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Gkorogias, Giorgos
Zotos, Christos
Mitroulia, Maria
Armakolas, Stefanos
Distance education infrastructure policy in primary and secondary education in Greece In the present study, we investigated the infrastructures as they are presented through techniques and applied distance education programs in Greece. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that provide significant potential were studied to ... |
Slavíková, Eva
Krotký, Jan
Rozvoj algoritmického myšlení v kontextu řešení matematických úloh na 1. stupni základní školy The article introduces a pedagogical experiment which is aimed on verification of mathematical results and on confirmation of the selected strategies through algorithmic processes. The algorithmic thinking in the context of mathematical tasks ... |
Rieneslová, Denisa
Pěchoučková, Šárka
Schopnost dětí řešit různé typy labyrintů In a preschool establishment, an experiment took place with the aim to assess 5- to 6- year-olds' ability to solve different types of labyrinths. Three labyrinth types were included - a three-dimensional square multi-path labyrinth wi... |
Fadrhonc, Jan
Král, Jan
Modifikace urbanova figurálního testu tvořivého myšlení pro potřeby vyhodnocení 3D modelů vytvořených žáky ZŠ The article describes modifications of Urban's figural test of creative thinking (TSD – Z) for the needs of evaluation of first (age 6 – 11) and second (age 11 – 15) grade students in the field of spatial orientation and creativity, based on the eva... |
Moc, Pavel
Programování počítačem řízených strojů z pohledu RVP a ŠVP oday's requirements clearly indicate the need to focus on technology, machines, robotics, etc. with a focus on their control. There is space for machine programming, this activity connects several educational areas. Above all, it is a... |
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