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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 61 až 80 z 123
Fránová, Radka , Hanzelínová, Lada
Pomocné mezinárodní jazyky

The main goal of this study is to explain the historical context of origins and the place of international auxiliary languages among planned, perfect, philosophical, artificial, a priori, created, world, universal, and vehicular (contact) languages. Our contribution shows that although historical...

Bílková, Jitka
Téma Hirošimy a Nagasaki v literatuře

Following text focuses on the literary adaptation of one event of the World War II, that is the atomic bomb literature and its taxonomy. The goal of this text is to present a variability of the topics accented in literature and views on the atomic bomb attack on...

Vozková, Kristýna
Koncepce poetického rozumu v kontextu filosofického myšlení Maríi Zambrano†

The submitted thesis discuss philosophical thinking of María Zambrano. María Zambrano represents an original philosophical system and terminology. A very significant part of her philosophy is the so called poetic reason concept ( la razón poética). This concept is – besides Gasset’s vit...

Balcarová, Kateřina
DEUZE, Mark (2015): Media Life. Život v médiích. Praha: Karolinum.

Murgaš, Jaromír
Výukový experiment k myšlenkovým dovednostem studentů vysokých škol a role proto-filosofické výuky pro kulturu jejich myšlení

A pedagogical experiment, which I describe in this text and whose partial yet considerably significant outcomes I present, revealed a number of problems considering how students are able to deal with a philosophical example (or rather a sophism), though at a simple lev...

Kastnerová, Martina
Sidney, Spenser, Puttenham: tři typy alžbětinské poetiky a utváření profesní a národní identity prostřednictvím pozeie

The study deals with the main tenets of the Elizabethan Poetics, as 1) the concept of poesy as creating fictional worlds and the concept of poet as a “maker”, 2) moral and social role of poetry and the concept of “doctrine by ensample”, 3) unity of poetic...

Sloup, Ondřej
Kritické zhodnocení Popperova řešení problému indukce

Is there any kind of justification for a belief that the future will be largely like the past? In the eighteenth century David Hume formulated the problem of induction in a similar spirit, and his version is now conventional. Even two hun- dred and...

Chalupská, Martina
Whiteheadův imaginativní skok aneb hledání nejvyšších metafyzických principů

This study focuses on the origins of A. N. Whitehead’s metaphysical thought. First, the basic features of Whitehead’s pan-physics project and its differences from the metaphysical synthesis are described. It is shown what pos- sible motives led Whitehead to the const...

Jirák, Petr
LIESSMANN, Konrad Paul (2013): Filosofie zakázaného vědění. Praha: Academia.

Léblová, Marta
Většina z nás "v něco" přece jen věří. Rozhovor se Zdeňkem Vojtíškem

Demjančuková, Dagmar
Hans Küng: Po stopách světových náboženství

Léblová, Marta
20. století starokatolické církve ve Varnsdorfu

Vojtíšek, Zdeněk
Proces denominalizace. Příklad mormonů

In this article the process of denominalization (reduction of tension between the main society and the new religious society) is described. As an illustrative example the Mormon Church and its development were used.

Léblová, Marta
První vatikánský koncil

In years 1869-1870 the First Vatican Council took place. In that article is shortly described the situation in the Catholic Church before that council. Furthermore the course and results of this council and the birth of Old Catholic Church are described.

Hásová, Veronika , Váně, Jan
Pojetí džihádu v Lidových novinách a Právu v letech 2001–2011

Dach, Stefanie
The Pittsburgh School of Philosophy – Sellars, McDowell, Brandom

Suchánek, Drahomír
Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro – der exkludierte Papst

Suchánek, Drahomír
Historical and Legal Milestones of Medieval Papal Elections

Suchánek, Drahomír
Papal Designation

Tošner, Michal
E. W. Said. 2008. Orientalismus: západní koncepce Orientu

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 61 až 80 z 123