Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KKY) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 181 až 200 z 241
Künkel, Sven Johannes
Metody detekce a lokalizace zkratů v elektrické síti

Diagnostic systems for in-time fault detection and localization are important in a modern electrical grid. In this work various fault detection methods based on time-frequency signal processing are analyzed. Localization methods are thoroughly discussed as well, their pros and cons are analy...

Medvecová, Pavla
Stabilizace jednoduchých mechanických systémů

This thesis deals with the creation of mathematical models of simple mechanical systems. which are inverted pendulum, dual inverted pendulum on a cart and spherical pendulum. Thereafter are created nonlinear models of these systems in Simulink and in SimMechanics. Then is performed line...

Kasl, Hynek
Efekty dynamických riboregulátorů na zpracování signálů při genové expresi prokaryot

It is well known that non-coding RNA sequences play an important role in transcriptional and translational regulatory networks. Simple one-step activation/inhibition methods are well documented in literature. The purpose of this project is to explore dynamic properties of translational regulation...

Klíma, Michal
Nástroj pro volbu resekční linie při chirurgii jater

The work is focused on the visualization of data from CT images of liver and algorithms of virtual resection. As resection algorithms were used resection by plane and resection by point. Visualization was performed using VTK. Several experiments verified the functionality of the pr...

Bulín, Martin
Detekce sémantických entit

The presented thesis is devoted to the local-level spoken language understanding task. The thesis aims to design context-free grammars enabling a detection of chosen semantic entity from the N-best hypotheses lattice of an automatic speech recognizer. Besides the ASR lattices also the&...

Berka, Filip
Sledování objektu pomocí snímače Kinect

The theoretical part of this thesis concerns with theory of computer vision, image and basic methods of its processing. There is also a short chapter about 3D graphics. In the practical part there is a description of the programmed application which is connected to mentioned&#...

Růžička, Jaroslav
Návrh, modelování a řízení manipulátoru se šesti stupni volnosti

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to build a parallel manipulator with six degrees of freedom based on the acquired knowledge. In this bachelor thesis appropriate structural solution and its realization will be described. Furthermore, the author will deal with the issue of ap...

Herbig, Milan
Rozpoznávání objektů v obrazech a videosekvencích

The work is focused on classification of video footages to correct category by content. Two different approaches are used to describe images. The first creates ensemble from simple feature extractors and the second uses more complex description by convolution neural network which achiev...

Šoma, Patrik
Bezkontaktní ovládání počítačových her

This thesis discusses various ways of touchless control over a computer game. This game is developed using programming language Python with Pygame libraries. Game control is implemented using Kinect sensor or webcam. When the webcam is in use program utilizes OpenCV library for det...

Frydlewicz, Lukasz
Řídicí jednotka souřadnicové frézky s krokovými motory

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to show possibilities of a design and implementation of the control unit for a small CNC milling machine. The mechanical structure of the machine was previously created in project No. 4. The first part of the thesis is aimed on ...

Müller, Luděk
Expertní systém v dietologii

This thesis is divided into three sections. The first one concerns dietology and principles of the problem. The methods and data needed for system creation are mentioned here as well. The second section is dedicated to the theory of expert systems, especially expert system beh...

Lavička, Milan
Alternativní tvorba vícesložkových akustických modelů

This thesis deals with a research and creation of acoustic model with alternative method. Part of the research is the influence of the number of components of the Gaussian mixture model on the quality of the sound. It further describes the process of obtaining training da...

Řežábková, Veronika
Modelování a odhad regulace glykolýzy v bakteriálních kmenech Escherichia coli

Glycolysis is an important part of the metabolic pathways of Escherichia coli. Metabolic pathways ensure by decomposition of glucose production of energy in the form of ATP and in the front row cellular growth. Pathways are tightly linked and therefore regulation of glycolysis depe...

Toman, Martin
Detekce homogenních oblastí v obraze

Thesis is devoted to the detection of homogeneous areas in an image. In theoretical part is explained the concept of homogeneous area and described three metods for detection of these areas ? The Laplacian of Gaussian, Hinz method [3] and MSER (Maximally stable extremal region...

Volavka, Martin
Řízení lineárního elektromagnetického pohonu

This bachelor?s thesis deals with issue of controlling linear electromagnetic actuators, especially Voice Coil Actuator (VCA). The goals of this thesis are makeup detailed mathematical model said actuator in programming environment Matlab/Simulink/Simscape and comparison with different mathematical im...

Káš, Martin
Určení 3D trajektorie ryb v malé nádrži pro analýzu kvality vody

This thesis concerns about an application of affordable 3D technologies ? Microsoft Kinect ? and new algorithm for tracking fishes in an experimental aquarium. The purpose of the application is drinking water analysis. The thesis describes the issue, data acquisition and preprocessing. ...

Bratršovský, Pavel
Automatizace získávání dopravních dat s využitím geolokace

This work is associated with company Hobl & Pech Ltd., a developer of software for the management and evaluation of transport and mechanization operation. Their aim was to develop a new traffic data acquisition solution yet unknown on the market. The solution should use th...

Červený, Martin
Klasifikace kategorií témat a detekce tématu článku pomocí vyhledání klíčových slov textu

This work examines keyword extraction methods applied to a text written in Czech language. It's goal is to find a suitable method that evaluates words with some kind of mathematical function, and to pick as key those words, that have the highest value of the function&...

Fara, Adam
Klasifikace scén do více tříd v rozsáhlých video archivech

This work is focused on image classification in large image archives, especially on classifying scene type. I deal with features appropriate for image descripton and classifiers, which evaulate features and classify images into classes. The aim is to find best performing combinations of...

Kiráľ, Lukáš
Odhad polohy pohybujícího se objektu z obrazových dat

This work deals with estimation of moving object position based on visual data. In first part, there is an overview of the possible methods of object detection in the image. Then two cameras are used to triangulate and obtain the position of an object in space. The&#...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 181 až 200 z 241