Oddělení geověd / Department of Geosciences
Zobrazit statistikyKolekce
Poslední příspěvky
Kohout, Jiří
Stacke, Václav
Kuberská, Markéta
Konečná, Petra
Masopust, Pavel
Ferdiánová, Věra
Mentlík, Pavel
Slavík, Jan
Transformace obsahu ve třídě: vliv detailů výuky na žákovské porozumění struktuře vědecké znalosti The aim of the study, in the context of the historical development of didactics, is to analytically explain the theoretical construct of content transformation including the structure of its sub-terms, to justify its operationalization for the research of relations between teaching and... |
Duffek, Václav
Průcha, Tomáš
Vočadlová, Klára
Využití sférických fotografií ve výuce na VŠ Virtual reality is slowly making its way into the educational process today. One of the ways to convey educational content to students in virtual reality is by using panospheres. However, virtual reality is still not widely used in schools, probably due to the lack of tea... |
Slavík, Jan
Janík, Tomáš
Kohout, Jiří
Češková, Tereza
Mentlík, Pavel
Najvar, Petr
K teorii aktivního vzdělávacího obsahu v transdidaktickém pojetí This theoretical study builds on Fisherman‘s view of active content as an agent of cognitive change and on Kvasz’s theorem that cognitive changes on the level of historical cultural epistemology and cognitive changes on the level of student’s personal epistemology can be explain th... |
Kohout, Jiří
Buršíková, Dana
Frank, Jan
Lukavský, Jindřich
Masopust, Pavel
Motlíková, Iva
Rohlíková, Lucie
Slavík, Jan
Stacke, Václav
Vejvodová, Jana
Voltrová, Michaela
Efektivita distanční výuky během pandemie covid-19 Since spring 2020, the ongoing covid-19 pandemic has significantly influenced education worldwide due to forced school closures and the necessity to switch to distance learning. The aim of... |
Duffek, Václav
Fiala, Jan
Hořejší, Petr
Mentlík, Pavel
Polcar, Jiří
Průcha, Tomáš
Rohlíková, Lucie
Pre-Service Teachers’ Immersive Experience in Virtual Classroom In this paper, the results of two pilot studies, carried out in a 3D classroom simulator (based on the Unity 3D engine), will be presented. A virtual classroom user uses a virtual reality headset, and teaches virtual learners (didactic-controlled), who report, ask, and answer ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Centrum biologie, geověd a envigogiky / Center for Biology, Geosciences and Environments