Rigorózní práce / Rigorous theses (KTR) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Gardavský, Martin
Zkoušky spolehlivosti a trestní řízení This thesis deals with the institute of integrity tests conducted by the Inspectorate General of Security Forces (hereinafter referred to as "GIBS") in the Czech Republic and their potential use in criminal proceedings. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the integrity te... |
Mifek, Jan
Mravnostní kriminalita páchaná mladistvými pachateli a její vyšetřování The work focuses mainly on a specific type of crime, morality crime, which is committed by juvenile offenders. This specific type of criminality is investigated through analysis and subsequent synthesis. A specific methodology for investigating this morality crime perpetrated by juvenile off... |
Vašíčková, Nela
Vybrané otázky trestní odpovědnosti sportovců za sportovní úrazy Presented rigorous thesis comprehensively deals with issues of criminal liability in sports, considering the expert literature, current legislation and uses current case law. After general delimiting relationship sport and law is thesis engaged in general aspects of resposibility form sport injur... |
Slámová, Martina
Zvlášť zranitelné oběti Act No. 45/2013 Coll., on Victims of Crime and on Amendments to Certain Acts (the Victims of Crime Act) introduced a relatively new privileged sub-category of general victims - particularly vulnerable victims of crime, to whom it grants specific rights and thus significantly s... |
Svrček, Jan
Trestněprávní a kriminalistické aspekty trestných činů v dopravě (se zaměřením návykových látek) This thesis deals with the topic of traffic offenses and is focused purely on road traffic. One of the main goals is to provide a detailed description of traffic offenses and to depict each crime with its unique attributes. This thesis also deals with the topic of... |
Kutílková, Eva
Subsidiární úloha trestní represe a trestní právo jako prostředek "ultima ratio" v českém trestním právu The topic of the thesis deals with the principle of subsidiarity of criminal repression and the resulting principle of criminal law as a means of ultima ratio in Czech criminal law. It describes their historical development in Czech criminal law up to the current legislative... |
Elasheg, Johana Sofia
Eutanázie, asistovaná sebevražda a související trestné činy proti životu The rigorous thesis deals with the topic of euthanasia, assisted suicide and related crimes against life. It is divided into individual chapters of which the first six chapters concern the question of euthanasia and assisted suicide. In this part of the thesis I dealt with... |
Kocík, Milan
Kriminalita osob vykonávajících trest odnětí svobody After a short historical insight, the presented rigorous thesis deals with the topic of criminality of imprisoned persons, which has not been covered by the literature so far. The greater part of the thesis contains a phenomenological treatment of the crime of imprisoned persons,... |
Karvánková, Radka
Odklony v trestním řízení proti právnickým osobám The author presents her thoughts on the not very often topic of diversions in criminal proceedings against legal entities. Compared to diversions against natural persons in criminal proceedings, diversions against legal persons are significantly more difficult. The main goal of this thesis... |
Henzelová, Veronika
Trestněprávní aspekty organizovaného zločinu The topic of the thesis is the legal regulation of instruments for combating organised crime. The goal of the thesis is a description of the actual legal regulation, evaluation of efficiency of this regulations and defining its limitations. I define the offences of organised c... |
Jeřábková, Barbora
Postavení státního zástupce v přípravném řízení trestním The aim of this rigorous work is to provide a comprehensive overview of the activities of the public prosecutor in the pre-trial criminal proceedings. The introductory chapters deal with the historical development of the public prosecution, the institution of the public prosecutor's ... |
Šauer, Jakub
Poškozený v trestním řízení v praxi This Rigorous work is devoted to the analysis of the procedural rights and protection afforded to the injured party in criminal proceedings. This Rigorous work is divided into sixteen chapters and two main parts. The first theoretical part of this rigorous work is focuses on... |
Grosová, Jana
Právní a krimimologické aspekty drogové kriminality v ČR The rigorous thesis "Legal and criminological aspects of drug crime in the Czech Republic" comprehensively deals with the topic of drug crime in the Czech Republic and points to related issues. Rigorous work solves selected shortcomings of this issue and proposes a solution... |
Vrbata, Martin
Pověřené orgány vojenské policie v trestním řízení Rigorous work is devoted to the history, organisation and remit of the Military Police under current legislation, as a specific police force under the authority of the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic. It also focuses on the selected issue of pre-trial criminal procee... |
Hodr, Milan
Přípravné řízení ve věcech daňových trestných činů This rigorous thesis deals with the topic of tax crimes, their detection and the fight against them. The aim is to comprehensively analyse the current legislation in the Czech Republic, both in terms of individual types of tax crimes and from a general point of view, ... |
Neymon, Radek
Metodika a vyšetřování válečných zločinů The main aim of this work is to systematically, structurally and comprehensively describe the basic methodology of war crimes investigation. The work also contains specific war crimes, their brief analysis and specific case law. The work is further focused on the definition of war,... |
Zárubová, Eliška
Metodika vyšetřování trestné činnosti mládeže - trestněprávní a kriminalistické aspekty This thesis is a summarizing material related to the youth crime. This thesis focuses mainly on the person of an offender, detailed comparison with Slovak legislation, analysis of educational and protective measures that are imposed on youth people and measures imposed on children. ... |
Veselá, Anna
Trestněprávní aspekty domácího násilí This thesis is focused on the issue of domestic violence and its crime aspects. Domestic violence is a serious social phenomenon, which was overlooked in the past. Domestic violence was considered as pure "private matter" to which state power couldn't interfere. Over the... |
Frantová, Zuzana
Vazba v českém trestním právu The topic of this thesis is Detention in the Czech Criminal Procedure Code. The current Criminal Procedure Law no. 141 dates back to the 1961 Criminal Codex and was amended hundred times since then. Detention represents a very serious interference with the constitutionally and ... |
Ježek, Robert
Spolupracující obviněný The rigorosum thesis deals with the legal regulation of the institute of cooperating defendant, which is in the Czech legal order contained in the § 178a of the Code of Criminal Procedure and related provisions of the Criminal Code. The aim of the thesis is to analyz... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law
- Katedra trestního práva / Department of Criminal Law