Diplomové práce / Theses (KIV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 441 až 460 z 491
Šlajs, Michal
Analytické databáze a jejich aplikace

This thesis deals with an analysis of choosed BI solution and its implementation into Rendite system. Those steps should lead to improvement and easier and more powerful work with this ERP system.

Koktan, Michal
Automatické rozpoznávání (analýza) sentimetu

This work deals with automatic sentiment analysis. It has been developed for needs of Czech News Agency (CTK) and the data are provided from the ČTK database. The main goal of this work is to automatically classify articles to a class of sentiment (positive, negative or&#...

Adam, David
Portál pro DDM

This diploma thesis analyses and implements an information system, which is usable in organizations that work with children and teenagers. The first goal of work is to define requirements for functions. Main criterion of design is effective usage of available information technology and&...

Gruber, Daniel
Monitorování mailserverů Kerio Connect webovými službami

This diploma thesis gives an overview of monitoring network devices and system resources via web services. It analyses features and advantages of software Nagios and describes how to program user defined monitoring plugins. In the next part it presents mailserver Kerio Connect with ...

Vacek, Zdeněk
Experimentální využití algoritmu AntNet v prostředí aktivních sítí

This thesis presents an experimental use of the AntNet routing algorithm to perform a so-called worse-path routing. The AntNet algorithm was proposed for IP networks with the use of Mobile Agents to benefit from a programmable environment. I adapted the AntNet algorithm for a ...

Štěpánek, Martin
Architektura a implementace webové hry pro více hráčů

This thesis deals with design and implementation of web multiplayer online game developed as student project on Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. The project called Space Traffic aims to improve publicity of the said department among&#...

Strnad, Stanislav
Chatovací robot

This thesis conceives a chatting robot based on Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML), an XML dialect for creating natural language software agents.

Klásek, Tomáš
Redakční konferenční systém

Whole of the work is written in Czech language only.

Petrman, Pavel
Metody zpracování ERP signálů

This master's thesis addresses the subject of processing of recorded event-related potential (ERP) data for the purposes of expert interpretation, namely the issue of averaging. Starting with a brief introduction to ERP averaging, the introductory part lists selected methods available t...

Truneček, Jakub
Aspektově orientovaná rozšíření komponentového modelu

Aspect-oriented programming allows to remove crosscuting concerns to individual units using aspects. Depedendency injection design pattern provides a way to address interdependence of various classes among themselves. The goal of this thesis is to extend the CoSi component framework by Aspect-ori...

Svoboda, František
Implementace vybraných metod pro plánování úloh v RTOS MicroC/OS-II

Implementation of selected methods for task scheduling in RTOS $ \mu $C/OS-II This work describes how to change task scheduling in $ \mu $C/OS-II operating system. This work also shows what is need in Real-time operation system. Scheduling methods are created for the...

Václavek, Vladimír
Modelování důvěry v sociální síti

The thesis deals with an approach to a concept of the trust and the trust modeling in a social network. The trust definition, essential terms, trust representation, social networks and social networks representation are introduced. Then the thesis describes the simulations tools based&#...

Hradecký, Daniel
Vizualizace algoritmů pro FJP

This work deals with creating teaching aid for subject KIV/FJP at University of West Bohemia. In this subject, students are dealing with formal grammars and languages, finite-state machines, algorithms and tools for this topic. Student, who has successly finished this subject, is a...

Radek, Štěpán
Vytvoření modelu pro měření rizika metodou Cash flow at risk s využitím Monte Carlo simulací

The diploma thesis provides risk issues affecting ŠKODA AUTO corp, especially market risks influencing company?s cash flow. The first part of the diploma thesis mentions a description of risks, Treasury department sphere of activity and possible risk measurement tools. In this part, a&#...

Prantl, Martin
Vizualizace časově proměnných objemových dat

This work discusses problems related to visualization of voluemtric data in static images and time-varying data sets. Whole work is divided into four main parts. In the first part it is described theory of GPGPU programming. Next part describes loseless and lossy data compression.&...

Hanzík, Luboš
Framework pro vývoj matematických webových her

The first objective of this work was to learn about programming languages PHP and JavaScript and also about Adobe Flash technology. The next goal was to identify the issues of website called Frisky and to fix these issues. Another goal was to find all ways to cheat&#...

Martínek, Petr
Programové vybavení pro sestavování identikitů

An identikit is a portrait of a person created for a purpose of identifying him or her. Nowadays, the police use only 2D portrait identification. This thesis shows posibilities of using 3D triangulated models for identification, in the meaning of creating identikits. Possible metho...

Lindauer, Tomáš
Statistická analýza výsledků sportovních soutěží

The aim of this thesis is a statistical analysis of ice hockey leagues' results. We identify the differences among the major leagues. We examine if the phenomenon of loss aversion (coming from decision theory) appears also in sports area (ice hockey). We formulate a hypoth...

Strejc, Radek
KIVFS - Datové úložiště

The project KIVFS is the new experimental implementation of distributed file system. The first goal of this diploma thesis is to analyze the weak points of the data storage layer used in KIVFS on the server side from the view of requirements on the very large data&#x...

Skupa, Jindřich
KIVFS - Synchronizace a trasování požadavků

Goals of this thesis are description and implementation synchronization and routing mechanism, which will be able to use in KIVFS distributed file system. Thesis contents description of common algorithms of distributed systems and theirs practical application, which is copared with actual ve...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 441 až 460 z 491