Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KVD) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 101 až 120 z 166
Dolejš, Martin
Příprava komponent pro e-kurz Příklady ČPS

This bachelor work deals with the creation of components for the upcoming e-course Examples ČPS.

Tomšů, Josef
Zálohování a šifrování přenosných disků

Work should ordinary home users the most suitable offer several programs for backup and encryption přenostných discs. The work also offers tests of selected programs.

Dolejš, Martin
Příprava komponent pro e-kurz Příklady ČPS

This work deals with creating components for the upcoming e-course CPS. Components are especially, images, animations, self-tests and assignments.

Spurný, Karel
Příprava komponent pro e-kurz Příklady APS

The aim of this bachelor work was to create components for e-course for subject Analogue elements and systems. This work explains theory which is necessary for correct understand of lecture and for creating examples. These examples proves desired characteristics of the electric circuit.

Záhorová, Jana
Principy převodu textu z tištěné do digitální podoby a způsob aplikace v osobních počítačích

In my work I tried to approach the importance of digitalisation currently disassembled principles of converting text from paper to digital versions, and presented the factors that affect the quality of OCR conversion. The work includes practical demonstrations convert paper books into d...

Smutný, Lukáš
Komponenty pro výukový elektronický materiál - Komprese v oblasti počítačů

This thesis deals about compression methods that could also be used as a basis for e-learning. The first part is about a lossless methods and the second one about lossy methods.

Bucha, Pavel
Nové komponenty e-kurzu pro předmět Periferní zařízení.

This work aims to update the e-course for the subject Peripherals. The work include an analysis of the current e-course, a draft update of individual chapters and the draft of new components - study articles, images, animations, tests and self-tests. To update the current e-co...

Sudek, Matěj
Představení soutěže First Lego League

Objective of this bachelor thesis was to introduce the First Lego League competition, focusing on aspects of the year 2009. The tasks of this year's competition were analyzed and processed in a few select tasks that were completed by comparison with other selected winning ...

Hroch, Luděk
Příprava komponent pro e-kurz Konečné automaty a formální jazyky

Main goal of this bachelor thesis is designing components for Finite automata and formal languages course. These components have to demonstrate usage of finite automata in real life in an easy and interactive way. In the teoretical part are definitions of finite automata notions&#x...

Chejlava, Viktor
Problematika výuky informatiky pro seniory

The Bachelor thesis is aimed on informatics education for seniors. The teorethical part describes selected basic terms, it also solves relationship of seniors to information technologies, and it also discusses institutions dealing with education of seniors. The target of the practical part&#...

Bejček, Tomáš
Realizace průvodce hlavními funkcemi video editoru Lightworks

The main objective of this thesis was to introduce the process of working with the main functions of video editor Lightworks and implementation of guide of these main functions.

Bušfy, Jakub
Online řešení vektorových editorů a jejich možnosti

The aim of this thesis was to performance online vector editors. Describe their current situation and reveal the technological background of individual online editors to obtain an overview of how they works. The first chapter focused on a brief overview of online editors, the ...

Korel, Tomáš
Využití Linux operačních systémů ve výuce na školách

The goal of this thesis is to evaluate the possibility of using the Linux operating system and its additional software packages in the environment of contemporary Czech school as a substitute for the out-of-date Windows system, including (not exclusively) Windows XP and/or Windows&...

Kryl, Milan
Možnosti využití programu Scratch

Bachelor's thesis describes the possibilities of using the program Scratch. Describes the Scratch programming environment, history of development and user community. The aim was to develop a set of practical examples demonstrating the possibility of using and creating animations that demonstr...

Krblichová, Lenka
Příprava komponent pro e-kurz Programování 2

Bachelor thesis introduces advanced techniques in programming, dynamic data types and history of the integrated development environment Delphi. The aim of this thesis was creation an appropriate set of examples for subject Programming 2 and animations, which shows integrated development environme...

Kozák, Peter
Chladicí systémy počítačů

The main topic of this thesis is computer cooling. This document describes the reasons why cooling is necessary, which components are most heated and way how to cool them down. There are also analyzed different types of computer coolers. Practical part of thesis compares sever...

Holub, Tomáš
Projekty pro podporu výuky informatiky na SŠ

This thesis is divided into 4 parts. The first part explained what Project-based Learning is and we said its positives and negatives. In the second part we evaluated Czech and foreign websites which are specialized on PBL. We described one of their projects and rated it.&...

Janák, Jan
Tablet, smartphone, iPad ve školním prostředí

The aim of this Bachelor thesis was to find out, whether implementation of modern technologies, as such tablets, into the educational process seem to be beneficial; whether the teachers are able to use tablets and students are interested in using them for educational purposes.

Kubeček, Petr
Výchovně vzdělávací programy pro děti předškolního věku na tablet PC

The bachelor thesis deals with the use of tutorials on the Tablet PC in nursery schools.

Marton, Vojtěch
Tvorba sady příkladů pro předmět Programování 2

This bachelor's thesis should serve as a learing material for a students, who are interested in Integrated Development Environment Embarcadero Delphi. Student learns how to work with the projekt, use the tools of Delphi and work with components and with their attributes. Furthermore...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 101 až 120 z 166