Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KBS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 220
Al-khayat, Sarah
Mu'áwija ibn Abí Sufján a jeho význam pro konsolidaci Umajjovského chalífátu

Bachelor thesis describes a relatively long historic period of the medieval Islamic Empire. The thesis has two main parts, the first focuses on the peak period of Umayyad Caliphate and its interpretation of western historiography. The second part focuses on the Mu'awiya ibn Abi...

Wohlmuth, Ota
Operace Boží hněv

The bachelor thesis deals with the Israeli Operation Wrath of God. The purpose of this thesis is provided a clear reflection of the reversal actions that followed after the massacre of eleven Israeli Olympians at the 20th Summer Olympic Games in Munich in 1972. It is ...

Syslová, Adela
Odrazy libanonské občanské války v umění

This thesis aims to retrace several events of the Lebanese Civil War from its beginning in 1975 until its end in 1990 through the postwar Lebanese art production. It focuses on two theatre plays: Wajdi Mouawad's Incendies and Darina Al Joundi's Le jour ou Nina Sim...

Muhamed, Navdar
Bitva o Gallipoli 1915 - 1916

This work focuses on the Battle of Gallipoli, which began on 19 February 1915 as a naval battle, later also as a ground operation. The battle was between the Allies and the Central Powers. The aim was to occupy the Gallipoli Peninsula, where the British Navy would&#x...

Ličková, Karolína
Mimar Sinan

This thesis is focused on life of Mimar Sinan and the development of his architectural work by analyzing the structural changes of the mosques he built. It also deals briefly with the historical context of the mosque with the emphasis on their founders.

Horčičková, Aneta
Berberské emancipační hnutí v Maroku

My bachelor work deal with the berber emancipation movement in Morocco. I focus on a period from the succession of the king Hassan II. until the reign of the present king, Mohammed VI. I also mention an important figures fighting for independence of Morocco becaause they&...

Matík, Pavol
Životné podmienky sýrskych utečencov v Libanone

This bachelor theses is concerned with refugees from Syria and their living conditions, especially in Halba municipality in Akkar governorate.

Danyš, Otmar
Maroko a migrační krize

The work deals with a topic of the Morocco and the migration crisis in Africa. It describes hisorical evolution of Moroccan emigration since the start of the 20th century until events current events, problem of a sub-Saharan migrants in the country and the border protection.&#...

Rymonová, Denisa
Ší'itské sekty po smrti Ja'fara as-Sadiqa

This Bachelor thesis aims to gather all relevant informations about the Isma'ilism. There are also briefly introduced sects that arose after the death of the sixth Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq. The work focuses mainly on Isma'ili teachings and the historical background from its begi...

Duba, Jiří
Irácko-syrské vztahy v době vlády Saddáma Husajna

Thesis is presenting the history of the Saddam Husejn govermant in Iraq and his relations with Syria at the time of his rule.

Tauberová, Jitka
Představy o pekle a ráji v islámu

The aim of this thesis is to explore conceptions about Hell and Paradise in Islam. Also discribes sinners and their punishment or the residents of the Paradise and the rewards granted to them. The characterization of an intricate journey of the human soul is also included...

Otýpková, Anna
Bahá'í v současném světě

Bahá'í Faith is the newest religion and the second most spread religion in the world, right after Christianity. The differences between this religious system and the Europian cultural environment where I come from have attracted my interests. Thus, I chose this topic so I ...

Gröschlová, Jana
Postcrossing v arabském světě

This bachelor thesis is about Postcrossing in the Arab world. It analyzes this hobby by popularity in this countries, conditions for it and also by relationships between Arab and Czech postcrossing community.

Onallah, Klára
Chyceni mezi Východem a Západem - kulturní odlišnosti Palestinců žijících v Izraeli

This thesis is focuses on Arab minority living in Israel about which we do not know that much in the Czech Republic. Thesis is in general describing development of situation of the minority after year 1948 and three important stages which Arabs in Israel went through....

Volná, Lucie
Viktor Fischl / Avigdor Dagan, muž dvou jmen

This bachelor thesis is focused on the important Czech author Viktor Fischl. He is the author of the post-war literature of the 20th century. In his literary works he followed up the themes of Holocaust, meaning of life and faith in God. In this work I follow up...

Klik, Jan
Mediální obraz konfliktu v Sýrii z perspektivy Al-Jazeera a RT

The paper aims to compare how Al-Jazeera and RT reflect the conflict in Syria. The chosen method is a semiotic analysis of selected media products of both examined TV stations.

Nováková, Viktorie
Islám v Bosně a Hercegovině

This thesis aims to follow the position of Muslim community in Bosnia and Herzegovina throughout the country's historical changes since the 14th century until the nineties of the 20th century when the war in Bosnia nad Herzegovina broke out. It describes the formation of M...

Hříšná, Tereza

This thesis deals with the architectural development of the al-Azhar mosque in Cairo, a detailed description of the most important parts of this mosque, the reconstructions of the dynasties ruling the Egypt and their position to this building. The thesis also deals briefly with...

Kozak, Miroslav
Diverzifikace ekonomiky Saúdské Arábie

This bachelory thesis focuses on diversification process in Saudi Arabia. Analyses individual gouverment methods that are to reduce country's dependence on oil and after some time to evaluate their successfulness.It also focuses on present gouverment steps to the future.

Volná, Lucie
Viktor Fischl / Avigdor Dagan, muž dvou jmen

Bachelor thesis focuses on the life of prominent Czech and Jewish author, poet and journalist Viktor Fischl. He is the author of the post-war literature of the 20th century. In my work, I follow his life and his work literary. I was interested in the most important&#...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 220