Modelování a měření interakcí v technických systémech / Modelling and measurement of interactions in technical systems (MIS)
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Hurda, Lukáš
Matas, Richard
Preliminary computational study of turbulent flow in the boundary layer of the suction side of an inclined plate A turbulent flow behind a simple thin planar air foil with rounded edges at moderate angle of attack is studied. Reynolds number is about 65 000. First results of CFD analysis are presented, which will be validated with PIV measurements made by Institute of Thermomechanics... |
Hurda, Lukáš
Matas, Richard
Liquefied extinguishing agent discharge to an overpressure-sensitive enclosed volume The throttling of liquefied substances from high pressure vessels to an enclosed volume starting at atmospheric pressure is described in order to determine thermodynamic state of the extinguished room gaseous contents. Time dependent, 0D mathematical model is implemented describing the state ... |
Levý, Jaroslav
Matas, Richard
Hurda, Lukáš
Analysis of Phenomena Affecting Thermal Measurement on a Test Radial Compressor The Darina IV test equipment is used to determine the characteristics of the radial compressor stages. The pressures and temperatures of the flowing air are measured in several measuring planes. While analyzing the measured results, there was a suspicion regarding of the thermal infl... |
Novák, Martin
Matas, Richard
Sedláček, Jan
Numerické simulace průtoku spalin v prvním stupni filtru s horním přívodem - modifikace vstupních komorových vložek The paper is focused on flue gas flow simulations in a first stage filter with top inlet that is used in a cogeneration power plant. CFD simulations were done with emphasize on the influence of inlet chamber on the flue gas distribution and filtering process. The flo... |
Hurda, Lukáš
Matas, Richard
Analýza nejistot měření tepelných veličin v odstředivém kompresoru Compressor performance characteristics evaluation process based on the measurement of pressure, temperature and other quantities is examined to find uncertainties for directly measured and derived quantities. CFD is used as a tool to quantify the influences of different sources of uncertainty... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Nové technologie - výzkumné centrum / New Technologies - Research Centre