Články / Articles (KMO) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Eger, Ludvík
Prášilová, Michaela
The relation between school culture sub-categories and expected results of learning process The aim of the research was to find out what factors of school culture affect the expected results of teaching and learning processes in basic schools. The research evaluated current and desired school culture in selected basic schools to identify culture gaps. Research using ... |
Scholz, Petr
Janeček, Petr
Linderová, Ivica
Applying environmental measures as part of social responsibility: Case of Czech Hotel Chain The objective of this research article is to analyze the application of environmental measures at accommodation facilities in a selected hotel chain in the Czech Republic. The primary research was carried out between February and April 2018. The data were obtained through a questio... |
Eger, Ludvík
Egerová, Dana
Mičík, Michal
Varga, Erika
Czeglédi, Csilla
Tomczyk, Lukasz
Sládkayová, Michaela
Trust Building and Fake News on Social Media from the Perspective of University Students from Four Visegrad Countries There is an important need in the literature to explore the effects of social media use on young people’s behaviour. The main purpose of this research is to explore which factors of users´ gratifications are associated with using social media by university students from four... |
Hommerová, Dita
Fiala, Michal
Využívání nástrojů mobilního marketingu u cestovních kanceláří v ČR This paper deals with the potential for use of mobile marketing and its instruments at tour operators in the Czech Republic. The aim of this work was to become familiar with the modern instruments of mobile marketing and analyze the current state of usage of this typ... |
Eger, Ludvík
Suchánek, Petr
Face-to-Face and electronic communication with customers in retailing and company performance: A case study in the retail industry in the Czech Republic Customers today can find the same assortments in a number of retail stores and through the Internet, thus effective store management has become a critical basis for developing strategic advantages. The aim of this research is to identify whether customer satisfaction measured by me... |
Eger, Ludvík
Tomczyk, Lukasz
Klement, Milan
Pisoňová, Mária
Petrová, Gabriela
How do first year university students use ICT in their leisure time and for learning purposes? This study advances our understanding of the current use of social media and mobile devices by first year university students. This research sought to explore the influence of the use of social networks and new mobile devices by students for learning purposes. Data were collec... |
Štumpf, Petr
Vojtko, Viktor
Janeček, Petr
Do European tourists intend to revisit the same countries? Effect of satisfaction in European Union destinations A high level of tourist satisfaction is one of the most common goals of sustainable tourist destinations. The general assumption is that a higher level of tourist satisfaction leads to higher tourist loyalty to destinations and, furthermore, increases revisits. This paper examines the... |
Hommerová, Dita
Šrédl, Karel
Dbalá, Kristýna
Analysis of the awareness and popularity of the brand of a selected education and research library in the Czech Republic: A Case Study This article aims to show the significance of branding in achieving set marketing goals and ensuring the sustainable development of a selected education and research library as a non-profit organization. The research is based on available data from foreign research studies concerning th... |
Eger, Ludvík
Suchánek, Petr
Face-to-face and electronic communication with customers in retailing and company performance: a case study in the electronics and communication equipment retail industry in the Czech republic Customers today can find the same assortments in a number of retail stores and through the Internet, thus effective store management has become a critical basis for developing strategic advantages. The aim of this research is to identify whether customer satisfaction measured by me... |
Kupec, Michael
Using the concept of diversity in personalization of the internet on the labour market The paper looks into personalization of the internet and the concept of diversity, their intersections and use on labour markets by public administration bodies and private entities. It presents a basic overview of the current state of interactions between the concepts of diversity,... |
Hommerová, Dita
Fiala, Michal
Využívání nástrojů mobilního marketingu u cestovních kanceláří v ČR This paper deals with the potential for use of mobile marketing and its instruments at tour operators in the Czech Republic. The aim of this work was to become familiar with the modern instruments of mobile marketing and analyze the current state of usage of this typ... |
Tomczyk, Lukasz
Eger, Ludvík
Online safety as a new component of digital literacy for young people Introduction. Digital literacy refers to the skills required to achieve digital competence, the confident and critical use of information and communication technology for learning, leisure, communication and future work of young people. Digital competence has a dual nature. First of all, it&... |
Segerer, Matthias
Hommerová, Dita
Šrédl, Karel
Why do Czech Customers Come to Upper Palatinate? Motives, Sales Volume and the Importance of Distance – A Case Study of Shopping in Bavaria This case study investigates the cross-border shopping behavior and potential of Czech customers in Upper Palatinate (Bavaria). Based on a POS and two household surveys with more than 500 participants, the expenditures of Czech customers in the retail market in Upper Palatinate are ... |
Kostovčík, Tibor
Šrédl, Karel
Hommerová, Dita
Competition in the Sparkling Wine Market in the Czech Republic |
Hommerová, Dita
Ohlédnutí za konferencí XB-CON |
Janeček, Petr
Motives and Barriers for Cooperation in Tourism Destination: Case of Pilsen Region Current situation in competitiveness in tourism is influenced by impacts of strong global competition. Small and Medium Enterprises could use cooperation as a tool how to succeed on the market. There are many of strategies of cooperation, e.g. strategic alliance, cluster, joint venture&... |
Turnšek, Maja
Janeček, Petr
“America First, the Netherlands Second” on YouTube: “spoofing” destination marketing with political satire This study attempts to provide initial tentative insights into the audience reception of intertwining political satire and destination marketing imagery by analysing the “America First, the Netherlands Second” video and a student sample audience response. In 2017, a series of YouTube videos&... |
Eger, Ludvík
Sládkayová, Michaela
Regional governments in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and communication with the public using social media The two past decades have seen changes in communication between regional government and the public. Namely, the new Y and Z generations are skilled in ICT use and accustomed to immediate access to information using Internet. They also expect not only information but also inter... |
Eger, Ludvík
Aplikace teorie užití a uspokojení, sociální média a značky na sociálních sítích Firms and their brands increasingly interact with their audience also on social media. Brand fan pages on social networks or online brand communities have become very popular online services. By creating brand communities in social media, such as Facebook brand pages, firms deliver ... |
Jánská, Veronika
Mičík, Michal
Bezpečnost na sociálních sítích Social media provide many benefits to its users, but with their use, people also face many risks. In this paper, the authors focus on these risks and, using two methods, a questionnaire survey and a focus group, research of the target group is conducted. The aim of... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy
- Katedra marketingu, obchodu a služeb / Department of Marketing, Trade and Services