Ročník 17 (2017) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Záruba, František
Roman Lavička – Ladislav Čapek – Jiří Fröhlich – Jiří Havlice – Rudolf Krajíc – Lukáš Reitinger: Královská založení na jihu Čech za vlády posledních Přemyslovců. České Budějovice 2016 |
Gersdorfová, Zlata
Roman Lavička – Ladislav Čapek – Jiří Fröhlich – Jiří Havlice – Rudolf Krajíc – Lukáš Reitinger: Královská založení na jihu Čech za vlády posledních Přemyslovců. |
Záruba, František
Lenka Bobková – Tomáš Velička ve spolupráci s Mladou Holou a Janem Zdichyncem: Jan Zhořelecký, třetí syn Karla IV. Praha 2016 |
Hložek, Josef
Konference Křivoklát 2017 |
Hložek, Josef
Menšík, Petr
Hrad Věžka a jeho odkryv v rekonstruovaných fototabulkách Václava Uchytila The survey of minor Věžka Castle, located above the right bank of the Berounka River near Druztová (Plzeň-North District), under the leadership of academic painter Václav Uchytil in 1962–1972 seems to be quite problematic from the modern archaeological point of view since only part... |
Záruba, František
Příspěvek k poznání středověké podoby Nového Hradu u Jimlína (okr. Louny) The paper focuses on history and architectural form of Nový Hrad u Jimlína. Special attention is paid to the question of the castle's foundation. In 1465, a charter was written by king George of Poděbrady allowing its foundation, though modern literature has shown an opini... |
Blažková, Kateřina
Tvrz v Pšovlkách (okr. Rakovník). Výzkum vodního příkopu tvrze During the clearing process of the oval fastness’ moat in the centre of Pšovlky an assembly of finds was gathered, representing the first dating material from the horizon of the small manor’s existence which is part of the concentration of small fortified manors in the we... |
Kastl, Petr
Úloha Nového Herštejnu v česko–bavorském konfliktu Within the example of Nový Herštejn castle, the transformation from a medieval residential seat into an object of predominantly military character can be well observed. As the Bohemian – Bavarian conflict of the late 15th to early 16th century was proceeding, the castle underwent... |
Janiš, Dalibor
Štětina, Jan
Historie a stavební vývoj středověkého hradu a renesančního zámku v Holešově The study summarizes available information about construction development and history of the predecessors of Holešov chateau – the medieval castle and Renaissance chateau – from the 13th century to the third quarter of the 16th century. The medieval and early modern phases of Holeš... |
Hamberger, Karel
Hrad Kynšperk nad Ohří Based on evaluation of older building archaeological survey documentation from the Museum of Cheb (1972 – 1974), the paper focuses on the hypothetical building form of Kynšperk nad Ohří castle (Sokolov district). Using the combination of previous evaluation, supplemented by a unique cas... |
Boukal, Jan
Hospodářská instrukce jako pramen poznání života na hradech na prahu raného novověku (Na příkladu instrukce pro křivoklátského hejtmana Albrechta z Vřesovic z roku 1528) The paper focuses on the question of value of medieval and early modern economic instruction in castellology, and tries to introduce a brief overview of their origins in Czech ambience. A case study follows, focused on the instruction for Křivoklát hetman Albrecht of ... |
Večeře, Vojtěch
Klášter, nebo hrad? Rezidence litomyšlských biskupů v letech 1344–1421, její hypotetická rekonstrukce a klasifikace In 1344, a new bishopric was founded in Litomyšl which effectively functioned until the Hussite conquest in 1421 with the local Premonstratensian convent serving as its property and personal base. The monastery complex at the Litoměřice hillock had started serving as an episcopal m... |
Biedermanová, Magdalena
Příspěvek k poznání topenišť Ludvíkova křídla Pražského hradu The introductory part of the paper consists of the basic description of Louis‘ Wing focused on disposition and communication scheme. In the following part, results of fireboxes‘ analyses are described in detail as well as premises used for tilled stoves service with emphasis on... |
Gersdorfová, Zlata
Sakrální prostory českokrumlovského hradu The paper focuses on sacral space of Český Krumlov Castle from the time of its foundation to the outbreak of the Hussite Wars. Sacral space is not only defined as consecrated premises, but also as place sacred by its commission and purpose. Two known castle ch... |
Vích, David
Bek, Tomáš
Kudrnovský, Miloš
Švejnoha, Josef
Vařeková, Zuzana
Veselá, Renata
Rekonstrukce hradu v Brandýse nad Orlicí v letech 2013−2016 After preparation conducted before 2013, rescue work begun at Brandýs nad Orlicí Castle, founded at the end of the 13th century with the archaeological excavation taking place at the same stage. Trenches placed into rubble cones in front of the southern perimeter wall proved t... |
Unger, Josef
Kořínek, František
Kořínek, Pavel
Nová zjištění z hradu Kraví Hora u Kuroslep (okr. Třebíč) The surface survey of the castle, with its origin placed to the 14th century, revealed previously unknown bailey together with a whole range of artefacts connected to human presence at this site. Moreover, the original entrance to the castle was found with a drawbridge and... |
Panáček, Jaroslav
Vykopávky v roce 1833 na hradě u Velenic (okr. Česká Lípa) According to an archival entry from 1833, two Velenice villagers conducted excavation at the castle near their village. The majority of finds consists of metal artefacts. The excavation site was later identified as Velenice 01, located approx. 500m northwest of the Church of Trinit... |
Gabriel, František
Kursová, Lucie
Otázky k rozsahu a podobě hradu Skály (Bischofstein) The Eastern Bohemian Skála Castle located in Adršpach-Teplice Rocks belongs to a wide group of manors with not yet formulated questions. The aims of the paper are both criticism of a few current reconstructions of the manor and raising questions after the relict evaluation. |
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- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
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- Castellologica bohemica
- 19 2017