Katedra právních dějin / Department of Legal History

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Poslední příspěvky

Valentová, Vendulka
Studium práv a profesní uplatnění žen ve vybraných státech Evropy a USA od konce 19. století do 30. let 20. století

Women have generally been permitted to study law properly at university since the late 19th century. The first country to allow women to study at university level was the United States of America. In Europe, it has been possible for women to study law at the universi...

Valentová, Vendulka
Právní úprava národní správy v roce 1945 a její odraz v národní správě Škodových závodů v Plzni v letech 1945 – 1946

The presented article deals with the issue of the functioning of the national administration in the Škoda plants in Pilsen in the years 1945-1946, in connection with its legal regulation. This new legal institute was introduced by Decree of the President of the Republic No.&#x...

Hrdina, Antonín
Vybrané právní aspekty instituce trvalého jáhenství

In the fi rst chapter of his article, the author maps the development of the permanent diaconate since the apostolic times diff erently in the Eastern Churches and in the Western Church. The excursion deals with the issue of female deacons in the Catholic Church. The ...

Balík, Stanislav
Výkon rozhodnutí a exekuce v letech 1948-1989

The article is about the development of legislation on judicial enforcement of a decision between the years 1948–1989. Time periods of the development of the legislation on executions and judicial enforcement of a decision between the years 1948–1989 can be determined by the legal&...

Karel, Tomáš , Knoll, Vilém
Hrady na Chebsku jako reprezentanti moci

The Cheb region belongs to the historical areas which are distinctly and morphologically determined. It is, due to its complicated historical development, a suitable area to demonstrate links between settlements and landscape, respectively to observe the variations of symbolism created...