Kochová, Eliška
Hommerová, Dita
Strategické marketingové plánování Chrámu chmele a piva The article draws attention to the importance of marketing communication of non-profit organizations and is an example from practice of the strategic concept of marketing mix tools. It deals with the creation of a strategic marketing plan for the non-profit organization Hop and Bee... |
Krejčová, Zdeňka
Eger, Ludvík
Výzkum obsahu inzerce pracovních nabídek v síti LinkedIn: případová studie z bankovnictví v České republice Social media is an increasingly used communication channel also in the field of HR management and especial of recruitment. The conducted research is focused on the use of the LinkedIn for personal marketing and recruitment in selected banks in the Czech Republic. The ai... |
Sadílek, Tomáš
Kunešová, Hana
Cimler, Petr
Sustainability and the development trends of rural retail business in the Czech Republic The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors that influence the sustainability of rural grocery stores and to assess the effects of the ongoing consolidation and spatial concentration in rural grocery stores on the accessibility of rural grocery stores in the Czech Rep... |
Eger, Ludvík
Egerová, Dana
The Relation Between Leadership and Expected Results from the Educational Process Within School Culture School culture is a multifaceted concept, composed of different dimensions. The present research explored relations between selected dimensions, namely between the dimension focused on shared objectives, trust in school leadership, and on managerial approach and the important dimension focused on ... |
Tlučhoř, Jan
Přibáň, Pavel
Gangur, Mikuláš
Ircingová, Jarmila
Jakubíková, Dagmar
Janeček, Petr
Maříková, Hana
Štumpf, Petr
Vnímání města v kontextu historické památky na příkladu chebských krovů The paper deals with the perception and image of the town Cheb in the context of historical heritage. Since 2017, the town has been running a tour of historic trusses. The aim of the research was to determine the influence of this activity on the image of the... |
Turchyn, Liuba
Kunešová, Hana
E-commerce as a modern paradigm of formation and use of marketing tools E-commerce is a big part of the economy and is extremely important for businesses that sell their products or services online. Thanks to e-commerce, businesses have the opportunity to reach more customers, because, due to the current global economic challenges, quite a lot of ... |
Turchyn, Liuba
Kunešová, Hana
E-commerce as a modern paradigm of formation and use of marketing tools E-commerce is a big part of the economy and is extremely important for businesses that sell their products or services online. Thanks to e-commerce, businesses have the opportunity to reach more customers, because, due to the current global economic challenges, quite a lot... |
Tlučhoř, Jan
Přibáň, Pavel
Gangur, Mikuláš
Ircingová, Jarmila
Dagmar, Jakubíková
Janeček, Petr
Maříková, Hana
Štumpf, Petr
Vnímání města v kontextu historické památky na příkladu chebských krovů The paper deals with the perception and image of the town Cheb in the context of historical heritage. Since 2017, the town has been running a tour of historic trusses. The aim of the research was to determine the influence of this activity on the image of... |
Eger, Ludvík
The demands on competencies for digital transformation and the perception of business students Digital transformation is just as much about people as it is about technology. Little research has been done on the gap between the competencies required in research surveys and business students' points of view. This research explores business university students' perception of ... |
Savov, Radovan
Kozáková, Jana
Tlučhoř, Jan
Talent Retention in Slovak Companies: Explorative Study People and especially talented individuals are of remarkable interest for many academics in research (Collings et al., 2019; Meyers et al., 2013; Krishnan & Scullion, 2017). The reason is very simple. Human resources are the most valuable resource a company should have. People ... |
Herzner, Alexander
Hommerová, Dita
Multi-Dimensional Assessment of a Bavarian and Czech University: A Case Study of Sustainability Implementation Evaluating the effectiveness of sustainability implementation at Higher Education Institutions is still challenging, due to less multi-dimensional approaches. Purpose is to present a new assessment - Sustainable Maturity model (SuMa model) for evaluating the implementation of sustainability at two uni... |
Scholz, Petr
Linderová, Ivica
Janeček, Petr
Hotel Guest Satisfaction and Service Quality: Evidence from Czech Safari Hotel The development of accommodation facilities is currently (especially in the COVID-19 pandemic) accompanied by a growth in guests’ emphasis on the quality and structure of additional services. Guest satisfaction with services in tourism is thus one of the important factors affecting the ... |
Kupec, Michael
Jakubíková, Dagmar
Kupec, Václav
Web Personalization And Artificial Intelligence As Tools For Marketing Communications Market relationships have undergone profound changes in the past two decades, which have been accelerated by the crisis of the global pandemic. This has led to a fundamental transformation in the communications not only of businesses but also of governments, organizations, and communiti... |
Janeček, Petr
Jakubíková, Dagmar
Postoje Čechů k lázeňství během pandemie onemocnění COVID-19 The spa industry is historically a very important part of the Czech economy. It is very deeply connected to a healthy system, but also to the tourism industry. No matter where the spa is included, it needs to be seen as a very important part of the region. ... |
Eger, Ludvík
Komárková, Lenka
Egerová, Dana
Mičík, Michal
The effect of COVID-19 on consumer shopping behaviour: Generational cohort perspective The purpose of this research is to contribute to an understanding of the trends and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on consumer buying behaviour. The results document changes in consumer behaviour patterns that came to dominate at the start of the second wave of the COVI... |
Reifová, Jana
Eger, Ludvík
Evaluace komunikace vybraných kosmetických značek na sociálních médiích The conducted research is focused on the evaluation of the communication of selected Czech cosmetic brands on social media. Social media have become a widely used communication tool in recent years and people are spending more and more time on the Internet. Companies tr... |
Egerová, Dana
Kutlák, Jiří
Eger, Ludvík
Millennial Job Seekers´ Expectations: How do Companies Respond? This study explores the expectations that Millennial job seekers have regarding their future employment as the economic situation changes. This study also explores to what extent companies in Czech Republic respond to these expectations. The theoretical framework guiding this study is the... |
Eger, Ludvík
Komárková, Lenka
Zákružná, Veronika
Perceptions of personalization in company-consumer interactions on social network: experiment conducted in the Czech republic Social media has revolutionized the way in which organizations communicate with their customers and stakeholders. Therefore, understanding the characteristics that influence the interactivity and the relationship between an organization and its page visitors is essential for the capability of an ... |
Mičík, Michal
Kunešová, Hana
Using an eye tracker to optimise career websites as a communication channel with Generation Y SciPy is an open-source scientific computing library for the Python programming language. Since its initial release in2001, SciPy has become a de facto standard for leveraging scientific algorithms in Python, with over 600 unique code contributors, thousands of dependent packages, over 100,0... |
Hommerová, Dita
Šrédl, Karel
Vrbková, Lucie
Svoboda, Roman
The Perception of CSR Activities in a Selected Segment of McDonald’s Customers in the Czech Republic and Its Effect on Their Purchasing Behavior - A Case Study This case study presents the results of research which focused on the perception of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities by customers in a target segment of a selected fast-food chain in Czechia and its impact on their purchasing behavior. A total of 264 duly compl... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy
- Katedra marketingu, obchodu a služeb / Department of Marketing, Trade and Services