Diplomové práce / Theses (KIV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 421 až 440 z 491
Pavlík, Martin
PCIe zátěžová karta

This master thesis is aimed on design of testing card for loading PCIe interface in computers. Design is divided to two different types of load. Electronic load and data traffic load. Both loads should meet requirements of PCIe standard. Design also should meet requirements fo...

Medvec, Milan
Automatická anotace digitálních snímků

The goal of this master's thesis is to design and implement algorithms for automatic annotation of digital images. The software is written in C/C++ programming language and uses the Qt cross-platform library for manipulation with multimedia. The work is divided into four parts....

Havlenová, Radka
Návrh a implementace software pro detekci a uložení parametrů ERP komponent

Analysis of EEG event-related potentials using independent and principal component analysis.

Peshkova, Tatyana
Využití Voronoi diagramu koulí pro modelování granulí

The primary objective of the diploma thesis has been to experiment with the Voronoi diagrams of spheres (balls) in granular models. As a proposed solution it was suggested to test the Voronoi diagrams in sphere packing problem and granular motion simulation. The main application&#x...

Průša, Martin
Specializované CMS pro jazykové vzdělávání

This thesis introduces revers to the CMS system created on the Java EE platform and system customization capabilities for saving language course. The thesis analyzes the needs of language school for keeping content of language courses for frontal and e-learning teaching. In the the...

Lindauer, Tomáš
Statistická analýza výsledků sportovních soutěží

The aim of this thesis is a statistical analysis of ice hockey leagues' results. We identify the differences among the major leagues. We examine if the phenomenon of loss aversion (coming from decision theory) appears also in sports area (ice hockey). We formulate a hypoth...

Strbačka, Martin
Vytvoření publikačního standardu v oblasti evokovaných potenciálů

The first part of this thesis is focused on creating a standard for publishing EEG/ERP experiments based on general instructions for authors of variety of journals and common information from the previously published articles. The result of this work is a template and guidelin...

Ptáček, Tomáš
Pokročilé metody srovnávání sémantiky vět

This thesis is focused on the problem of sentence semantic similarity in English language. The theory for document preprocessing, information retrieval models, semantic methods in information retrieval, semantic similarity between words and sentence similarity measures are introduced in the theoretica...

Skorkovská, Věra
Modelování vlivu eroze na terénu

This thesis looks into the modeling of erosion impacts on the terrain. It proposes a hydraulic erosion method that allows the work with a fully 3D terrain. The fluid is represented as a set of particles, this representation allows to limit the computation only to the ...

Praus, Jiří
Vícebodová synchronizace dat protokolem WebDAV

The goal of this thesis is to verify whether the WebDAV communication protocol and its implementation by Kerio Connect email server is a suitable tool for data synchronization between more Kerio Connect servers in a distributed environment and to design fault-tolerant synchronization al...

Cipov, Peter
Návrh spolehlivých systémů s využitím formálních metod

The formal methods have been researched over several decades and they became very powerful tools. There are varieties of approaches from purely theoretical to solutions that are nearly automatic. Even so, formal checker is not daily bread of every software developer. In the industr...

Dudová, Veronika
Rozvrh hodin pro mobilní zařízení

This master thesis describes the creation of mobile application showing the timetable for students of UWB. The first part of the document deals with the description of the most widely used platform for mobile devices and selecting the appropriate system for creating application. Th...

Hejna, Miroslav
Statistické zpracování lékařských dat

The aim of the diploma thesis was to statistical processing of data on patients who have had stroke. Data come from the knowledge base of medical experimental system, the technological background is briefly introduced. Statistical methods have been designed with regard to the natur...

Rajská, Ivana
Náklady na dlouhodobou péči o lidi s duševním a mentálním postižením

This diploma thesis deals with the issue and analysis of costs and sources of funding of long-term care of people with psychical and mental handicap. The thesis presents an overall study of services that are provided to such people and describes selected groups of psychiatric&...

Hauser, Miroslav
Programový systém pro sledování cen komodit

Nowadays customers are forced to pay attention to costs they pay and to be careful about their investments also. This thesis describes the way how to inform customer about changing prices. The main aim is to implement programmatic commodity market checker that offers users (cu...

Burešová, Zuzana
Optimalizace a rozšíření porovnávání OSGi komponent

The comparator of Java types and OSGi components, which was developed on the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of West Bohemia, can check compatibility of OSGi components and prevent errors from running incompatible components in a component framework. The...

Cais, Štěpán
Komponentový systém pro návrh a dělení dopravních sítí pro distribuovanou simulaci dopravy

This work deals with design and implementation of modular graphical editor for traffic network formation and division for distributed simulation of road traffic. The application should be user-friendly and allow adding new algorithms for division of traffic networks. Modularity of application...

Jurečka, Lubomír
Distribuovaný systém pro detekci nevyžádaných zpráv

The present thesis deals with the problem of unsolicited electronic messages (spam) on the Internet and the possible methods of the detection of these messages. The aim of this thesis is to design and to create a signature-based anti-spam filter, which is primarily intended fo...

Pohanka, Tomáš
Polohovací jednotka pro mikroskop

The aim of this Diploma Thesis is to design and create hardware and software for Positioning unit for microscope. This unit will be fixed to manual locating mechanism and will control motors of automatic drive. Theoretic selection of actuators, microcontroller and other integrated ...

Strbačka, Martin
Vytvoření publikačního standardu v oblasti evokovaných potenciálů

The first part of this thesis is focused on creating a standard for publishing EEG/ERP experiments based on general instructions for authors of variety of journals and common information from the previously published articles. The result of this work is a template and guidelin...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 421 až 440 z 491