Disertační práce / Dissertations (KFY) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kaufman, Michal
Nízkoteplotní škálovatelná syntéza silně termochromických povlaků na bázi VO2 s nízkou přechodovou teplotou Strongly thermochromic YSZ/V0.986W0.014O2/YSZ coatings (YSZ denotes Y-stabilized ZrO2) were prepared using a scalable sputter deposition technique on conventional soda-lime glass at a relatively low substrate surface temperature (Ts = 350 °C) and without any substrate bias voltage. The thermochro... |
Kumar, Nirmal
Senzory vodíku na bázi oxidu wolframu připravené pokročilými metodami reaktivního magnetronového naprašování This Ph.D. thesis reports on the research and development of new materials and testing them for hydrogen gas detection. For this purpose, the tungsten oxide-based thin films were synthesized combined with other materials in order to improve the sensing properties of the tungsten ox... |
Červená, Michaela
Tenkovrstvé slitiny a neoxidové keramiky s amorfní nebo metastabilní krystalickou strukturou This Ph.D. thesis reports on investigation of the high-temperature behavior of binary ZrCu, ternary ZrHfCu and quaternary ZrHfAl/SiCu TFMGs and senary Hf-B-Si-Y/Ho-C-N ceramic films, and on preparation and characterization of thin-film alloys from the binary WZr system. Chapter I is... |
Batková, Šárka
Depozice funkčních tenkovrstvých materiálů pomocí pokročilých naprašovacích technik Materials from the Ta-O-N system offer very promising properties in terms of hydrogen production via light-induced water splitting. This Ph.D. thesis deals with the preparation and systematic investigation of Ta-O-N films with very finely-tuned elemental composition. Because it should be possible... |
Čiperová, Zuzana
Tvrdé slitinové vrstvy se zvýšenou odolností proti vzniku trhlin The thesis is dedicated to magnetron sputtering of flexible hard alloy films, comprehension of the complicacy of their formation and the relation of the properties of the films with the deposition conditions. The text is divided into six chapters. Chapter 1 is a general ... |
Matas, Martin
Design tenkovrstvých materiálů a vysvětlení jejich vlastností pomocí simulací na atomární úrovni The Ph.D. thesis deals with a theoretical description of the solid state by density-functional theory. It studies and develops selected components of the methodology and predicts the structures and properties of selected materials, predominantly those prepared as thin films at the department... |
Bárta, Tomáš
Vysoce účinné termochromické povlaky ZrO2/V1-xWxO2/ZrO2 s nízkou přechodovou teplotou připravené na skle pomocí reaktivního pulzního plazmatu The thesis deals with the preparation and characterization of VO2-based thermochromic coatings with a focus on their use on smart windows. The whole work is structured into eight chapters. The first and second chapters are devoted to the introduction and overview of the current... |
Procházka, Michal
Multikomponentní nanokompozitní vrstvy připravené pulzním magnetronovým naprašováním This thesis reports on study of four multicomponent nanostructure materials prepared by pulsed magnetron deposition. In all four cases, the main aim was to prepare and characterize promising materials with high potential in various applications. The thesis is divided into seven chapters.... |
Moskal, Denys
TERMOFYZIKÁLNÍ PROCESY A METODY LASEROVÉHO SKENOVÁNÍ S ULTRAKRÁTKÝMI PULZY V POVRCHOVÉM STRUKTUROVÁNÍ Laser surface texturing is one of the methods used for controllable surface structuring and acquisition of specific surface physical properties. This Ph.D. dissertation is focused on the characterization of the thermo-physical processes in ultrashort pulse laser surface texturing (LST) and develo... |
Javdošňák, Daniel
Magnetronové naprašování vrstev s vylepšenými mechanickými a tribologickými vlastnostmi High hardness, toughness and low coefficient of friction are the basic requirements for wear-resistant materials. This thesis deals with the preparation and characterization of the films based on Al-Si and Ti-W (beta-Ti) alloys, W metal, Al-Si-N and W-N ceramics with improved mechanical ... |
