Články / Articles (CTM) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Keqi, Armela
Gehlmann, Mathias
Conti, Giuseppina
Nemšák, Slavomír
Rattanachata, Arunothai
Minár, Jan
Pluciński, Łukasz
Rault, Julien E.
Rueff, Jean Pascal
Scarpulla, Michael A.
Hategan, M.
Pálsson, Gunnar Karl
Conlon, Catherine S.
Eiteneer, D.
Saw, Alexander Y.
Gray, Alexander X.
Kobayashi, Keisuke
Ueda, Shigenori
Dubón, Oscar D.
Schneider, Claus Michael
Fadley, Charles S.
Electronic structure of the dilute magnetic semiconductor G a 1- x M n x P from hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and angle-resolved photoemission We have investigated the electronic structure of the dilute magnetic semiconductor (DMS) Ga0.98Mn0.02P and compared it to that of an undoped GaP reference sample, using hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HXPS) and hard x-ray angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (HARPES) at energies of ab... |
Benea, Diana
Minár, Jan
Ebert, Hubert
Chioncel, Liviu
Magnetic Compton profiles of disordered Fe 0.5 Ni 0.5 and ordered FeNi alloys WestudythemagneticComptonprofile(MCP)ofthedisorderedFe0.5Ni0.5 andoftheorderedFeNialloysand discusstheinterplaybetweenstructuraldisorderandelectroniccorrelations.Thecoherentpotentialapproximation is employed to model the substitutional disorder within the single-site approximation, while local electronic correlations are captured with the dynamical mean field theory. ... |
Ketterl, A. S.
Otto, Sebastian
Bastian, M.
Andres, Beatrice
Gahl, Cornelius
Minár, Jan
Ebert, Hubert
Braun, Jürgen
Tereshchenko, Oleg Evgenievich
Kokh, Konstantin A.
Fauster, Thomas
Weinelt, Martin
Origin of spin-polarized photocurrents in the topological surface states of Bi2 Se3 For the generation of spin-polarized photocurrents in topological insulators, a coupling between photon angular momentum and electron spin is often assumed. Such a coupling seems to be supported by dichroism reported in E(ky)-intensity maps in photoemission. We show in three dimensional two-... |
Braun, Jürgen
Minár, Jan
Ebert, Hubert
Correlation, temperature and disorder: Recent developments in the one-step description of angle-resolved photoemission Various apparative developments extended the potential of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy tremendously during the last two decades. The following article reviews the corresponding recent theoretical developments in the field of angle-resolved photoemission with a special emphasis on correlation effects,... |
Nemšák, Slavomír
Gehlmann, Mathias
Kuo, Cheng Tai
Lin, Shih Chieh
Schlueter, Christoph
Młyńczak, Ewa
Lee, Tienlin
Pluciński, Łukasz
Ebert, Hubert
Di Marco, Igor
Minár, Jan
Schneider, Claus Michael
Fadley, Charles S.
Element-and momentum-resolved electronic structure of the dilute magnetic semiconductor manganese doped gallium arsenide The dilute magnetic semiconductors have promise in spin-based electronics applications due to their potential for ferromagnetic order at room temperature, and various unique switching and spin-dependent conductivity properties. However, the precise mechanism by which the transition-metal doping produces fe... |
Battiato, Marco
Minár, Jan
Wang, Weimin
Ndiaye, W.
Richter, M. C.
Heckmann, Olivier
Mariot, Jean Michel
Parmigiani, Fulvio
Hricovíni, Karol
Cacho, Cephise M.
Distinctive picosecond spin polarization dynamics in bulk half metals Femtosecond laser excitations in half-metal (HM) compounds are theoretically predicted to induce an exotic picosecond spin dynamics. Femtosecond spin dynamics experiments performed on Fe 3 O 4 by time- and spin-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy support our model. Furthermore, the spin polarization... |
Xu, Junqing
Zhang, Peng
Haule, Kristjan
Minár, Jan
Wimmer, Sebastian
Ebert, Hubert
Cohen, Ronald E.
Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Resistivity of Solid Iron at Earth’s Core Conditions from First Principles We compute the thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity of solid hcp Fe to pressures and temperatures of Earth’s core. We obtain thermal and electrical conductivities that are consistent with experiments considering reasonable error. The predicted thermal conductivity is reduced from previ... |
Dakhel, A. A.
Bououdina, Mohamed
Jaafar, Adnan
Khan, Wilayat
Azam, Sikander A.
Minár, Jan
Kanoun, Mohammed Benali
Goumri-Said, Souraya
Effect of (Cd, Al) Co-doping and hydrogenation on the long-range ferromagnetic ordering of ZnO: Experimental and DFT studies The nanopowders of ZnO coded Al and Cd were synthesized by thermal decomposition and were characterized by XRD. The measured optical properties point to a band gap of 3.23-3.12eV. By the hydrogenation of ZnO, we were able to stabilize the magnifying phase as confirmed by ... |
Krempaský, j.
Muff, Stefan
Minár, Jan
Pilet, Nicolas
Fanciulli, Mauro
Weber, Andrew P.
Guedes, Eduardo B.
Caputo, Marco
Müller, Elisabeth
Volobuev, Valentine V.
Gmitra, Martin
Vaz, Carlosaf A.F.
Scagnoli, Valerio
Springholz, Gunther
Dil, Jan Hugo
Operando Imaging of All-Electric Spin Texture Manipulation in Ferroelectric and Multiferroic Rashba Semiconductors The control of the electron spin by external means is a key issue for spintronic devices. Using spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (SARPES) with three-dimensional spin detection, we demonstrate operando electrostatic spin manipulation in ferroelectric α-GeTe and multiferroic Ge1−xMnxTe.... |
Nicolai, Laurent Christophe
Minár, Jan
XPS limit in soft X-ray photoemission spectroscopy of Ag(001) PhotoEmission Spectroscopy (PES) is a surface sensitive technique within the Ultra-Violet regime. A way to make it more bulk sensitive consists in increasing the photon energy for entering the X-ray regime. As a counterpart, this increase breaks the k-conserving dipole selection rule an... |
Podaný, Pavel
Reardon, Christopher
Koukolíková, Martina
Procházka, Radek
Franc, Aleš
Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Welding of Low Carbon, Medium Manganese TWIP/TRIP Steel Manganese twinning induced plasticity (TWIP) steels are attractive materials for the automotive industry thanks to their combination of strength and excellent toughness. This article deals with basic microstructural and mechanical properties of sheet metal of two heats of low-carbon medium-manganese... |
Dilawary, Shaikh Asad Ali
Motallebzadeh, Amir
Houdková Šimůnková, Šárka
Medlín, Rostislav
Haviar, Stanislav
Lukáč, František
Afzal, Muhammad Naveed
Çïmenoǧlu,, Hüseyin
Modification of M2 hardfacing: Effect of molybdenum alloying and laser surface melting on microstructure and wear performance The influence of alloying (10 wt% Molybdenum) and post deposition treatment (Laser Surface Melting) on the structural characteristics and wear performance of Plasma Transfer Arc deposited M2 hardfacings have been investigated. The nature of matrix and carbides of M2 hardfacing had changed... |
Calta, Pavel
Šutta, Pavol
Medlín, Rostislav
Netrvalová, Marie
Impact of sublayer thickness and annealing on silicon nanostructures formation in alpha-Si:1-1/alpha-SiNx:H superlattices for photovoltaics Formation of silicon nanostructures embedded in silicon nitride layers can be of great interest for micro and optoelectronic devices such as non-volatile memories and solar cells. In this work, we synthesized amorphous multilayered a-Si:H/a-SiNx:H superlattice structures with different thickness ... |
Vobecká, Lucie
Svoboda, Miloš
Beneš, Jan
Belloň, Tomáš
Slouka, Zdeněk
Heterogenita heterogenních iontově výměnných membrán zkoumaná pomocí chronopotenciometrie a rentgenové mikrotomografie Chronopotentiometry is a powerful experimental technique for characterization of ion-exchange membranes, especially phenomena associated with ion transport and the occurrence of overlimiting current. One also uses this technique to estimate heterogeneity of ion-exchange membranes, or more precisely the fra... |
Irfan, Muhammad
Azam, Sikander
Hussain, Safdar
Khan, Saleem Ayaz
Sohail, M.
