Číslo 1 (2021) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Yakovleva, A.
Usenkova, E.V.
The use of interactive games in the prevention of dysgraphia in younger school children with mental retardation The article deals with the violation of written speech-dysgraphia, which is one of the most common speech pathologies in children with ZPR. Interactive play can become a leading method of preventing dysgraphia. The article describes the development and construction ... |
Stathopoulou, Maria V.
Gomatos, Leonidas
Classroom seating arrangement: the impact on educational choices Classroom arrangements influence the educational outcome. Architectural layouts can impede effectiveness and limit interaction. In this research, the impact of classroom settings on educational choices is examined. The setup of class seats is assessed... |
Armakolas, Stefanos
Papakonstantinou, Nikolaos
Griva, Anastasia
Krotký, Jan
Distance based laboratory specialty courses An important aspect of distance learning is considered to be the flexibility it provides, both in terms of the time, but also the place of its conduction. That freedom of choice makes it a necessity, for the educational institutions ... |
Armakolas, Stefanos
Georgiadou, Olga
Kazana, Athina
Krotký, Jan
The design and development of platforms and educational applications. New perspectives in distance education The rapid evolution of New Technologies in the first decade of the 21st century creates new data in the field of distance education, contributes to significant changes in the learning, communication, and interactive environm... |
Honzík, Lukáš
Frank, Jan
Jedno využití MS Excel ve výuce matematiky The spreadsheet MS Excel is a well-known part of MS Office. Pupils are taught to work with it in computer science lessons, and so it is not a completely strange environment for them. Besides working with cells and patterns, charting and other issues that... |
Tvarůžka, Václav
Newtonovy zákony jako příležitost pro inovaci výuky techniky a technologií The paper deals with the change of Frame Educational Programme for Secondary Schools that eliminates Newton Laws Education, Ohm ́s Law, energy change and astronomical topics out of the subject of Physics. ... |
Klement, Milan
Co se opravdu vyučuje v informatice na českých školách? Modernization of the content of education in the teaching of Informatics, respectively informatic subjects, in the conditions of Czech primary schools is a relatively widely discussed topic today, as the educational ... |
Vacíková, Iveta
Honzíková, Jarmila
Pracovní činnosti a dítě se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami na primární škole The article is focused on the education of children of younger school age in special primary schools. One of the most important areas of education for pupils with special educational needs are crafts and working activities. The... |
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