Katedra trestního práva / Department of Criminal Law
Recent Submissions
Chmelík, Jan
Terorismus a možné souvislosti s válkou Today's terrorism symbolizes the harsh reality of the world. A reality that brings damage to lives, health and immense property and political damage. In the past, however, terrorism has not received the attention it deserves. It has always been a statement that considered terro... |
Kocina, Jan
Vepřek, Jakub
VOPOZA: Oprávnění advokáta vyhledávat, prověřovat, předkládat a navrhovat důkazy v trestním řízení podruhé - aktuální souvislosti Authorized by the Committee for specialized assistance and protection of interests of advocates (VOPOZA) and being members of this committee, the authors have published an article about the topic of "Authorization of an advocate to search, examine, introduce and propose evidence in ... |
Kocina, Jan
Dobré mravy v obchodněprávních vztazích The article discusses the possibility of principle of morality corrective application in civil and commercial matters regarding the character of these matters. The uniform body of case law has been showing that the principle of possible immorality of legal actions in civil and comm... |
Židlická, Michaela
Zánik impéria – civilizace jako funkční společnost The demise of the Western Roman Empire marked the end of the advanced period of human history that we are used to calling antiquity. Great civilizations, whose maturity we are still discovering, were inscribed in the Roman world, which was a part and the culmination of... |
Straus, Jiří
Vavera, František
Rekonstrukce trestného činu a osobnost Bernarda Spilsburyho This paper describes a specific evidentiary procedure, which is supported by years of practice and followed by legislation, meaning the reconstruction. It discusses the legislative regulations and the criminological method of reconstruction itself. The main aim of this article is to analyze&... |
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- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law