Ahmad, Manzoor
Goumri-Said, Souraya
Vylepšené termoelektrické vlastnosti ASbO3 v důsledku snížené odstupu pásma prostřednictvím modifikovaného potenciálního schématu beckeho johnsona Using density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we have explored the effect of Ag and Cs atoms on the electronic transport properties of ASbO3 (A = K, Ag and Cs). We employed first principle calculations for investigation of electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of ... |
Irfan, Muhammad
Abbas, Zeesham
Khan, Saleem Ayaz
Sohail, Mohammad
Rani, Malika
Azam, Sikander A.
Kityk, Iwan V.
Účinky stlačeného materiálu na termoelektrické vlastnosti Cu3SbSe4 Recently Cu3SbSe4 have attracted enhanced an interest due to abundant potential for extensive thermoelectric applications. To get a complete prediction of its thermoelectric performance and charge transport details it is important to have fundamental data concerning band structure. In the present... |
Chmelař, Josef
Bělský, Petr
Mrázek, Jiří
Švadlák, Daniel
Hermannová, Martina
Šlouf, Miroslav
Krakovský, Ivan
Šmejkalová, Daniela
Velebný, Vladimír
Nanostruktura acylovaných derivátů hyaluronanu v pevném stavu Acyl derivatives of hyaluronan (acyl-HA) are promising materials for biomedical applications. Depending on the acyl length and the degree of substitution, these derivatives range from self-assembling watersoluble polymers to materials insoluble in aqueous environments. The behaviour of acyl-HA was stu... |
Palán, Jan
Šutta, Pavol
Kubina, Tomáš
Domanková, Mária
Účinek výrazné plastické a chladné deformace na strukturní a mechanické vlastnosti čistého komerčního titanu. SPD (severe plastic deformation) processing of materials provides a great potential associated with the enhancement of their properties by refining the initial grain structure. The present experiments involved mechanical working of commercial-purity titanium (Ti Grade 2) with the CONFORM SPD tech... |
Matikainen, Ville
Koivuluoto, Heli
Vuoristo, P.
Schubert, Jan
Houdková Šimůnková, Šárka
Vliv geometrie trysky na mikrostrukturu a vlastnosti HVOF a HVOF sptříkaných povlaků WC-10Co4Cr a Cr3C2-25NiCr Thermally sprayed hard metal coatings are the industrial standard solution for numerous demanding applications to improve wear resistance. In the aim of improving coating quality by utilising finer particle size distributions, several approaches have been studied to control the spray temperature.... |
Mazúr, Petr
Mrlík, J.
Beneš, Jan
Pocedič, Jaromír
Vrána, Jiří
Dundálek, Jan
Kosek, Juraj
Vyhodnocení výkonnosti tepelně upravených grafitových plstěných elektrod pro vanadovou redoxní průtočnou baterii a jejich čtyřbodová charakterizace v monočlánku In our contribution we study the electrocatalytic effect of oxygen functionalization of thermally treated graphite felt on kinetics of electrode reactions of vanadium redox flow battery. Chemical and morphological changes of the felts are analysed by standard physico-chemical characterization techniqu... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Nové technologie - výzkumné centrum / New Technologies - Research Centre
- Centrum nových technologií a materiálů / New Technology and Materials Centre (CTM)
- 175 2010 - 2019
- 6 2007 - 2009