Konferenční příspěvky / Conference papers (KRO) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Fenclová, Marie
Horová, Helena
Vávra, Zdeněk
Perception-reception The paper defines the concepts of reception, perception, understanding and interpretation from the point of view of the didactics of foreign languages. |
Horová, Helena
Horová, Helena
Vávra, Zdeněk
Termín a definice v odborném funkčním stylu (pojednáno v rámci české a francouzské/frankofonní lingvistiky) The aim of our study is to define terms term and definition as the basic units of professional functional style. The aim is to define both key terms with regard to their definitions established in Czech and French / Francophone linguistic sources. The introductory part... |
Divišová, Lucie
Horová, Helena
Vávra, Zdeněk
Výzvy intertextuality This study deals with the concept of intertextuality in its limited conception (following structuralism) and the global conception, to which French literary science (J. Kristeva, R. Barthes) has made a significant contribution. This theoretical background is then applied to the empirical exp... |
Rozlozsnikova, Hana
Vliv angličtiny v komerční francouzštině – případová studie anglikanizace |
Horová, Helena
Termín a definice v odborném funkčním stylu (pojednáno v rámci české a francouzské/frankofonní lingvistiky) The aim of our study is to define terms term and definition as the basic units of professional functional style. The aim is to define both key terms with regard to their definitions established in Czech and French / Francophone linguistic sources. The introdu... |
Fenclová, Marie
Recepce – percepce – porozumění – interpretace ve vyučování cizímu jazyku The paper defines the concepts of reception, perception, understanding and interpretation from the point of view of the didactics of foreign languages. |
Divišová, Lucie
Výzvy intertextuality |
Divišová, Lucie
Lesňák, Slavomír
Vacková, Barbora
Francouzský svět Jana Patočky Merleau-Ponty and J. - P. Sartre significantly influenced Patočka's concept of asubjective phenomenology. But how do the French perceive Jan Patočka? Is their attempt to rank Patočka among other Eastern European philosophers like the Pole Czeslaw Milosz or the Hungarian István Bibó ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra románských jazyků / Department of Romance Language