Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KBS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 201 až 220 z 220
Sepešiová, Martina
Mari - křižovatka kultur

This work analyzes the political situation on the basis of analysis of the texts found at Mari - namely the reconstruction of relations between state formations on the territory of Syria and Mesopotamia. It focuses on diplomatic and military contacts in the Old Babylonien peri...

Dvořák, Petr
Obchod se zbraněmi v oblasti Adenského zálivu

This bachelor thesis is focused on description of arms trade around Gulf of Aden area which is part of more comprehensive issue. With the issue is related many others direct and indirect problems like social or economic factors. The structure of my thesis is based on ...

Nováková, Linda
Realizace panarabských myšlenek na Blízkém východě ve 20.století; Sjednocená arabská republika

This graduation thesis treats of the idea of panarabism and studies its realization in Middle East during 20th century. In details it focuses on the modern history of Egypt and the principal person of panarabism Gamal Abd an-Nasser. It describes his acts not only inside E...

Ostrolucký, Ján
Ahmad ibn Tajmíja a politický islam 2. pol. 20. storočia

This paper is dedicated to analysis and destription of ideological influence of medieval islamic scholar Ahmad Ibn Taymyyiah on the thoughts of political islam in the period of the 2nd half of 20th century. The main focus is turned to concepts of jihaad, applying sharia l...

Palíková, Lucie
Významná zákonodárná tvorba v Mezopotámii z konce 3. tisíciletí až na počátek 2. tisíciletí před n.l.

The Bachelor thesis deals with the two of the most important collections of law before the formation of The Code of Hammurabi - the Codex of Lipit-Ishtar and the Laws of Eshnunna. Main chapters individually deal with the both legal collections - who were the authors ...

Szabová, Kateřina
Frankismus v návaznosti na sabatianismus

The thesis primarily deals with Frankism following Sabatianism. The history of Frankism movement reported through the life of thought and ideas of the founder Jacob Frank. The Frankists movement is seen from the diachronic perspective using comparative methods. The work is divided into&...

Stolář, Adam
Podsvětní knihy starověkého Egypta

The aim of this study is to assess the evolution of the netherworld and post-mortem images of ancient Egypt, especially during the New Kingdom. It is divided into four main parts. The first part deals with the Pyramid Texts and Coffin Texts from the periods of Old&#x...

Zemancová, Michaela
Vztahy mezi Egyptem a Libyí v 60. a 70. letech 20. století

Development of Egypt and Libya from time to time colonies of sovereign states. The advent of Muammar al-Qadhdáfího the head of Libya and establishing contacts between the two countries. There are even more detailed description of the relations between Egypt and Libya from 1969 ...

Vondrušová, Martina
Město Adab v raně dynastické době

This thesis deals with the ancient city of Adab in the Early Dynastic period (3000-2350 BC). In the first part of this work is devoted to the archeology of the city. The second part discusses the history of Adab.

Somolík, Ondřej
Saúdsko-arabská politika a její postoje k událostem v současném arabském světě s ohledem na oficiální náboženskou doktrínu

After Iraqi invasion to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia requested assistance of non-Muslim coalition troops led by US. Since then the Saudi government is being widely criticised because of that decision. The legitimacy of the royal family is being contested for more then 20 years. The go...

Nováková, Jitka
Íránská společnost v období vlády Mohammada Chátamího

In May 1997 reformative candidate Muhammad Khatami was elected as the fifth president of Islamic Republic of Iran. After the elections the reform movement was set in motion.The reform movement was in that time the prevailing social tendency covering particular emancipatory, social, poli...

Satková, Markéta
Jeruzalémský chrám a jeho současná interpretace

The present thesis is describing the significance of the Jewish Temple from different points of view. The first part describes the development of the institution of the Temple in Israel; the described history goes from the tabernacle of the congregations through the Temples built&#...

Šťastná, Aneta
Mešity v České republice

The graduation thesis is written about mosques in general, the most important mosques in the Czech Republic, muslim community in the Czech Republic, and about attitude of Czechs to islam, muslims and muslim community in their country. The graduation thesis had two main aims. F...

Chemayelová, Nathalie
Libanon v letech 2005 - 2009

The bachelor thesis Lebanon in the years 2005 - 2009 is focused mainly on the political situation in that time. The thesis analyzes political happening on the base of the previous historical events, which influenced the relationships on the political scene in the time period&#...

Holman, Jan
Vývoj královského úřádu v Asýrii

The work is devoted to describing the development of royal authority in Assyria. Author discusses the various historical periods and in each of them a closer focus on king authority. For each period is then selected some of the most important kings and describes their con...

Vysloužil, Michal
Konstituční revoluce v Persii a konec Kadžárovců

The thesis is about the situation in Persia from 1905 till 1925. It describes the roots of Constitutional revolution and the revolution itself. It also describes its consequences until the coronation of Reza Pahlevi.

Dudková, Tereza
Oslavy svátků v moderní turecké společnosti

The bachelor thesis deals with the holidays celebrated in Turkey and its celebrations in modern Turkish society. It brings a general overview and detailed description of holidays and analyses the attitude of Turkish young population to the holidays wich is based on field rese...

Dellinger, Jakub
Význam vodního toku Jordán v Blízkovýchodním mírovém procesu. Ve své bakalářské práci bych chtěl zkoumat význam vodního toku Jordán v mírovém procesu na BV. Budu se ptát zda-li je tenoto zdílený vodní zdroj motivátorem pro spolupráci státních aktérů, či naopak zdrojem pro konflikt.

The Tesis is aim to discover the importance of river Jordan for Middle Eastern peace process.

Burgetová, Markéta
Sloužit vlasti - čest nebo povinnost? Vztah izraelských Židů k povinné vojenské službě

At first I describe history of Jewish defense forces in Palestine and the inception of the IDF to point out the nature and the character of the Israeli army. Another chapter says about the structure of the IDF, who is obligated to serve in the army and who ...

Ženíšková, Kristýna
Sunna a ší'a v Iráku po roce 2003

The purpose of the works is to decribe the situation in Iraq post 2003.

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 201 až 220 z 220