Číslo 3 (2018) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Štichhauerová, Eva
Pelloneová, Natalie
Hodnocení finanční výkonnosti podniků textilního průmyslu v Královéhradeckém kraji The aim of this paper is to evaluate the financial performance of SMEs in the textile industry in the Hradec Králové region. The textile industry has been chosen because of its importance in the Hradec Králové region in the past. The analysis focuses on assessing the ... |
Černá, Marie
Hejduková, Pavlína
Krešová, Jozefína
Accounting and tax specifics of selected ecclesiastical institution Conducted article deals with the issue of ecclesiastical institutions. Authors are focused specifically on accounting and tax treatment of such institutions that differ in many areas from corporate practices. The article describes current position of ecclesiastical institutions in the national... |
Janeček, Petr
Spolupráce v cestovním ruchu v Plzeňském kraji Global competitiveness – currently very important thing in tourism competitiveness field. Small and medium-sized businesses can cooperate to succeed in the market. There are many cooperation strategies, such as strategic alliances, clusters, joint ventures etc. Cooperation in tourism is necessary ... |
Rydvalová, Petra
Žižka, Miroslav
Diskuze k problematice vymezení přirozených odvětvových klastrů The article deals with the formation of clusters which are considered as one of the tools to promote competitiveness and innovation capacity of companies. In practice, two basic types of clusters can be encountered. The first type are clusters that exist naturally in the regio... |
Klapalová, Alena
Suchánek, Petr
Analýza spokojenosti zákazníka v kontextu zpětných toků a výkonnosti podniku The paper presents the results of empirical research focused on customer satisfaction, processes and practices leading to customer satisfaction and approaches that companies use to minimize reverse flows, especially in the form of product returns. The aim of this paper is to find o... |
Zýková, Petra
Jablonský, Josef
Analýza efektivnosti obchodních řetězců v České republice This paper deals with efficiency analysis of 8 food stores chains in the Czech Republic. Four DEA models are used for the analysis – traditional radial model with the assumption of constant returns to scale (CCR model) and slack-based measures of efficiency model (SBM model).&... |
Vargova, Lucia
Rajcaniova, Miroslava
What have we learned about land market in Slovakia? The well-functioning of the land market represents a decisive factor in the forming of development of agriculture and has a significant influence on the structural changes. The paper provided an analysis of the land market with the aim to point to the recent situation an... |
Fiala, Petr
Majovská, Renata
Navrhování dodavatelských sítí metodou de Novo Multi-objective supply network design problem is formulated and solved by De Novo approach. The suitability of supply chains can be measured by multiple objectives, such as economic, environmental, social, and others. Traditional concepts of optimality focus on valuation of already given sys... |
Kodera, Jan
Tran, Van Quang
Vošvrda, Miloslav
Stacionární růst v optimalizačním Leontěvově dynamickém modelu Leontief model has been a significant contribution to the economic theory for more than a half of century. Since its inception the model was intensively developed in 1960s and 1970s. Among others there has been a great effort to dynamize it, to which Polish economist Lang... |
Brčák, Jan
Gangur, Mikuláš
A use of data mining methods in the Czech republic and in the world The data mining or a knowledge discovery from data becomes more significant these days. Our world faces an enormous amount of data which are produced every day. It is important to use clever softwares to help companies sort the information and use them in a right way... |
Lukáš, Ladislav
Proposal of probability measures suitable for accounting data based bankruptcy models Financial distress and bankruptcy modeling represents large and important field of economic research topics. This paper concerns with general structure of score oriented models in form of linear or affine forms built upon data available from standard accounting reports. For illustration purp... |
Egerová, Dana
Martinčík, David
Editorial |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy
- Publikace FEK / Publications of FEK
- Trendy v podnikání
- 2018
- 12 2018