Diplomové práce / Theses (KAE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Major, Jakub
Návrh a realizace pracoviště pro automatizované měření parametrů elektroakustických měničů The following thesis deals with electro-acoustic measurements of electro-acoustic transducers and creation of their mathematical models in electro-acoustic design system LEAP. Existing models are outdated and they aren't being updated. LEAP provides transducer model derivation based on impedance ... |
Jirovec, Jakub
Možnosti a parametry MEMS mikrofonů Thesis focuses on exploring the parameters and different measuring principles MEMS microphones. In the thesis are analysed basic principles and functions of these microphones. Next part of this thesis researches fundamental features and calibration methods of mentioned microphones. As part of... |
Jadlovský, Ondřej
Spínaný zdroj s aktivním PFC The presented diploma thesis, Switching power supply with active PFC, deals with the power factor correction switching power supplies. The work focuses on the design of active PFC filter and downstream converter with the output voltage of 32V and 2A. The aim is to implement... |
Kotrch, Miroslav
Aplikace softwarového rádia pro výuku a experimenty This diploma thesis focuses on the software-defined radio, OFDM modulation method and its implementation in the GNU Radio software. Documentation OFDM blocks in GNU Radio software. The unit ETTUS USRP N200 is realized by several example programs. |
Jirovec, Jakub
Možnosti a parametry MEMS mikrofonů This dissertation is focused on description of MEMS microphones. At the begining there are analysed basic principals and functions of these microphones. Next part of this paper researches fundamental features and calibration methods of mentioned microphones. In addition this thesis deals wit... |
Blažek, Jan
Možnosti využití a parametry akcelerometrů MEMS Thesis focuses on exploring the parameters and different measuring principles MEMS accelerometers. As part of thesis was chosen several interesting accelerometers, for which were designed PCBs. Sensors were realized. Subsequently, it was elected a suitable measuring method and performed measurements... |
Herink, Ondřej
MicroCANopen na platformě STM32 This thesis deals with the specification of the communication CAN protocol, describes the principle of CAN bus. The second part focuses on the hardware used for the communication driver MicroCANopen and using tools for debugging the driver. The last part of the thesis solves i... |
Vosecký, Michal
Zajištění homogenity zkušebního vysokofrekvenčního elektrického pole It is important for electronic devices used in a whole world to meet the requirements of an electromagnetic compatibility. The issue of the electromagnetic compatibility consists of two main groups called an electromagnetic interference and an electromagnetic susceptibility. In this document ... |
Kalčík, Martin
Bezdrátové měření tlaku v pneumatikách The main objective of this diploma thesis is the design and realization of a functional sample for wireless measurement of tire pressure. The first part describes the general issues of wireless data transfer. There are described different types of modulation, frequency bands for da... |
Chmelíková, Barbora
Návrh metodiky a nástrojů pro realizaci spolehlivých bezdrátových spojů This thesis describes the design of terrestrial wireless data links on the line of sight in a microwave band. The aim of this research is to identify the significant issues in the context of propagation of electromagnetic waves, which cause scattering, refraction and diffraction... |
Kohoutová, Petra
Rekonstrukce archivních audiovizuálních záznamů Presented diploma thesis is focused on a reconstruction of analogue archive recordings. A description of analogue recording is handled in this thesis, analogue recording formats, possible distortions and disruptions, the possibilities of digitizing and a practical verification of digitizing followed... |
Bouzek, Stanislav
Návrh akustických úprav malých poslechových prostorů This master thesis deals with acoustic treatments of small listening rooms. The introduction discusses the basic theoretical knowledges of room acoustics and measurement of room parameters. The fourth chapter is involved to an overview of the acoustic elements. Another part deals with t... |
Smetana, Pavel
Návrh a konstrukce analogového ekvalizéru This thesis is focused on a descripton of issues in analog equalizers. The first part of the thesis offers overview of the analog equalizers theory. The second part of the thesis deals with a circuit design. The circuit design is verified by PSpice simulator and then ... |
Hlína, Jiří
Měření rezonančních frekvencí dutinového rezonátoru The diploma thesis is focused on measuring the resonant frequencies of the cavity resonator. The individual types of the cavity resonators, methods of their excitation and connection possibilities to wiring of these resonators are described in this thesis. Next part of the diploma ... |
Aul, Filip
Experimentální komora pro optická měření This master thesis deals with the possibility of realiyation darkroom in the premises of the Department of Applied Electronics and Telecommunication Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of West Bohemia. Thesis also includes an overview of optical parameters and applicable standards defini... |
Lufinka, Ondřej
Využití ovladače Kinect k řízení mobilní platformy This paper deals with the project of mobile platform from the Department of Applied Electronics and Telecommunications. Its goal is to consider the current hardware configuration and sensors equipment of the model and to design a new sophisticated control system with the usage of... |
Bečka, Jaroslav
Záznamník EKG signálu This thesis deals with the design and construction of a device for one-lead ECG signal measurement. The device will be used for experimental measurement on laboratory mice. The first part is involved in ECG signal filtering. It describes the most frequent types of interference ... |
Šíma, Miroslav
Univerzální signálový generátor This diploma thesis is focused on design of universal signal generator with comfortable graphic user interface. The theory section is dedicated to description of basic types of signal generators - mainly the the signal generator based on direct digital synthesis and signal generator... |
Justa, Josef
Snímání polohy a pohybu pro robotickou ruku The diploma thesis is focused on the application of modern sensors for control. Part of the thesis concerns the construction of sensory system with a sensory glove equipped with flex and MARG sensors. The communication between these sensors and controlled system of robotic hand... |
Brynda, Tomáš
Systém pro monitorování životních funkcí pomocí mikropočítače This master's thesis is focused on monitoring life functions using microcomputer. |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra aplikované elektroniky a telekomunikací / Department of Applied Electronics and Telecommunications
- 18 microcontroller
- 14 mikrokontrolér
- 10 ethernet
- 10 FPGA
- další >
- 269 diplomová práce