Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KAP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Stupka, Pavel
Osa Varšava-Praha-Řím? Rétorika a praxe polské, české a italské konzervativní pravice vůči EU The thesis examines the relationship of three selected conservative right-wing parties to the European Union, namely Law and Justice, the Civic Democratic Party and the Brothers of Italy. The analysis focuses on the rhetoric and political practice of the parties. The main aim of... |
Svobodová, Michaela
Frakce v rámci Republikánské strany ve Spojených státech amerických The Republican Party is one of the two major political parties in the American political system. However, there are several significant factions within the Republican Party, which also refers to itself as the GOP (Grand Old Party) among other things. Over the years, the party&... |
Bednářová, Karolína
Vliv Evropského hospodářského a sociálního výboru na legislativní proces v Evropské unii The thesis is centered aroud the European economic and social committee (EESC) and analyzes its influence on the legislative procedure in the European Union. The theses will present the inside structure of the body. We will look closer on the three groups within the Committee.... |
Vachulka, Ondřej
Ukrajina jako kandidát na vstup do Evropské unie This bachelor's thesis focuses on the topic of the potential candidateship of Ukraine to the European Union. Ukraine was unprecedently attacked by the Russian Federation in the final days of February 2022. In close succession to this attack, Ukraine signed the official accession... |
Bibko, Igor
Geopolitický význam škrtících bodů The bachelor's thesis discusses the geopolitical significance of chokepoints with a focus on the Suez Canal. Chapter 1 describes choke points in general, i.e. the concept and meaning of this term. The following sub-chapter 1.1 deals with the division of choke points with regard... |
Podrazil, Šimon
Zahraniční politika USA vůči Jihovýchodní Asii The bachelor thesis 'U.S. Foreign Policy towards Southeast Asia' explores how American foreign policy towards this region has formed and transformed since the end of the Cold War until 2022. The study analyzes how the United States responds to factors that complicate the fu... |
Růžička, Martin
Rvačka o Arktidu: analýza působení klíčových aktérů a jejich zájmů This bachelor thesis discusses the foreign policy interests of key actors in the Arctic. This region is losing its character of a zone of cooperation, which it acquired after the end of the Cold War, and is becoming an area of clash between world powers. The planting... |
Ashikhmina, Aleksandra
Geopolitika Saúdské Arábie: analýza regionální politiky lokální mocnosti The thesis focuses on the analysis of the regional power Saudi Arabia. The aim is to find out how Saudi Arabia's geography and power capabilities translate into the shape of its regional politics. The defined region of this thesis is the Persian Gulf. The period under... |
Romancov, Alexandr Gabriel
Politická geografie Číny - centrum vs. periferie This Bachelor thesis discusses the relationship between the centre and the periphery in contemporary China, according to the theory of political scientist Stein Rokkan. In addition to the theory of the centre-periphery relationship itself, the thesis also applies certain concepts from Rokkan... |
Toušek, Matěj
Protiteroristické strategie: případová studie postupů USA v zemích Blízkého východu This thesis discusses US counterterrorism strategies in the Middle East. Specifically, it discusses US counterterrorism strategies in Iraq and Syria between 2014-2017. The aim of this thesis is to map US counterterrorism strategies against the Islamic State terrorist organization. The latter ... |
Staňková, Markéta
Invaze USA na Grenadu This bachelor's thesis examines the American invasion of Grenada, focusing on its causes, execution and implications for the region. The invasion, which took place in October 1983, followed two leftist coups in Grenada that resulted in the execution of then Grenadian Prime Minister&... |
Samohejl, Adam
Lekce peloponéské války The bachelor's thesis deals with the lessons of the Peloponnesian War, which Thucydides left us in his book. The Peloponnesian War is a conflict that took place more than two thousand years ago, in which Athens and Sparta fought for the position of the strongest state... |
Vincze, David
Černá Hora a EU The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of why Montenegro has not yet been accepted into the EU. In order to find out the reason that prevents Montenegro from joining the EU, the work focuses on the political and historical development in the country. This work also... |
Preslová, Hana
Teritoria ve federální struktuře Kanady The bachelor's thesis deals with territories within the federal structure of Canada. It first focuses on the history of the Canadian federation, the federation's relationship with indigenous peoples, and its functioning. In the following chapters, the current status of individual territor... |
Sojka, Marek
Hokej jako politický nástroj Ruska po invazi na Ukrajinu The bachelor thesis deals with the use of hockey as a political tool of Russia after the invasion of Ukraine. The thesis looks for the narratives that Russian media spread through the topic of hockey and through which they try to influence the population inside Russia. |
Zach, Darek
Role Hizballáhu v řešení syrského vnitrostátního konfliktu This bachelor thesis examines the role of Hezbollah in the Syrian internal conflict that erupted in 2011. The conflict in Syria is one of the most complex and escalating conflicts of the 21st century and involves a wide range of political, social and military factors. Hez... |
Kubíková, Sára
České předsednictví v Radě EU v roce 2022 This bachelor's thesis focuses on the Czech presidency of the Council of the EU in 2022. The thesis first examines the theory of the presidency, particulary its functions - administrative, representative, negotiating, determining political priorities, defending national interests and the prin... |
Krůta, Jakub
Konflikt v Jemenu: občanská válka nebo zástupný konflikt? The bachelor's thesis focuses on analyzing the conflict in Yemen and seeks to answer the question of whether it is a civil war or a proxy conflict. Through historical analysis, examination of the participants and their motivations, and characterization of the conflict, the thes... |
Kučera, Ondřej
Dopady existence a působení Islámského státu na společnosti Blízkovýchodních států The bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis of the impact on societies in Iraq and Syria during the domination and operation of ISIS between 2015 and 2020 when ISIS experienced its greatest rise and fall. The impacts on society in the socio-cultural sector, economic sector,... |
Poryadin, Roman
Zeitenwende. Proměna německé zahraniční politiky po ruském útoku na Ukrajinu With the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, a point of no return has been reached for the long-cooling relationship between the Russian Federation and the Western world. Germany, as the core of the EU, is deeply embedded in the global trading system and... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra politologie a mezinárodních vztahů / Department of Politics and International Relations
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