Diplomové práce / Theses (KIV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 141 až 160 z 491
Bošková, Markéta
Analýza požadavků v aplikaci PlzniTo a optimalizace jejich řešení

This thesis is focused on requirements analysis of PlzniTo application and optimization of its solutions and provided service. It explains basic concepts related to electronic government and connection with Business Intelligence. This is followed by an analysis of the application's input ...

Ortinská, Lenka
Realizace rozhraní mozek-počítač (BCI) pro zadávání znaků

The diploma's thesis purpose is the implementation of Brain-computer interface for entering of characters. This work is based on analyses of electroencephalographic data. The examined subject is stimulated by displaying image scenario that evokes potential based on visual stimulation. Data fr...

Fidranský, Pavel
Vizualizace dat získaných z úložiště komponent

In component-based development, various repositories are used to store components. OneofthemisComponentRepositorysupportingCompatibilityEvaluation (CRCE), a component repository developed at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of West Bohemia. The goal of this master thesis was ...

Úbl, Martin
Monitorace koncentrace glukózy pomocí nositelných zařízení

The main goal of this paper is to analyze ways of measuring glucose levels in blood and subcutaneous tissue and methods of transferring measured levels from sensor to another device, such as mobile phone. The paper further analyzes a design of universal architecture, which wou...

Löffelmann, Václav
Využití vektorových instrukcí v agregačních funkcích na platformě x86

This work aims to maximize use of vector instructions on data aggregation tasks. A new vector instruction set AVX-512 is used in this work. Implementation proves that a proper usage of the vector instructions can significantly speed up the processing.

Rostás, Lukáš
Zdokonalení a automatizace nástrojů pro podporu vývoje softwaru

The goal of this thesis is to design and implement a web application that triggers configurable actions. Actions are triggered after saving work items in the Rational Team Concert tool. There are two types of actions that can be triggered. The first are email notifications...

Horák, Daniel
Vývoj vážné hry pro mobilní zařízení směřující na zvýšení sebevědomí

The present work describes a low self-esteem, describing its negative effects on humans and the definition of serious games and their use. It focuses on the comparison of a sample of the existing serious games and applications aimed at promoting mental health. The work also&#x...

Hessová, Gabriela
Automatizovaná rekonstrukce rozhraní webových služeb reverzním inženýrstvím

In the field of web services, REST services are currently very frequently used. The goal of this master thesis is to reconstruct REST service interface from an archive implemented on the Java platform in order to verify compatibility of components such as server compatibility ...

Berka, Matěj
Simulátor geometrie 3-D fotografování

In this master's thesis was created a new version of education program used in classes focused on 3D photography. The new version is based on knowledge from the previous version and removes some of its drawbacks. The most significant changes have been made in a graphi...

Kareš, Matěj
Vytváření experimentů pro hodnocení kvality renderovaných scén ve virtuální realitě

The focus of this thesis is graphical effects and their subjective perception in virtual reality. In the theoretical part of the thesis, virtual reality, perception oriented experiments and graphical effects will be discussed. The goal is to create an environment for conduc...

Lochman, Matěj
Detekce a sběr dat z mobilních zařízení v budovách

This thesis focuses on possible ways of how to detect mobile devices within buildings, special attention is given to wireless networks. Apart from essential WiFi communication principles, the study looks into MAC address randomization and its flaws. Data collection is realized&#...

Strolený, Josef
Vícejazyčné metody pro hledání sémantické podobnosti slov

This thesis deals with multilingual semantic word similarity. At first, we present approaches to modeling multilingual semantic word similarity and we introduce several selected multilingual methods. In the next section, we deal with the creation of our own multilingual system. We test ...

Zeleník, Roman
Pokročilé metody vzdáleného přístupu k uživatelským datům mobilního zařízení

This diploma thesis deals with the transfer of user-selected existing and new events (new SMS, call, notification) from the mobile device to the computer, which displays this events to the user. First, the actual existing solutions are explored, followed by a definition of my ...

Morávka, Jakub
Klasifikace dokumentů s použitím hierarchické reprezentace

Recently, distributed representations of words or longer pieces of text have gotten quite an attention. In contrast with traditional representations like \emph{Bag-of-words}, distributed representations have the advantage of being able to capture semantic meaning. The main goal of this work ...

Herman, David
Vylepšení systému podpory rozhodování o přenositelnosti kreditů mezi předměty

This thesis follows the cooperation between the University of West Bohemia and an American company Owen Software Development Company. During the cooperation, the research teams have developed the system for automatic course transferability decision making. The primary goal of this thesis is&...

Veverka, Michal
Sumarizace rozdílů v recenzních textech

The evolution of e-commerce brought with it a new type of automatic summarization. Contrastive opinion summarization is mainly used on product review texts. Its aim is the creation of two summaries, positive and negative, which capture the differences in the sentiment of reviewers ...

Dobřička, Petr
Implementace generátoru datových pohledů pro vytváření sestav ve webové aplikaci DCIx

This thesis deals with the design and implementation of a tool that allows the DCIx user to create a new data view. It is intended for users with knowledge of data in DCIx, but not knowledge of SQL. We researched six existing tools and decided to implement our&#...

Matyáš, Jiří
Aplikace s možností injekce chyb pro ověřování kvality testů

There are currently some methods and software applications to check the quality of test methods. However, these are predominantly programs of relatively small size which are in some cases insufficient. The goal of this thesis is to design and implement a relatively sofisticate appl...

Kořínek, Patrik
Rozšíření skriptovacích možností programu EasyArchiv

This work aims to enhance the EasyArchiv system in order to enable execution of user generated code in client environments. The enhancement should allow improved user interaction by creating an option to add client scripts to existing programs. Client scripts should be able to ...

Volenová, Petra
Simulace přesunů výuky za účelem její optimalizace

This thesis is focused on the development of an application that provides simulation of timetable events migration at the University. The theoretical part deals with the research of the problems of the timetable events migration. It also deals with the university courses timetabling...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 141 až 160 z 491