Diplomové práce / Theses (KAE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Hás, Martin
Návrh a aplikace "systému pro měření protokolem CCP/XCP" pro mikroprocesory This diploma thesis deals with the design and realization of the microprocessor system, which would communicate with a system level above it via the measurement and calibration protocol XCP, which would be realized using a CAN bus. The first part of the work deals with th... |
Vocelka, Jakub
Digitální přístrojový panel pro motocykl s funkcí palubního počítače This master thesis focuses on designing and realizing a digital instrument panel for a motorcycle. It describes the ways used to measure, evaluate and display the information about selected parameters of the motorcycle on the dashboard. It also discusses the competitiveness of the ... |
Juřík, Martin
3D scanner založený na multikamerovém systému This master thesis is focused on reconstruction of 3D model from several photos. First part describes theory which was used in building final device. This work connects the worlds of hardware and software. Both parts were covered in creating this thesis. |
Veselý, Sebastian
Referenční návrh řízení 3-fázového BLDC motoru This master thesis deals with a design of an electrical device for 3-phase BLDC motor control. The primary focus of the master thesis is to create two circuit boards that provides all the essential signals for the motor control and communication using several interfaces. Once&... |
Pauli, Dominik
Řídicí systém pro autonomní dron This thesis deals with proposal of navigation system for an autonomous drone. The proposal is described and implementation is made using Raspberry Pi and AR drone 2.0 using JavaScript and TypeScript programming languages. |
Skřivan, Vojtěch
Úchopový systém využívající magnetické kapaliny This master thesis deals with the design and realization of a ferrofluid based gripper system which is primarily designed for magnetically guided robot applications. The theoretical part of the master thesis focuses on the currently developed applications of magnetically guided micro-robots ... |
Málek, Martin
Létající prostředek pro IZS The master thesis presents the construction of a flying device suitable for deployment in an integrated rescue system. The aircraft was developed in cooperation with AEROVISION k.s. The aim of the project is to build a dron, capable of flying for 45 to 60 minutes. Part... |
Brtna, Stanislav
Distribuovaná ovládací jednotka pro ozvučovací systém automobilu This master's degree thesis describes development of control unit for car audio system. Main component of that control unit is STM32F769I-DISCO development board from STM. |
Virt, Ondřej
Digitální zpracování obrazu a korekce jeho zkreslení In this thesis is solved by using Matlab image processing and correction of locals parts of an image to eliminate motion blur caused by the movement of subjects or camera. Further, is solved increase resolution of local parts of an image by using more images. This me... |
Kalaj, Patrik
Měření elektromagnetického rušení šířeného zářením na drážních vozidlech elektrické trakce The Diploma thesis deals with the issue of electromagnetic compatibility. The main emphasis is placed on electromagnetic disturbance that is transmitted by radiation. An integral part of the thesis is the analysis of the problems and the influence of disturbance on other systems, b... |
Vintr, Martin
Trakční vlastnosti lokomotivy s velkým instalovaným výkonem The aim of this thesis is to compare classical locomotives with 3MW or 6MW of installed power and their running performance to a theoretical new generation locomotive with a larger installed power and to present differences between them. It also discusses if it makes sen... |
Štefánek, Lukáš
Zařízení pro monitorování tělesných funkcí The aim of this thesis is to investigate posibilities of measuring chosen body functions, especially heart rate, oximetry, body temperature and blood pressure and identify, which are suitable to measure with wearable device. This device will also be realized. The thesis describe measuri... |
Kalaš, David
Senzorový systém pro testování úrovně tepelné ochrany pracovních rukavic This thesis deals with the development of multiplexer system intended for data collection and data processing. The beginning of the thesis is focused on a brief description of the basic methods for contacted and uncontacted temperature measurement. The middle part presents and des... |
Stupka, Aleš
Frekvenční měnič pro indukční ohřev This diploma thesis deals with explanation of the principle of concrete proposal and practical verification of a semiconductor frequency inverter for induction heating. The first part introduces the principle of this device, with options for converters, power management option, topologies and... |
Brtna, Stanislav
Distribuovaná ovládací jednotka pro ozvučovací systém automobilu This master's degree thesis describes development of control unit for car audio system. Main component of that control unit is STM32F769I-DISCO development board from STM. |
Bufka, Ondřej
Konstrukce ozvučovacího systému pro simulaci vnitřního hluku automobilu The aim of this diploma thesis was to analyze the noise in the moving vehicle, design and implement the system for its simulation. In the first part, the analysis was carried out with the aid of a sound-level meter, in the second using the analyzer. The analyzer ... |
Hořejší, Daniel
HW implementace obrazové analýzy kamerových dat z parkovacích stání This master thesis is part of a project which aims to detect free parking spots from images of a parking lot. The algorithm has been developed yet in previous works on this project. The aim of this thesis is to explore possibilities and methods that could be use... |
Černý, Jan
Optimalizace sítí nové generace se zaměřením na LTE This thesis deals with 4th generation standard for mobile telecommunication - Long Term Evolution (LTE), its optimization and planning. LTE comes with new approaches on how to increase speed and stability of wireless data transmission. This paper talks about the most problematic issues&... |
Škubla, Dominik
Implementace algoritmů density evolution This master thesis deals with research and implementation of density evolution algorithms for evaluating the performance of LDPC correction codes. The LDPC codes are briefly described and the essential part of this thesis is the description and programming of density evolution libraries ... |
Vaidiš, Robin
Měření účinnosti drážních vozidel elektrické trakce This diploma thesis is focused on the locomotive efficiency. First, the main electrical parts of the locomotive are described in terms of electrical losses. Next, the traction characteristics measurement of the locomotive is described and finally the electric losses and locomotive efficiency... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra aplikované elektroniky a telekomunikací / Department of Applied Electronics and Telecommunications
- 18 microcontroller
- 14 mikrokontrolér
- 10 ethernet
- 10 FPGA
- další >
- 269 diplomová práce