SVK 2017 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Tumpach, Jan
K možnostem využití programu MuseScore ve výuce hudebně naukových poznatků The article analyzes the possibilities offered by the free music notation software MuseScore in music education, especially at elementary schools. This includes facilitating the work of teachers and improving the presentation of not only the basics of music theory. The text also outline... |
Pfeifferová, Aneta
Psychologická východiska počátků výuky hry na klavír Playing musical instruments is a specific musical activity in which the person, based on acquired instrumental and musical skills, and usually the knowledge of notation, creates the sound form of musical works. |
Vojtová, Veronika
Tvorba Antonína Dvořáka se zaměřením na pohádkové opery The article contains both a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical one focuses on his inspiration by Czech fairy tales that Antonín Dvořák used in his most well-known operas Rusalka and Čert a Káča (The Devil and Kate). The practical one explains how to use these... |
Šustrová, Tereza
Hudba a pohyb na 1. stupni základní školy This thesis is focused on position of music and movement in a children’s life. The thesis research influence on the development of children’s personality and it tries to point out the meaning and the positive influence of musical movement acitivities at primary school. It also... |
Bělochová, Kristýna
Motivace žáků k hudební výchově na prvním stupni základní školy Objective of this essay was to have a think about music education especially from psychological point of view. Important aspekt which was earmarked was the motivation. The Motivation conected with various elements is considered like a succes of teaching all of educations. Reflection... |
Slavíková, Marie
Úvodní strany |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Publikace FPE / Publications of FPE
- Sborník SVK: teorie a praxe hudební výchovy dětí předškolního a mladšího školního věku
- 6 2017