Zídková, Karolína
Documentation of nonconforming products and its optimization The automotive industry is a specific industrial sector where quality of products is very important. It is therefore necessary to use a unified and internationally accepted structure of documentation. This requirement is especially evident in the issue of nonconforming products. A form ... |
Pokorný, Peter
Zaujec, Rudolf
Buranský, Ivan
Methodology measuring geometry of the shank cutting tools This paper focuses on geometry measuring of the shank cutting tools by the use of optical measuring devices. The scanning is realized in the system Atos Triplescan II and also in the system Zoller Genius 3. This paper provides a proposed methodology of shank cutting tools... |
Vasilko, Karol
Nové analytické vyjadrenie základných závislostí v obrábaní Doterajšia teória obrábania kovov bola založená na stave vývoja rezných materiálov v priebehu 20. storočia. Najmä zdokonaľovanie rezných materiálov, ako aj nových štruktúr obrábaných materiálov, snaha o zvyšovanie rezných rýchlostí si žiada prehodnotenie doterajších definícií. Pri aplikácii v m... |
Vagovský, Juraj
Görög, Augustín
Buranský, Ivan
Determination of the optical 3D scanner capability of measuring a geometric characteristic The measurement system analysis is a part of the quality assurance. In this field, the measuring device capability evaluation has an importance. Optical 3D scanner, as a noncontact device, is used for digitization and measuring. Aim of this paper is point to the possibility of... |
Řehoř, Jan
Úvodní strany |
Urban, Marek
Skopeček, Tomáš
Dolejš, Jan
Měření axiálních ložisek se samo-vyrovnávacími elementy a konstrukce přípravku pro měření jejich maximálního vychýlení |
Šugár, Peter
Necpal, Martin
Šugárová, Jana
Laser beam machining of commercially pure titanium: influence of process parameters on surface roughness Laser machining is one of the most widely used advanced machining processes used for creating new surfaces, structures, cavities and also complex electro-mechanical devices, usually with very small dimensions, by laser radiation. Optimal selection of process parameters is highly critical for ... |
Stančeková, Dana
Šemcer, Ján
Martikáň, Anton
Rákoci, Jozef
Janota, Miroslav
Milling of nano-structured bio-materials for dental implants manufacturing Mechanical engineering is science discipline, which directly influence all industrial sectors. It is integral part of industrial evolution and is forced to constant advancing in knowledge level. Efficiency increase can be achieved by developing and applying new technologies and materials that... |
Šimna, Vladimír
Pokorný, Peter
Buranský, Ivan
Václav, Štefan
Drsnosť povrchu pri frézovaní nástrojom s rôznym sklonom hlavnej reznej hrany Príspevok sa zaoberá problematikou merania strednej aritmetickej odchýlky povrchu pri frézovaní nástrojom s rôznym sklonom hlavnej reznej hrany. Na realizáciu daného problému bol vykonaný viacfaktorový experiment s cieľom nájsť vhodný uhol stúpania skrutkovice frézy pre dosiahnutie čo najlepšej kvality... |
Řehoř, Jan
Fulemová, Jaroslava
Rut, Daniel
Třísková, Veronika
Kouřil, Karel
Vystružování velmi přesných děr u hydrostatických komponent |
Řehoř, Jan
Fulemová, Jaroslava
Kouřil, Karel
Matouš, Pavel
Současné trendy středění nástrojů pro výrobu přesných děr |
Pokorný, Peter
Zaujec, Rudolf
Wear and durability milling tools depending on the CAM strategies In this paper is presented research on the influence of CAM strategies for wear and durability shank of cutting tools. We used two machining strategies in this process, when the effective radius change and does not change. Material of tool was hard alloy and high speed... |
Plánička, František
Nové frézy zvyšují produktivitu |
Pilc, Jozef
Sajgalik, Michal
Struharnansky, Jozef
Rakoci, Jozef
Varga, Daniel
Possibilities of potentiometric methods of detection of cracks in forging tools at their renovation Industrial production, which uses the forging tools constantly increases the requirements for the consumption of forging tools and the need for fast and flexible renovations of them. Forging tools made from special tool steels are highly cost-intensive. The main cost component is the... |
Neslušan, Miroslav
Hrabovský, Tomáš
Jančovič, Peter
Mičieta, Branislav
Significance of magnetizing voltage on barkhausen noise emission of hard milled surfaces This paper deals with the non-destructive evaluation of surface made of hardened roll bearing steel after hard milling via Barkhausen noise technique. The paper discusses significance of magnetization voltage on Barkhausen noise (BN) emission and the corresponding BN features such as Peak... |
Němec, Jiří
Design and development of measurement JIG system Following article describe design and production of the universal clamping jig for clamping measured parts in to three axis measuring machine. This clamping jig was designed and produced under exchange program Erasmus. Department Manufacturing Engineering Group (GEF) University of Vigo (Spain)... |
Necpal, Martin
Martinkovič, Maroš
The usage of laser machining for manufacturing of the cutting insert prototype In this paper a method for creating chip breaker on cutting insert is described. For cutter inserts the powder is compressed into the molds, in a process. After pressing and sintering the cutting tools chip breaker looks like negative molds shape. For experimental cutting inse... |
Monka, Peter
Monková, Katarína
Zvyšovanie produktivity sústružníckeho nástroja Príspevok prezentuje výsledky výskumu dosiahnuté pri racionalizácií operácií obrábania, kterými sa dospelo k orientácii na sústružnícky nástroj pracujúci lineárnou hranou mimobežnou s osou obrábania. Optimalizáciou uhla sklonu reznej hrany pri sústružení týmto nástrojom a následnými experimentálními over... |
Milsimerová, Aneta
Vliv metody vyšetřování tvaru brusného kotouče na výslednou přesnost obrobku |
Milde, Ján
Pokorný, Peter
Use and influences of CAx technologies on the components production cycle This thesis focuses on the use and influences of CAx Technologies on component production cycle. At the same time it lists and describes computer aided technologies that deals with this subject. This thesis identifies basic medical and stomatology concepts as well as methods ... |
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