Chmelík, Jan
Terorismus a možné souvislosti s válkou Today's terrorism symbolizes the harsh reality of the world. A reality that brings damage to lives, health and immense property and political damage. In the past, however, terrorism has not received the attention it deserves. It has always been a statement that considered terro... |
Kocina, Jan
Vepřek, Jakub
VOPOZA: Oprávnění advokáta vyhledávat, prověřovat, předkládat a navrhovat důkazy v trestním řízení podruhé - aktuální souvislosti Authorized by the Committee for specialized assistance and protection of interests of advocates (VOPOZA) and being members of this committee, the authors have published an article about the topic of "Authorization of an advocate to search, examine, introduce and propose evidence in ... |
Kocina, Jan
Dobré mravy v obchodněprávních vztazích The article discusses the possibility of principle of morality corrective application in civil and commercial matters regarding the character of these matters. The uniform body of case law has been showing that the principle of possible immorality of legal actions in civil and comm... |
Židlická, Michaela
Zánik impéria – civilizace jako funkční společnost The demise of the Western Roman Empire marked the end of the advanced period of human history that we are used to calling antiquity. Great civilizations, whose maturity we are still discovering, were inscribed in the Roman world, which was a part and the culmination of... |
Straus, Jiří
Vavera, František
Rekonstrukce trestného činu a osobnost Bernarda Spilsburyho This paper describes a specific evidentiary procedure, which is supported by years of practice and followed by legislation, meaning the reconstruction. It discusses the legislative regulations and the criminological method of reconstruction itself. The main aim of this article is to analyze&... |
Straus, Jiří
Vavera, František
Bernard Spilsbury - patolog, který se proslavil rekonstrukcí In the article, the authors describe the life of an important pathologist, his contribution to the introduction of the criminologically practival method of reconstruction. In addition to pathology, he became famous for introducing reconstruction in the courtroom. The article describes the im... |
Straus, Jiří
Vavera, František
Rekonstrukce trestného činu a osobnost Bernarda Spilsburyho This paper describes a specific evidentiary procedure, which is supported by years of practice and followed by legislation, meaning the reconstruction. It discusses the legislative regulations and the criminological method of reconstruction itself. The main aim of this article ... |
Straus, Jiří
Vavera, František
Ján Jesenský, jeho přínos pro kriminalistiku The article deals with an important figure of forensic medicine, Jan JesenskST, who dissected a human cada-ver on a public and press-documented performance in Prague in 1600. The importance of a public dissection in Prague can be seen mainly in historical context. It was an... |
Kocina, Jan
Velká novela trestních předpisů: Aktuální otázky dohody o vině a trestu The article presents the essential changes concerning an agreement on admission of guilt and on punishment, as introduced by the adopted amendment to criminal law. The most important changes are perhaps that an agreement on admission of guilt and on punishment may be concluded ... |
Kocina, Jan
Oprávnění advokáta vyhledávat, přověřovat, předkládat a navrhovat důkazy v trestním řízení The article describes the lawyer's authority to search for, examine, submit and propose evidence in criminal proceedings. Based on the notice of the lawyer Mgr. M. K. on the inappropriate procedure of the courts in the case concerning the examination of facts related to th... |
Straus, Jiří
Vavera, František
Paul Uhlenhuth, zakladatel moderní kriminalistické biologie The article discusses a significant figure in criminalistic biology, Paul Uhlenhuth, who was the first to discover a method for distinguishing between human and animal blood. |
Straus, Jiří
Vavera, František
Juan Vucetich - jeden ze zakladatelů daktyloskopie The article deals with Juan Vucetich, who is considered as one of the founders of dactyloscopy. It describes his life and the way to criminalistics. Furthermore, the article deals with the dactyloscopic identification system that Vucetich invented and introduced into forensic practice. |
Kocina, Jan
Vepřek, Jakub
Znalecký posudek předložený stranou v trestním řízení The article deals with the importance of the expert opinion as evidence in criminal proceedings and with the relevant legislation with emphasis on the issue of expert opinions submitted by the parties. Furthermore, in this context, it devotes the possibility of an expert, or a... |
Straus, Jiří
Vavera, František
Ohledání místa mimořádné události (teorie a praxe) The thesis deals with the activities of the IRS units on-site of an emergency event, i. e. with focus on the creme scene investigation. The basic activities of the IRS units are to intervene, i. e. avert danger or to mitigate and eliminate the consequences of an ... |
Vavera, František
Zajištění bezpečnosti ČR (z pohledu HZS ČR) The paper deals with the concept of internal security with regard to the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. Internal security in connection with operations of Fire Rescue Service of Czech Republic is surely not disregarded. This paper outlines the internal security both... |
Musil, Jan
Nekončící reforma trestního řízení In the article, the author focuses on the development of the so-called continental-type criminal procedure, which is experiencing permanent reform. The author states that the legislative work carried out in almost all European countries over the past few years has resulted in the a... |
Straus, Jiří
Vavera, František
Rudolf Archibald Reiss - nedoceněná osobnost světové kriminalistiky The article deals with one of the personalities of the history of criminology - Rudolf Archibald Reiss, who professionally devoted himself especially to photographic documentation of the crime scene. In 1914 and 1915, for example, at the request of the Serbian government, he helped... |
Straus, Jiří
Vavera, František
Rudolph Archibald Reiss - nedoceněná osobnost světové kriminalistiky The paper deals with one of the pioneers of forensic science, who mainly devoted to forensic photography. He has developed a range of photographic techniques for documenting the crime scene and identifying people, he devoted himself to teaching, and he also contributed to the ... |
Chmelík, Jan
Kamerové systémy a důkazní hodnota informací, které jsou jejcih prostřednictvím opatřeny The article deals with the limits of the legality of obtaining evidence by camera systems and using records from the camera system as evidence in criminal proceedings. It also discusses the issue of the possible evidential use of audiovisual recording made by a private person. |
Fastner, Jindřich
Vrchní soud v Praze: Ke svědeckému výslechu dítěte. K výkladu pojmu jiný pohlavní styk provedený způsobem srovnatelným se souloží The article discusses one decision of the High Court in Prague, which dealt with the question of interrogation of a child of a low age and the requirements for proper instruction of such a witness with regard to the subsequent applicability of the evidence thus obtained.&... |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20