Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KVD) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 121 až 140 z 166
Hývlová, Tereza
Využití e-learningu ve vzdělávání úředníků samosprávy ČR

The bachelor thesis deals with e-learning. In the theoretical part explaining the basic concepts of e-learning and its use in other forms of education, the history of e-learning and its advantages and disadvantages. In this work I describe Education officials under the law. T...

Hegnerová, Kateřina
Využití nových možností návrhu webových stránek pomocí HTML 5 v praxi

The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is briefly and clearly introduces the new HTML5 language specification. The work is a component of which is language enriched. The performance is realized by a more detailed presentation of each of them. From the previous chapter were ...

Vaník, Michael
Návrh a realizace šablon v redakčním systému Joomla

The bachelor thesis is devoted to content management systems, particular the system Joomla. This is the description of the basic parts, uses and how to install. A significant part of the work includes instructions how to create a custom template. There are specific steps reali...

Franců, Tomáš
Kyberšikana na základních školách

This bachelor work deals with cyberbullying at basic schools and problems connected with it. Possible causes of origin of cyberbyllying at basic schools were analyzed on the basis of description of particular situations. In this work there were explained the consequences and meaning...

Zeman, Martin
Komponenty pro e-kurz Příklady TCHP1

The bachelor thesis focus on creating components for e-rate Technology Computers 1. I focused mainly on the creation of appropriate exercises, animations and self-test.

Přibylová, Tereza
Příprava komponent pro e-kurz Inkscape

The bachelor thesis on the topic Preparation of components for e-course Inkscape should serve as teaching aid for students who want to acquaint with the vector graphic editor Inkscape. The first chapter deals with a history and development of the program. The second chapter in...

Ambros, Martin
Využití ovládání počítače pomocí technologie biofeedback

Aim of this work is to evaluate and compare existing computer control to control that provides biofeedback technology. Another important goal is to determine whether biofeedback technology has the potential to replace existing computer control. The means to achieve the aim of my wo...

Podzimek, Vojtěch
Realizace jednoduchého blokově orientovaného simulačního programu

The main goal of this bachelor thesis was to implement a simple simulation application. This application must meet several parameters. Firstly, the application must be block-oriented and must perform the function of SIPRO program in the scope of Control and Simulation class at KVD....

Ráž, Jiří
Práce s daty v databázi MS Access

The aim of this bachelor thesis was to create a manual for well-structured database and then apply to the sample database. The thesis contains information about creation a properties of tables, queries, forms and reports their setting up and using. In this sample databa...

Lomička, Zdeněk
Koncept ECDL a jeho uplatnění jako dokladu počítačové gramotnosti v samosprávě v Plzeňském kraji

This bachelor thesis describes the use of the ECDL concept as proof of computer literacy within the local government in the Pilsner Region. It is divided into five main parts. The first section discusses the first use and development of the understanding the term "compute...

Bauerová, Aneta
OpenXML dokument MS Excelu 2010 a jeho vnitřní struktura

The work contains a synoptical preview into the structure and major elements Office OpenXML document for MS Excel 2010 and basic rules for writing XML code.

Loučka, Karel
Současné možnosti v pořizování a zpracování produktových fotografií

This Barchelor's Thesis is about to clarify and explore the options of taking and proceeding the product photography. From the roots and history of pictures being captured, till the present time and technology of digital photography. Terms such as an exposure, photo resolution ...

Nejdl, Jakub
Objektová paradigmata programovacího jazyka Java

This bachelor thesis presents basic paradigms OOP (Object-oriented programming) in Java. In the teoretical part are defined basic paradigms. In the practical part are samples of source code with screenshots from the IDE (Integrated Development environement) BlueJ. OOP is popular type of ...

Spurný, Karel
Příprava komponent pro e-kurz Příklady APS

The aim of this bachelor work was to create components for e-course for subject Analogue elements and systems. This work explains theory which is necessary for correct understand of lecture and for creating examples. These examples proves desired characteristics of the electric circuit.

Hostovský, Tomáš
Komponenty pro e-kurz Technika počítačů 1

The bachelor's final project is devided into six chapters. The first charter handles theoretical part of the animation. The second chapter deals with the theoretical part of the computer program Adobe Flash in which I created the functional animation . The third chapter refers&...

Cagáň, Michal
Autentizační principy a metody v počítačových sítích

Description of the basic principles and rules of authentication in computer networks. Characterization of principle in eDirectory authentication. Characterization of authentication systems in network OS MS Server 2008 and Linux OS. Kerberos authentication system - a description of a practical rea...

Ondrejčík, Jakub
Projekty pro podporu výuky informatiky na ZŠ

This thesis describes definition of a term Project-Based Learning and its key elements. It includes rating of Czech and foreign websites that are focused on PBL and contain projects for ICT classes at Elementary school level. In this thesis, we rate schools according to their&...

Heidenreich, Filip
Problematika optimalizace pro internetové vyhledávání

Theme of this bachelor?s thesis is the SEO ? Search Engine Optimization. Author of this thesis explains the basics of it and its use in practice. He describes a history of the SEO and the Black Hat Techniques, which are penalized by the search engines. The part ...

Roubalová, Monika
Elektronické zpracování archiválií

In this thesis we encounter terms that are connected with records and work with records. The thesis is divided into individual chapters describing starting of archives, basic terms, life cycle of documents, archive activities, the term record and division of records. Archive Law is...

Tomanová, Marie
Správa fotografií v aplikacích Adobe, Zoner a Picasa

This bachelor thesis presents three different photo manager programs. These selected programs are Zoner Photo Studio 15 PRO, Adobe Photoshop Bridge CS5 and Picasa 3. The aim of this thesis is the introduction with the selected programs. The emphasis is placed especially on the ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 121 až 140 z 166