Katedra psychologie / Department of Psychology
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Poslední příspěvky
Pelešková, Dominika
Profesní kompetence učitele v MŠ pro zvládání projevů poruch afektů u dětí This bachelor thesis focuses on the professional competences of kindergarten teachers in managing manifestations of affect disorders in children. The theoretical part describes the professional competences of the teacher and the parts of the RVP PV that are related to children... |
Maňáková, Vendula
Přechodový objekt v mateřských školách This bachelor thesis explores the theme of transitional objects in preschool children. The theoretical part describes the transitional objects of children, the emotional bond between a child and their primary caretaker and finally the specifics of the role of teachers in preschool educa... |
Šidlovská, Šárka
Vzdělávací intervence v mateřských školách se zaměřením na epilepsii In the theoretical part of the thesis, based on the study of literature, it was stated that the issue effective educational interventions contributing to the increase of knowledge and the reduction of Stigmatization in relation to epilepsy in children in kindergartens is und... |
Pazdziorová, Karolína
Komplexní podpora dětí s poruchami chování ve vybraném dětském domově se školou The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of supporting children with behavioral disorders in the selected children's azylum home with school, from the point of view of teachers, educators and etopedists. The theoretical part is dedicated to defining what are behavioral disorders,... |
Hübnerová, Terezie
Techniky pozitivní psychologie a mindfulness na 1.stupni ZŠ The thesis on "Positive Psychology and Mindfulness Techniques at Primary school" is aimed at mapping the overview of primary teachers in the techniques, topics and importance of positive psychology and mindfulness. The theoretical section includes setting positive psychology and ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- 377 bakalářská práce
- 238 diplomová práce
- 96 2020 - 2024
- 519 2012 - 2019