Diplomové práce / Theses (KFP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Krátký, Oliver
Finančněprávní aspekty AML zákona v advokacii The thesis is primarily centred on elucidating and scrutinizing the responsibilities incumbent upon attorneys concerning the verification and identification of clients, as stipulated by the provisions outlined in Act No. 253/2008 Coll.In my thesis I also deal with the conflict between t... |
Pazdera, Jaroslav
Právní aspekty řešení krize bankovních institucí The master's thesis will deal with the legal aspects of solving the crisis of banking institutions. In the introductory part, the thesis will introduce the chosen topic in more detail and will also discuss the issue in historical context. Subsequently, the thesis will be d... |
Gregor, Michal
Praktické fungování osob v rámci AML zákona č. 253/2008 Sb. Zákon o některých opatřeních proti legalizaci výnosů z trestné činnosti a financování terorismu This thesis focuses on the practical functioning of entities subjected to the Act No. 253/2008 Coll., known as the Anti-Money Laundering Act, in the Czech Republic. The aim of this work is to look at the history and development of the AML Act and further legislation&... |
Šrámek, Pavel
Některé otázky týkající se legislativy kryptoměn I chose the topic of this thesis for several reasons. One of the main reasons was the fact that I am a dispositor and investor of many types of cryptocurrencies. This is literally my lifestyle as I use these on a daily basis, especially for payments and savings.... |
Škopek, Josef
Politický cyklus, teorém středního/středového voliče a racionální ignorance voliče z hlediska teorie veřejné volby The aim of this thesis is the theory of public choice and its subsequent public choice school. The political cycle, the effect of the voter's rational ignorance and the median voter are described and analyzed. Selected components of the theory are further elaborate... |
Maroulová, Dominika
Finančně-právní aspekty Garančního systému finančního trhu This thesis deals with the financial and legal aspects of the Financial Market Guarantee System. In the first six chapters the Financial Market Guarantee System is described and discussed in detail. The first chapter deals not only with the origin of this institution, but also... |
Zahradníková, Jana
Daň z příjmů fyzických osob ze závislé činnosti a vliv na státní rozpočet ČR The master's thesis deals with the income taxation of natural persons from paid employment in the Czech Republic. The aim is to evaluate the impact of the amendment to Act No. 586/1992 Coll., on income tax on the state budget of the Czech Republic, which came... |
Samcová, Ilona
Sankce, se zaměřením na pokuty v daňovém řádu, hmotně-právních daňových a účetních předpisech a možnosti jejich prominutí The diploma thesis deals with the issue of penalty instruments in tax law and the possibility of their waiver. The main objective of the diploma thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of the system of sanctions and their projection in tax law in the Czech Repu... |
Horníček, Filip
Právní rámec provádění kontrol po propuštění zboží This thesis deals with the legal environment governing the carrying out of post release controls. First, the facts shaping the political and legal environment determining this control institute are described here in a broader context, as well as the current function of customs and&... |
Machová, Alena
Rekodifikace českého účetního práva The thesis deals with the recodification of Czech accounting law. The aim of the thesis is to summarize the current state of the legal regulation of Czech accounting, to describe the method of regulation of accounting, conceptual frameworks of financial reporting and the process... |
Hrach, Václav
Kryptoměny a jejich finančněprávní aspekty This thesis focuses on aspects of cryptocurrencies in the financial law sector. I have been working on this topic for several years and therefore I have relied not only on academic articles, regulations, laws, and the web, but also on my experience in this field. The ... |
Lachman, Petra
Řízení operačních rizik v bankovnictví The focus of this thesis is Operational Risk Framework in banking sector. The goal is to explain basically what the Operational Risk Framework is. At the beginning is described role of the Czech National Bank and related supervision of banking sector. Important is as well ... |
Bejčková, Tereza
Komoditní burzovnictví The diploma thesis focuses on the commodity exchanges. The aim is to assess the exchange activity on commodity markets, especially in the Czech Republic, but also with references to the global situation in this area, against the background and with a comparison of the currentl... |
Yakimenka, Aliaksandr
Investiční fondy In my diploma thesis I focused on the topic of investment funds in the Czech Republic. For comparative analysis I also analyzed the topic of investment funds in the United States and Luxembourg. Selected countries with its legal regimes are in many aspects world leaders a... |
Procházka, Aleš
Vybrané daňově právní aspekty akvizic obchodních společností This diploma thesis is focused on selected tax law aspects of acquisitions of companies. First, it focuses on the distinction between the concepts of merger and acquisition and the related legal regulation. It further divides acquisitions into two main denominators, capital and property... |
Grossmannová, Gabriela
Podvody na DPH v judikatuře SDEU a NSS The thesis describes the principle, meaning and practical aspects of value added tax, ("VAT"), its advantages and disadvantages for the state, for VAT payer and for citizens. The harmonising of this tax in the European Union has been highlighted, described the basic legislatio... |
Černohorský, Tomáš
Právní a ekonomické aspekty v obchodování investičních nástrojů This diploma thesis analyzes the legal and economic aspects of trading in investment instruments in more detail. The main goal is to present the historical development of financial market regulation and supervision and its possible future direction with the current level of ... |
Rauchfuss, Samuel
Právní a ekonomické aspekty fondů kolektivního investování The diploma thesis deals with the topic of collective investment funds. It contains an insight into the historical development of investing in funds, and especially in the current legislation of collective investment funds. First of all, emphasis is placed on the legal and economic... |
Šindelář, Marek
Právní regulace rozpočtových výdajů This diploma thesis provides an elemental insight into the issue of legal regulation of budget expenditures. The author divided this work into four basic chapters. In the first part of the work, the author focused on the issue of budgetary law, the definition of related t... |
Kuneš, Jiří
Daňové aspekty insolvenčního řízení z pohledu insolvenčního správce a dlužníka The thesis deals with the tax aspects of insolvency proceedings from the perspective of the insolvency administrator and the debtor.In the introduction I mention the tax history. I also focus on general information about insolvency proceedings. The main chapters of the whole work f... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law
- Katedra finančního práva a národního hospodářství / Department of Financial Law and National Management