Články / Articles (KMP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Vlk, Lukáš
Vránová, Miroslava
Mach, Tomáš
Das Erbbaurecht in der tschechischen Rechtsordnung The article deals with the legal regulation of ground leases in the Czech Republic, where this issue has returned to the legal system after more than half a century. The article identifies gaps in the positive legal regulation and discusses its expected development of interpre... |
Mach, Tomáš
Rizika sjednávání rozhodčích doložek a český právní řád The article deals with the development of Czech case law in the field of arbitration, especially with the resolution of disputes by ad hoc arbitrators appointed by the appointing authority; in this sense, the article refers to the risks of development of Czech case law po... |
Mach, Tomáš
Způsoby a hloubka zjišťování obsahu cizího (cizozemského) práva v českém civilním procesu This article discusses the topic of proving foreign law in the Czech civil procedure in the light of case-law of the Supreme Court of the Czech republic. The piece analyses the shortcomings of courts that appear in decisions of the courts of lower instances, shortcomings ... |
Mach, Tomáš
Elektronizace právních jednání a mezinárodní právo soukromé v české a slovenské republice v aplikační praxi přeshraničního právního styku. This article focuses upon the arena of private international law from both the point of view of the Czech legal system and of the Slovak legal system in context of legal transaction conducted electronically. The article discusses how the two systems approach „conversion“ of pa... |
Mach, Tomáš
Legitimate Expectations as Part of the FET Standard: An Overview of a Doctrine Shaped by Arbitral Awards in Investor-State Claims |
Mach, Tomáš
Legitimní očekávání jako součást FET standardu: quo vadis, legitimní očekávání ve světle případů JSW Solar v. Česká republika a Norvenergia v. Španělsko? |
Mach, Tomáš
From the balfour declaration to the creation of the state of israel: The issue of legal importance of this declaration, its historical role, and consequences of the arab attack upon the newly proclaimed state of israel on the plane of public international law This article discusses the historical circumstances of the Balfour Declaration and its impact upon the legal framework under which the State of Israel came to existence. Furthermore, this article ventures into the legal development in the subsequent years of the existence of Israel,... |
Mach, Tomáš
Ochrana investic v době post-achmea: Lze očekávat transatlantickou rozštěpenost ochrany investic? The subject matter of this article is the analysis of the CJEU decision in the Achmea case as viewed by the lens of the law of direct foreign investment pursuant to bilateral investment treaties. This piece critically deals with the conceptual issues which are obvious whe... |
Pejchalová Grünwaldová, Vladimíra
General and Particular Approaches to Implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights This article deals with the implementation, at the national level, of European human rights protection standards as enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and interpreted by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). It discusses the principles of interpretation of... |