Konferenční příspěvky / Conference papers (KTO) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Maršálek, Ondřej
Horák, Lukáš
Syrovátka, Šimon
Zatloukal, Tomáš
Innovation in the problematics of turning with a linear cutting edge Thermal spray technology is a developing trend in the surface treatment of workpieces. This makes it possible to produce a very hard, abrasion-resistant, and corrosion-resistant surface while maintaining a tenacious core. There are several &#x... |
Bícová, Kateřina
Tomášková, Tetjana
Effect of cutting liquids and oils in machining process on environmental Sustainability is an urgent social development task that is increasingly coming into the limelight. The United Nation’s Brundtland Commission Report of 1987 concluded that humanity could make development sustainable if it meets “the needs of the present without compromising the ability of&#x... |
Lukáš, Adam
Sýkora, Jindřich
Comparison of optimized and conventional cooling when turning stainless steel Stainless steels are materials whose consumption increases constantly. However, their machining can be problematic. A cutting tool is under higher mechanical and thermal stress than in the case of carbon steels, thereby rapid tool wear can occur. To avoid this, cutting speeds are o... |
Kašová, Kateřina
Skřivanová, Nikola
Risk management during a process of designing a technical product This paper focuses on an application of risk management in a process of creating technical solutions on a specific case study. The case study will deal with manufacturing of a medical equipment made of unconventional materials, specifically ... |
Sýkora, Jindřich
Syrovátka, Šimon
Influence of tool geometry on the process of turning TI-6AL-4V Titanium alloys are widely used in the aerospace and medical industry and these industries generally require parts of high precision and good surface finish. The ratio between Young's modulus of elasticity and the ultimate tensile strength of ... |
Povolný, Michal
Kroft, Luboš
Sýkora, Jindřich
Vibration measurement during milling by acoustic emission Production processes are nowadays very much challenged by the continuous improvement of productivity, the reduction of energy and ecological burden and the pursuit of the highest possible economy of the whole process in general. In order &... |
Skřivanová, Nikola
Melichar, Martin
Kašová, Kateřina
Analysis of clamping optimization for HFM connector during measurement This paper focuses on the quantification of the influence and optimization of HFM connector clamping in the evaluation of the concentricity of internal contact against the external rosette in the automotive industry. It is related to the article Analysis of clamping effect in HFM&#... |
Zatloukal, Tomáš
Application of linear cutting edge technoligy for machining NiCrBSi thermal spray New trends in the field of mechanical engineering place ever greater demands on the properties of machine components, especially in the field of material engineering. With this fact, the application of special types of applications... |
Skřivanová, Nikola
Melichar, Martin
Kašová, Kateřina
Analysis of clamping effect in HMF connector measurement This paper focuses on the influence of HFM connector clamping quantification in evaluating the concentricity of internal contact against the external rosette in Automotive. The experiment was conducted in an accredited laboratory of a &#... |
Moskovchenko, Alexey
Švantner, Michal
Muzika, Lukáš
Infrared thermographic method for depth characterization of low size/depth aspect ratio defects in metal parts Infrared thermography is a fast and illustrative nondestructive testing method, which is widely used for an inspection of metallic and non-metallic materials. Previously it was used mostly for defects indication. However, modern devices and software allow an application of a quantitative est... |
Kleefoot, Max Jonathan
Martan, Jiří
Ballardin Beltrami, Carlos
Sandherr, Jens
Honner, Milan
Ruck, Simon
Knoblauch, Volker
Riegel, Harald
Process temperature measurement during nanosecond pulse laser micromachining of Li-Ion battery electrodes Surface functionalization as well as the microstructure modification of electrodes by laser material processing has become increasingly important in recent years. Short and ultra-short pulsed lasers, which enable high-precision processing, are us... |
Vlasák, Tomáš
Neumannová, Šárka
Kec, Jan
Poloch, Adam
Černý, Ivo
Zetek, Miroslav
Vliv technologie 3D tisku na vlastnosti materiálu INC 718 3D printing technology is a modern way of producing metal parts with great potential for application in many industries. The advantage of this method is the possibility of achieving the final form and structurally complex parts without further technological operations. This paper ... |
Švantner, Milan
Honner, Milan
Potenciál využití termografie pro diagnostiku a údržbu v energetickém průmyslu Thermography is a modern diagnostics method with a significant potential for utilization in diagnostics, maintenance, monitoring, or non-destructive testing of power industry devices. The main advantages of thermography belong its non-contact and non-destructive basis, the possibility of area&... |
Monkova, Katarina
Urban, Marek
Monka, Peter Pavol
Morávka, Štefan
Božiće, Željko
Design of the levers at the development of new self-equalizing thrust bearings Plain bearings are undoubtedly one of the essential parts of turbines and compressors. However, there are many cases in which asymmetric load occurs on the bearings due to thermal deformations, production inaccuracies or a simple deflection of the shaft. The presented research deals... |
Sýkora, Jindřich
Kroft, Luboš
Additive manufacturing of indexable inserts: new possibilitiesfor more effective cooling Modern additive manufacturing (AM) processes allow us to create parts of fairly high precision and various shapes with diverse internal features. These possibilities are, for example, often used when designing the conformally cooled parts of injection moulds. However, this research is focuse... |
Povolný, Michal
Kroft, Luboš
Červený, Jakub
Optimization of aluminium optical table production Machining of aluminum optical tables is a current topic due to its relevance to laboratory research in the field of laser technology, but also in the pharmaceutical or chemical industries. The purpose of this article is to present proposals to produce aluminum optical tables u... |
Sýkora, Jindřich
Povolný, Michal
Zatloukal, Tomáš
Kroft, Luboš
Syrovátka, Šimon
STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF CUTTING TOOL GEOMETRY DURING TURNING OF SUBMILLIMETRE NICKEL PARTS The subject of this experiment was to produce parts with a specific shape and submillimetre elements. The parts represented components of commercial sparkplugs and the machined section was made of almost pure nickel. Relatively narrow required tolerance of parts (hundreds of micrometres),&#x... |
Povolný, Michal
Zatloukal, Tomáš
Řehoř, Jan
CONSTRUCTION OF TOOL FOR MACHINING HARD MATERIALS This paper is based on the knowledge gained in the field of development and construction of tools for machining very hard and difficult to machine materials based on thermal spraying (for example NiCrBSi, Fe13Cr, Stellite 6 and others) and printed materials such as Inconel 718... |
Zatloukal, Tomáš
Pokorná, Václava
Maršálek, Ondřej
Syrovátka, Šimon
ANALYSIS OF AIR VALVE ASSEMBLY TECHNOLOGY This article focuses on assembly technology, which is an important part of the production process. When assembling a new product, emphasis is placed on the expected speed of product assembly and the associated development of the training curve. The training curve is an event i... |
Melichar, Martin
Kutlwašer, Jan
Skřivanová, Nikola
ISSUE OF CRITICAL PARTS MARKING IN THE FIELD OF PRECISE METROLOGY In the field of higher quality management systems, such as automotive IATF 16949, aeronautics EN9100 or railway standards IRIS, unambiguous identification throughout the production process is one of the fundamental principles on which production philosophies are based. This paper deals with ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Katedra technologie obrábění / Department of Machining Technology