Diplomové práce / Theses (KSP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 81 až 100 z 333
Mátlová, Hana
Právní úprava ochrany zvířat v zájmových chovech

The main goal of this thesis was to summarize the legislation in the field of the pet animal protection, not only at the level of national but also international law regulations. Another task was to outline some "gaps" in selected law regulations which reduce the...

Mašková, Nela
Materiální stránka správního deliktu

This diploma thesis deals with the institute of the material aspect of the administrative offense. The aim of the diploma thesis is to define the institute of the material aspect of the administrative offense, specifically its content, factors that affect and form it, its impo...

Kubeš, Martin
Právní úprava místních poplatků

The thesis deals with the issue of local taxes, which are introduced by municialities within their independent powers on the basis of a generally binding decree. Emphasis is placed on the theoretical definition of the necessary concepts related to the institute of local taxes ...

Löser, Jaroslav
Kárná odpovědnost státních zaměstnanců

The diploma thesis deals with the legal regulation of disciplinary offenses of state employees under the regime of Act No. 234/2014 Coll., on the Civil Service in comparison with the legal regulation of disciplinary offenses contained in Act No. 221/1999 Coll., on Professional...

Matějková, Petra
Nejvyšší kontrolní úřad

This diploma thesis deals with the Supreme Audit Office in general. This is an institution, which is already enshrined in Constitutional Act. No. 1/1993 Coll., The Constitution of the Czech Republic, specifically in Chapter Five, Article 97. A more detailed regulation od the S...

Kučera, Václav
Veřejnoprávní omezení vlastnického práva

The topic of this diploma thesis is ownership right restrictions resulting from public law, focusing on the issue of protectiv and safety zones. The first chapter deals with tho topic of ownership rights, as this is a topic that relates to the main theme of this dipl...

Hošková, Žaneta
Zdravotnická detence z pohledu správního práva a její projevy v praxi vybraných psychiatrických oddělení v České republice

The diploma thesis is focused on medical detention, but not from a private point of view, but in connection with administrative law. The topic was chosen due to the small representation of professional literature in this direction, which the author tries to balance with her&#x...

Bendík, Tomáš
Opatření obecné povahy se zaměřením na mimořádná opatření dle zákona o ochraně veřejného zdraví

The submitted diploma thesis deals with the institute of measures of a general nature, especially its concept, defining features and development. The core of the thesis is an analysis of whether the emergency measures issued under the Public Health Protection during the pandemic&#...

Kodeš, Jakub
Projednání skutku, který má znaky přestupku, osob vyloučených z působnosti přestupkového zákona

In my thesis I deal with the difference between an administrative infraction and an act having the characteristics of an administrative infraction. Furthermore, I deal with persons who are excluded from the applicability of the Administrative Infractions Act. In the thesis I compare...

Ivanov, Miroslav
Trestněprávní zásady v řízení o přestupcích

The thesis focuses on the criminal law principles manifested in misdemeanour proceedings. In the thesis I discuss administrative criminal law, criminal law and the boundaries between them. Furthermore, I analyse the individual procedural principles, their embedding in the legal system, their ...

Otipková, Ivana
Farmaceutické právo

The diploma thesis deals with pharmaceutical law, a specific area of administrative law. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the definition of basic concepts and institutes related to the given issue and sources of legal regulation. This part of the thesis is neces...

Baboráková, Daniela
Stavební uzávěra

The thesis deals with analysis of construction ban as a measure of a zoning regulation and its position in the system of legal instruments of land management, planning and zoning. Its own definition, analysis of its requirements and legal process of its declaration is being&#x...

Diviš, Michal
Získávání osobních údajů pro účely budoucí identifikace podle § 65 zákona č. 273/2008 Sb., o Policii České republiky, aneb Je postup policie za každých okolností správný?

In my diploma thesis I deal with the authorization of members of the Police of the Czech Republic to perform identification acts for the purpose of future identification of the perpetrator of a crime. I deal with the possibilities of solving the collection of personal dat...

Bělohoubková, Hana
Kárná odpovědnost dle zákona o advokacii

This diploma thesis deals with the disciplinary responsibility by the Advocacy Act, which applies not only to lawyers, but also trainee lawyers. Lawyers and trainee lawyers have many obligations which must be followed in their professional and private lives. If these obligations are...

Kos, Martin
Měření rychlosti jízdy automobilu jako důkaz v řízení o přestupku

The diploma thesis deals with measuring of speed of cars for the purpose of offence proceedings. In the begining the statutes that regulates speed measuring are analyzed. The questions of jurisdiction to measure is answered and then the technical requirements for speedometers which ...

Šlechta, Jan
Přezkum územního plánu

The submitted thesis discusses the topic of review of the land-use plan. The first several chapters are devoted to zoning planning in general. The following chapters define different ways of reviewing the land-use plan. Possible problematic questions that can occur during the process&#x...

Svoboda, Jaroslav
Omezení svobody pohybu z důvodů ochrany přírody a krajiny

The thesis is focused on the free movement of people, which may be restricted in some areas due to nature protection regulations. The thesis describes the constitutional foundations of freedom of movement, possibilities of movement in forests, landscapes and water areas, as well as...

Šmejkalová, Alena
Přestupky podle zákona o pozemních komunikacích

Diploma thesis deals with offenses under the Roads Act. It deals with the analysis of offenses associated with the general use of roads and offenses associated with advertising equipment. It mentions deviations and specifics of offense proceedings in connection with offenses under the&#...

Štáhlich, Jan
Právnické osoby veřejného práva

The subject of this diploma thesis is "Legal Persons of Public Law". The main target is to create comprehensive overview of a legal persons of public law. In the thesis are solved legal persons, their theories and typology. After then the thesis describes each types&...

Hilseová, Tereza
Řízení ve věci přestupků se zaměřením na zahájení řízení, průběh řízení a rozhodnutí o přestupku

The topic of this diploma thesis is "Proceedings in the matter of misdemeanors with a focus on the initiation of proceedings, the course of proceedings and decisions on misdemeanors". The aim was to provide an insight into the procedural level of misdemeanor proceedings a...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 81 až 100 z 333