Diplomové práce / Theses (KSR) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 298
Jonášová, Simona
Veřejné služby, veřejný sektor

The thesis topic focuses on the concepts of the public sector and public services. The thesis is structured into four main chapters, each of which contains several sub-chapters for better clarity. The first chapter focuses on the definition of the public sector and the reasons...

Krliš, Václav
Činnost právního oddělení Státní zemědělské a potravinářské inspekce

The thesis describes the activities of the legal department in the Czech agriculture and food inspection authority (SZPI). It deals with SZPI as such, and also describes the administrative procedure, which is the biggest agenda for the legal department. It also focuses on public&#x...

Štieflerová, Martina
Poslání neziskového sektoru v současné společnosti

This thesis is divided into seven chapters. It focuses on the definition of the basic concept of the non-profit sector and its division. It analyses and describes the different legal forms of non-profit organisations and their financing. It also focuses on the cooperation between&#...

Vítovcová, Klára
"Krajské volby v Plzeňském kraji v letech 2000-2020"

The aim of this thesis is to outline the development of regional elections in the Pilsen Region in the period between 2000-2020 and it primarily focuses on the region, elections and issues of small municipalities. The thesis focuses on both general concepts and the results...

Zelenka, Zdeněk
Českomoravský svaz hokejbalu jako spolek a jeho činnost

Diploma thesis discusses the Czech Ball Hockey Federation within the framework of association´s law. The first part is about associations in general and the second part specifically about Czech Ball Hockey Federation. In the second part, I use the findings from the first part ...

Štich, Filip
Pojem a význam etického kodexu ve veřejné správě ve vybraných zemích

This thesis deals with what to some extent shapes public administration as such, namely codes of ethics. The thesis consists of parts that are intended to introduce the reader to everything that concerns codes of ethics, whether it is the history and origins of codes, eth...

Rychtařík, Lukáš
Vliv covidové pandemie na rozpočet malého a středního města se zaměřením na investiční akce

This diploma thesis focuses on the budget of a city and the impacts of COVID measures on investment activities of two cities. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. At the end of this thesis, there is an interview with the mayors of th...

Šesták, Tomáš
Přímá volba starostů

This thesis focuses on the direct election of mayors and its possible introduction in the Czech Republic. The first part of the thesis deals with the current legal regulation of municipal elections and the powers of the mayor in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, the thesis ...

Vrzal, David
Správa velkoměsta a občanská společnost

The diploma thesis deals with the administration of a large city, civil society and possible ways of citizen participation in public administration activities. The work is divided into four chapters, while the first chapter is focused on defining and defining basic terms, includin...

Veverová, Eva
Elektronizace veřejné správy v ČR - eGovernment

The theme of this thesis is the electronization of public administration in the Czech Republic. This thesis is divided into five chapters and also into two parts, which are the theoretical part and the practical part. There are explained terms as public administration or eGove...

Pitra, Jakub
Veřejnoprávní smlouvy

Public contracts were chosen as the topic of this thesis. They are first explained on the theoretical level, followed by their practical use in the Pilsen Region. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on legislation and the relationship of legal theory with public contrac...

Rokytenská, Patricie
Využití mobilních aplikací ve VS se zaměřením na policejní složky v ČR

In my Master thesis, I deal with the use of mobile applications in public administration with concrete examples of the functioning of mobile applications in municipalities. More specifically, I describe the mobile platform serving the traffic police department and the ECHO mobile applic...

Ničmanová, Adriana
Postavení, působnost a struktura orgánů územní správy a samosprávy v Evropě (Francie)

The thesis "The status, scope and structure of local government in France" deals mainly with the problems of local government in France. The aim of the thesis is to characterize individual institutions and then compare them with the Czech Republic. The first part is ...

Mourková, Aneta
Elektronizace veřejné správy v ČR - e-Government

The topic of the thesis is the issue of e-Government. The thesis describes the content, actual progress so far and the current state of the electronicization of public administration services in the conditions of the Czech Republic. In the text of the thesis, the basic te...

Nová, Milena
Současné politické a správní problémy české územní samosprávy

This thesis is focused on current political and administrative problems of Czech territorial self-governing units. It is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes basic terms such as public administration, territorial self-government and political and administrative p...

Matějka, Tomáš
Celní Správa ČR

This diploma thesis deals with problems of the Cumstoms administration of the Czech republic. Thesis is devided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part focuses on history of cumstoms administration, legal basis of the current Customs administration of the Czech republic,&#x...

Klimes, Jan
Využití potenciálu brownfields pro udržitelný rozvoj území

The first part of the thesis is theoretical, focusing on the concept of brownfields and their revitalization. The types of brownfields, their origins, legislation, advantages, and disadvantages are also mentioned. At the end of this section, the revitalization of brownfields is explained,&#x...

Kupka, Jan
Místní a krajské referendum.

This master's thesis examines regional and local referendums in the Czech Republic as elements of direct democracy. The study focuses on the legal regulation of both types of referendums, their frequency and usage in the Czech Republic, and statistics on the holding of referend...

Chaloupecká, Jana
Právní úprava živnostenského podnikání, Novela živnostenského zákona 130/2008 Sb.

This diploma thesis deals with problematic and effets many amendments in area of trade business. Main content of this thesis os about iputs and permanent effects on Trade License Act after 2008. This thesis is devided in 8 charters. These can be recognized as theoretical ...

Kodýdková, Pavla
Poslání neziskového sektoru v současné společnosti

The diploma thesis on the topic "The mission of the non-profit sector in contemporary society" deals with the non-profit sector in the Czech Republic. It deals with its definition, characteristic features, legal regulation, history, financing and then individual types of non-profit ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 298