Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KPS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Pelešková, Dominika
Profesní kompetence učitele v MŠ pro zvládání projevů poruch afektů u dětí This bachelor thesis focuses on the professional competences of kindergarten teachers in managing manifestations of affect disorders in children. The theoretical part describes the professional competences of the teacher and the parts of the RVP PV that are related to children... |
Maňáková, Vendula
Přechodový objekt v mateřských školách This bachelor thesis explores the theme of transitional objects in preschool children. The theoretical part describes the transitional objects of children, the emotional bond between a child and their primary caretaker and finally the specifics of the role of teachers in preschool educa... |
Šidlovská, Šárka
Vzdělávací intervence v mateřských školách se zaměřením na epilepsii In the theoretical part of the thesis, based on the study of literature, it was stated that the issue effective educational interventions contributing to the increase of knowledge and the reduction of Stigmatization in relation to epilepsy in children in kindergartens is und... |
Pazdziorová, Karolína
Komplexní podpora dětí s poruchami chování ve vybraném dětském domově se školou The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of supporting children with behavioral disorders in the selected children's azylum home with school, from the point of view of teachers, educators and etopedists. The theoretical part is dedicated to defining what are behavioral disorders,... |
Krejčí, Kateřina
Zjišťování dostupnosti a povahy arteterapeutických služeb a podpory v Plzeňském kraji The aim of this thesis is to find out how art therapy services and support are available especially in the social services in the Pilsen region. Art activities can be implemented and led not only by art therapists but also by social service workers. The theoretical&... |
Chlumská, Lenka
Stres telefonních operátorů This bachelor's thesis is focusing on the stress experienced by telephone operators within their work environment. It is mapping which stress factors are influencing the stress levels, and then they are divided into categories in order to be able to compare whether the stress... |
Levová, Hana
Analýza agrese a agresivity u dětí předškolního věku The bachelor thesis is focused on aggression and aggressiveness occurring in preschool children. First of all, child development is described, then definitions of aggression and aggressiveness, types of aggression, its causes and manifestations are presented. The practical part focuses on the... |
Hurtová, Natálie
Sebepojetí učitele v MŠ Annotation In my bachelor's thesis I focused on Self-concept of Kindergarten teacher. Thesis is divided into seven chapters which each one of them define concepts important for my thesis and which are related to the topic of Self-concept of teachers in Kindergarten. Firs... |
Menclová, Helena
Děti s odlišným mateřským jazykem v mateřských školách v povinném předškolním vzděláván The topic of the bachelor thesis is "Children with a different mother tongue in nursery schools in compulsory pre-primary education". The thesis deals with the issue of children with a different mother tongue in nursery schools. This thesis is divided into two part... |
Schambergerová, Natálie
Možnosti a meze ve vzdělávání žáků prvního stupně základní školy s odlišným mateřským jazykem z pohledu pedagogů na vybrané ZŠ v Plzni The bachelor thesis deals with the topic of education of pupils with a different mother tongue and the possibilities of support in the education of pupils at the first level of primary school. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part... |
Mrázová, Barbora
Možnosti vzdělávání dvojčat v mateřské škole This bachelor thesis deals with the possibilities of raising twins in kindergarten. The goal of the work is to find out what possibilities twins have and what is more beneficial for them. Whether twins should attend the same class or a different ones from preschool age.... |
Michalová, Lucie
Fobie dětí v MŠ This work is divided into two parts. Theoretical and practical. The first part, i.e. the theoretical part, contains a total of five chapters. The first chapter defined emotions and their disorders. The second chapter deals with emotions in preschool age and the very definition ... |
Tichoňová, Adéla
Fobie dětí v mateřské škole The bachelor thesis deals with fears and anxieties in preschool children. This thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part is divided into three main parts: emotions in preschool, characteristics of emotional disorders and defining fear and its manifestations... |
Velíšková, Eva
Rozvoj kreativního myšlení dětí v MŠ The bachelor thesis is divided into two parts. In the theoretical part we analyze the concept of "creativity" and other related concepts, we deal with barriers in the development of creative thinking and the role of the teacher in the development of creative thinking ... |
Kodetová, Tereza
Projevy emocí v kresbě dětí předškolního věku The Bachelor thesis deals with the manifestations of emotions in children's drawing. The work is divided into two parts. In the theoretical part, it focuses on the group of developmental psychology of children under six years of age. Specific subchapters: Emotions, development of... |
Graulichová, Lucie
Barvy v kresbě rodiny u dětí v mateřské škole The bachelor thesis focuses on colors in the drawing of the family of children in kindergarten. The aim is to map the use of colors in family drawings in preschool children. The work is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part contain... |
Mikešová, Viktorie
Rozvoj kreativního myšlení u dětí předškolního věku The bachelor thesis focuses on development of creative thinking in preschool children. The theoretical part describes main characteristics of creativity, its elements, levels, criteria, diagnostics and obstacles. Furthermore, this part focuses on development of preschool child, es... |
Holanová, Denisa
Vliv digitálních technologií na dítě předškolního věku The theoretical part describes the development of a child in preschool age. It explains digital literacy and its possibilities for development in kindergartens. The practical part describes the research. The research monitors the shift in tablet controllability by children, with its regular&... |
Vajzová, Simona
Náročné životní situace dětí předškolního věku The presented bachelor thesis is focused on the demanding life situations of preschool children. The thesis documents the theoretical pedagogical-psychological basis for stress, crisis, crisis situations, difficult life situations. Furthermore, the empirical part is described, which is focused on case... |
Neprašová, Kristýna
Absence mužského vzoru ve výchově předškolního dítěte In this bachelor's thesis I focus on the importance of the absence of a father in the education of a preschool child and the consequences of the absence of a male figure in child's life. The aim of this work is to find out whether it is necessary fo... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra psychologie / Department of Psychology
- 377 bakalářská práce
- 39 2020 - 2024
- 338 2012 - 2019