Diplomové práce / Theses (KAE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Široký, Jan
Vektorové měření magnetického pole Geomagnetic field as a measurement subject takes specific requirements on a measuring device, its placement and a signal processing. In the first line this paper deals with these specifics and describes in details development of a device which should be able to measure geomagnetic&... |
Benek, Jan
Posuzování elektromagnetického hluku pohonu psychoakustickými veličinami This diploma thesis focuses on evaluating the elektromagnetic noise of the electrical propulsion unit using psychoacoustic units. The units used for the evaluation are selected and described in this thesis. Using these units, examples of electromagnetic noise of the propulsion unit are ... |
Kotrch, Miroslav
Změna akustických parametrů reproduktoru v závislosti na zástavbě The thesis is focused on examining the impact of development on high frequency drivers of acoustic parameters. First part of deals with the theory of the speakers, their distribution, principle of function and description of the individual parts. In the following part describes the... |
Hodina, Petr
Autonomní létající prostředek The goal of this thesis is to design autonomous flying object. The agreed type is delta-wing. There should be two modes. One for manual control and the other for autonomous. Fo the autonomous flight the delta wing is equiped with sensors and telemetry modules. As... |
Hošek, Jan
Vícestavové rozmítané modulace This thesis is focused on the realization of the M-ary chirp modulation in the acoustic range. The thesis is presented two methods of the chirp modulation. There is the method halving the frequency band and halving time interval. The modulation symbol of the chirp modulation... |
Beran, Lukáš
Měření optických vlastností zobrazovacích zařízení digitálním fotoaparátem This paper deals with the automatization measurement of the optical properties of the display devices with a digital camera. Because the digital camera can capture the entire screen at one time, makes it faster than other available methods. If test optical properties display ... |
Choura, Tomáš
Budicí systém pro reprosoustavy instalované v dozvukové komoře This thesis deals with design the excitation system for loudspeaker system, which is installed in the reverberation chamber for measurement the time of reverberation. The aim of this thesis is design, realization and testing this system. The own conception is based on ... |
Janata, Jiří
Vyhodnocovací jednotka pro multisenzorový modul This thesis describes principles of gas sensors, design and realization of evaluation unit and measuring modules. Other part of the thesis shows code for the evaluation unit. This code provides communication with measuring modules, communication with master unit, communication with PC and... |
Pokorný, Jan
Řízení a vizualizace robotických vozidel This work is focused on developing a program for an easy control of robotic vehicles and for the visualization of available sensors. The ConVis Studio, as the program was called, is designed as a universal application, where a user chooses exactly what he wants to visuali... |
Gallistl, Petr
Modul pro měření otáček na platformě SIL3 mikrokontroléru The presented thesis is focused on design device for measuring rotation speed in industrial enviroment. In the first part of the thesis is described assignment of work and short overview of SIL, which is followed by selection of appropriate microcontroller which is certified as... |
Abdoon, Mohamed SAIF ELDIN SALIH
Efekt posuvu kartáčů na výkon stejnosměrného motoru This thesis focuses on the effects of brush shifting on the performance of brushed DC motors. It begins by explaining the basic operating principles of electric machines and compares them to one another. The thesis then shows the implementation of a simulation model on Ansys... |
Zich, Jan
Bezdrátová autonomní vyhodnocovací jednotka pro sledování parametrů okolního prostředí This thesis is focused on the issue of design and construction of autonomous wireless unit for environmental monitoring. First it was necessary to perform a search for available wireless communication technology and a microcontroller for practical realization of a working sample. The de... |
Podzemský, Ondřej
Vizuální kontrola gramofonových desek This master thesis deals with the issue of Visual inspection of vinyl records. In this master thesis there are described defects that are appearing most of the time in the manufacture of vinyl records and software with hardware used in their detection. The main (pivotal) ... |
Linhart, Tomáš
Tester vstřikovacích trysek This thesis focuses on high-pressure fuel system Common-Rail injectors, their control and testing. The first part brings description of the system components, its structure and introduces the function of high-pressure fuel system within diesel powered vehicles. The rest of this work follows&... |
Dvorský, Jan
Řízení elektrického pohonu elektrokoloběžky This master thesis deals with design and construction of the control unit for the electroscooter with an BLDC motor. Gradually examines theoretical description of the BLDC motor and its control methods. Methods described in this thesis are simulated. Furthermore, the thesis ... |
Mrňavý, David
Modulární distribuovaný měřicí systém This thesis is about concept of distributed metering system for monitoring of operation values and parameters. It considers beekeeping. The device is split into two main parts. The first of them is control station which takes care about collecting of metered data and following ... |
Patera, David
Optimalizace kamerové kontroly na automatizované lince This diploma thesis deals with optimization of the visual inspection on the automated production line. The first part is focused on familiarization with the original solution of the visual inspection. In the following section is the list of shortcomings of the system, which created... |
Sova, Martin
Jednotka displeje pro elektromotokáru This diploma thesis deals with the design of the dashboard for electric kart. The dashboard includes control buttons and display for displaying data. Other of the described functions in the thesis is measurement of operating values, operational data storage, connection to the CAN&... |
Čorba, Roman
Realizace létajícího prostředku This master thesis is focused on the design and implementation of a flying device type "quadcopter" controlled using the 32-bit ARM microprocessor from STMicroelectronics series STM32F4xx. This thesis describes the different types of possible mechanical solutions quadcopter, the principle of... |
Moule, Tomáš
Analyzátor plynu The thesis deals with the issue of chemical gas sensors, which can be used for the analysis of gas compounds. After the analysis of main principles that sensors use, the thesis is focused on peripheral and constructional solution of projected gas analyser. The main aim... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra aplikované elektroniky a telekomunikací / Department of Applied Electronics and Telecommunications
- 18 microcontroller
- 14 mikrokontrolér
- 10 ethernet
- 10 FPGA
- další >
- 269 diplomová práce