Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2021 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Bártová, Markéta
Properties of PLA fibers and use of 3D printers in technical education This diploma thesis deals with the properties of PLA fibers and the use of 3D printers in technical education. The first two chapters are devoted to polylactic acid, especially its properties. Examples of the use of this polymer are also given in the work.... |
Stuchlý, Dominik
Production of educative virtual tour for primary schools The bachelor's thesis focuses on the use of virtual reality in education and the issue of creating an educational virtual tour. In recent years, the use of virtual reality technology has been increased in many areas of our society. With proper implementation, ... |
Usenkova, E.V.
Stoletovs, Nikolai Grigorievich
The use of interactive games in the prevention of dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation I.Correction The main advantage of an interactive game is visibility, perception of information by ear, the ability to simulate various situations from the environment, compose visual riddles on various topics, acquaint children with the seasons, professions, animal dwellings, ... |
Nozhnina, A.
Filatova, V.
Production of the product "sensory box" with young children with delayed psycho-speech development 1.Sensory development is an important component of corrective action. Sensory impressions can be visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory. The child compares sensory impressions with standards in the process of speech accompaniment of an adult, which helps to make sensory images&... |
Nováková, Gabriela
Drawing templates |
Dorušková, Michaela
Pilot verification of the new curriculum of the subject technology at primary schools |
Kindelmann, Tomáš
Chess table with backlit game board |
Pál, Jakub
Home automation |
Ažaltovičová, Michaela
Succession of technical education in primary and secondary school Obsah technických predmetov na základných školách je orientovaný na vnímanie praktickej stránky života a okolitého sveta, čo má za následok značný vzdelávací dosah. Umožňuje deťom, žiakom a ich rodičom správne a včas rozpoznať ich profesijnú orientáciu a tak dosiahnuť harmonický a celistvý... |
Cvíčelová, Daniela
The importance of conceptual maps in acquiring knowledge in the subject of technology In the presented diploma thesis we deal with a nonlinear way of structuring the curriculum using conceptual maps. The aim of the work is to find out to what extent concept can conceptual or mind maps help students to structure and remember the information... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
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- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Publikace FPE / Publications of FPE
- Olympiáda techniky
- 50 2021