested on input data set consisted of mesh...

Odehnalová, Kateřina
Využití Rational Focal Point v malé a střední firmě

The thesis describes the process of developing strategy of a company. It also describes some commonly used methods of strategic management, e.g. SWOT analysis or Balanced Scorecard and strategy maps. Another part presents methods, which could be used in project management as well a...

Kroupa, Lukáš
Systém vyhodnocení parametrů jednoho kmitu hlasivek

Aim of this work is to devise methods for selection of standard vocal fold oscilation in audio recording of prolonged phonation in order to detect irregular oscilations. Next are defined parameters for evaluation of differences of vocal fold oscillation periods from standard oscillation...

Mandák, Vladimír
Vizualizace Spanning Tree Protocol

In this thesis I am dealing with gathering data about state of Spanning Tree protocol from Cisco network devices and subsequent visualization of obtained information. At first of all I have to become familiar with network devices produced by Cisco Systems. Theese devices are&...

Výškrabka, Lukáš
Integrace automatické detekce statických chyb do vývojového prostředí

This thesis deals with tool integration to development environment. Integrated tool is Java Class Comparator, that is able to detect static errors on the basis of compiled source files and byte code of used libraries. There is described how the tool could be used for stat...

Sýkora, Martin
Systém na správu a řízení vnitrofiremního vzdělávání

The aim of this thesis is to get familiar with modern technologies used for creating web applications based on Java EE 6 and to subsequently use newly acquired knowledge to analyze needs and to create information system for control and management of internal education, that&#x...

Merunko, David
Generování a vizualizace časové osy

The aim of this Master thesis was to create an application capable of storing and displaying of timelines for purpose of history learning. The main technologies used for implementation ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 281 až 300 z 491