Čerstvý, Radomír
PRVKOVÉ SLOŽENÍ A STRUKTURA TENKOVRSTVÝCH MATERIÁLŮ A JEJICH KORELACE S MATERIÁLOVÝMI VLASTNOSTMI This thesis is focused on the analysis of elemental composition (by X-ray fluorescence method) and the structure (by X-ray diffraction method) of four types of the new thin-film materials prepared by different methods of magnetron deposition. These are the following materials: A. ... |
Zítek, Michal
Magnetronová depozice tenkovrstvých kovových slitin a nitridových vrstev na bázi Zr-Cu Binary Zr-Cu thin-film alloys were prepared by non-reactive conventional dc and impulse magnetron co-sputtering using two unbalanced magnetrons equipped with Zr and Cu targets. The magnetron with the Zr target was operated in a dc regime while the magnetron with the Cu target in... |
Kolenatý, David
Nízkoteplotní depozice vysoce funkčních termochromických povlaků na bázi VO2 použitím pulzního reaktivního magnetronového naprašování Vanadium dioxide is a technologically important thin-film material with a great applica-tion potential (e.g. smart windows) due to its reversible first-order semiconductor-to-metal transition. This Ph.D. thesis deals with preparation and characterization of thermochromic VO2-based coatings. The thesis is d... |
Jaroš, Martin
Tvrdé flexibilní povlaky připravené magnetronovým naprašováním Chapter 1 is introduction focusing on the energy E delivered into the coating during the deposition, as the main parameter which controls the property of the deposited coating. The control of the energy E is outlined. Chapter 2 shows the main aims of the Ph.D. thesi... |
Hromádka, Martin
Tenké vrstvy Sn-Cu-O a Sn-Cu-N vytvářené magnetronovým naprašováním This Ph.D. thesis deals with Sn-Cu-O and Sn-Cu-N coatings prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering. The main attention was devoted to find the correlations between process parameters, elemental composition, structure and the properties of the materials formed. After the literature overview ... |
Šímová, Veronika
Multikomponentní vrstvy s vysokou teplotní stabilitou připravené pulzním reaktivním magnetronovým naprašováním This thesis deals with new multifunctional thin-film materials prepared by pulsed reactive magnetron sputtering. The first and second chapters are devoted to introduction and literature overview of high-temperature materials. In the third chapter, three particular aims of the thesis are de... |
Vostřák, Marek
Charakterizace tepelných procesů při laserovém přetavování povlaků PhD thesis is focused on the development of a new method for measuring thermal processes in laser remelting of thermally sprayed coatings by using infrared cameras. The result of the thesis is a design of the suitable experimental setup, the advancement of measurement and its&... |
Zenkin, Sergei
Reaktivní magnetronové naprašování tenkých vrstev s unikálními vlastnostmi Early transition metals and their oxides and nitrides are widely used in industrial applications due to their high hardness, thermal stability, transparency (in the case of oxides and some nitrides) and other unique combinations of properties. This PhD thesis is dedicated to the re... |
Kučera, Martin
Fyzikální procesy při laserovém značení a vliv na korozní odolnost korozivzdorných ocelí PhD thesis is focused on the physical processes and their influence on the corrosion resistance during the stainless steel laser marking using nanosecond laser. The result of the PhD thesis is the measurement method, evaluation and the analysis of the thermal processes and their... |
Belosludtsev, Alexandr
Výsokovýkonové pulzní reaktivní magnetronové naprašování oxidových a oxynitridových vrstev Transition metal oxides and oxynitrides are a class of materials with yet unexplored physical, chemical and functional properties, and a great potential for industrial applications. This Ph.D. thesis deals with preparation and characterization of multifunctional oxide and oxynitride films. They w... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta aplikovaných věd / Faculty of Applied Sciences
- Katedra fyziky / Department of Physics