Diplomové práce / Theses (KAE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Urban, Ondřej
Rozšíření Univerzální řídicí jednotky USG2 o CAN FD The aim of this diploma thesis is to create an expansion module, which supports CAN FD protocol, defined by ISO 11898-1:2015 and ISO 1898-2:2016 standards. This module will be part of universal development board USG2, intended for development and testing of new ECU designs. US... |
Bulínová, Markéta
Dálkový monitoring životních funkcí domácích zvířat s využitím IoT This thesis focuses on a design of a wearable system for remote monitoring of animal's vital signs. At first, the laboratory systems for animal health management utilized by vets have been introduced together with two studies dealing with wireless health monitoring of animals w... |
Novák, Jan
Využití mobilních aplikací - vzorová řešení Main subject of this Master thesis is the use of mobile applications and their crossplatform development. Ground technologies affecting the use of mobile devices and apps are described. Major part of this thesis is concerned around crossplatform app development using Visual .NET Xamarin... |
Smaha, Tomáš
Anténní systém pozemního segmentu bez pohyblivých mechanických částí This master thesis describes general conditions, design and production of phased antenna arrays without movable mechanical parts which are often used for ground antenna stations to communicate with CubeSat class picosatellites. The designed antenna will be used for communication with the... |
Giebl, Jan
Elektronický zabezpečovací systém pro rodinný dům This diploma thesis focuses on designing and developing the electronic security system. In the first part, it presents basic properties of the electronic security systems. In the following practical part, system requirements are defined and based on those requirements, the security system... |
Vavroch, Ondřej
Distribuovaný zvukový modul Focus of this master's thesis is realisation of distributed audio module on STM32F429ZI platform capable of receiving, saving and playing audio files. Ethernet technology with implemented TCP and UDP protocols is used for comunication. For data storage microSD card is used.&... |
Valenta, Václav
Box pro dlouhodobé teplotní testy This diploma thesis focuses on the possibility of simulating thermal conditions during transport or operation of the electrical devices in extreme conditions. The diploma thesis provides an overview of basic means of temperature measurement and its control which were applied into the de... |
Beran, Martin
Aplikační SW pro zobrazovací jednotku elektrovozidla This master thesis deals with software design for display unit for the electric kart. The unit includes a display for displaying operational data. Data is obtained from the CAN bus and from sensors located directly on the PCB. The configuration PC application is used to c... |
Vítek, Martin
Zařízení pro mapování stacionárního magnetického pole v rovině Presented diploma thesis describes constructed device for mapping stationary magnetic field in plane. The device consists of the measuring device, the positioning device and the computer program for measurement control. It is possible to perform several types of measurements. The... |
Jenší, David
Prediktivní řízení asynchronního motoru The thesis deals with predictive control of asynchronous motor by FCS-MPC method (Fnite control set model predictive control). In the introduction part, there is described the issue of predictive control and there is discussed the FCS-MPC method. There are all the hardware compone... |
Zdebor, Jan
Regulace měniče akumulátoru energie v tramvajovém vozidle This diploma thesis is focused on control of energy storage converter of tram vehicle. It was necessary to create kinematic model of tram vehicle. Output of this model was required traction power. Next step was power model of tram. Input of power model was required ... |
Lufinka, Martin
Vývoj software pro kamerový systém vozidel hromadné dopravy The Diploma Thesis presents a complex design of software of the prototype of the camera system for public transport vehicles. This is especially design of the recording application for storing incoming data from the cameras with regard to their synchronization and protection of the... |
Suchý, Ondřej
Implementace řídicí jednotky motokáry s elektrickým pohonem This diploma thesis deals with the design of the control unit, which will be installed in the electric kart and it will control the permanent magnet synhcronous motor as well as other peripherals. In the first part of the thesis, the PMSM motor control, and especially... |
Novák, Marek
MicroCANopen Plus na platformě STM32 This master's thesis deals with the implementation of the protocol stack MicroCanOpen plus on the STM32 platform. At first, the theoretical part presents specifications of CAN standard, e.g. access methods, types of frames, error detection etc. A description and basic options of a... |
Born, Eugen
Simulation of a double ridge horn and a log-periodic dipole antenna for EMC measurement The goal of this thesis is designed and modeled two antennas, a double ridged horn antenna (DRHA) and a log-periodic dipole antenna (LPDA), with a bandwidth from 1 GHz to 6 GHz with CST Microwave Studio (CST MWS) to be built in the near future and used for ... |
Nagler, Andreas
Integrace dat stroje z "Hydraulikcheck" do SAP použitím formuláře The service Hydraulikcheck provided by Dorst Technologies, checks hydraulic components in their machines. Documenting of the measured values is done by hand up until today. With this thesis the goal is to redesign the entire measuring process by integrating digital technology.... |
Hás, Martin
Návrh a aplikace "systému pro měření protokolem CCP/XCP" pro mikroprocesory This diploma thesis deals with the design and the realization of a system with a microcontroller, which communicates with its master system via the measurement and calibration protocol XCP realized over a CAN bus. XCP protocol serves primarily for the purpose of the acquisition... |
Maška, Martin
Bezkontaktní optické snímání gramofonového záznamu This thesis deals with the non-contact optical based methods of retrieving a phonograph record. It presents the use of the laser beam on a theoretical level, while the practical part concerns photographing of grooves using the raster industrial camera with micro-lenses. The... |
Pauli, Dominik
Řídicí systém pro autonomní dron This thesis deals with proposal of navigation system for an autonomous drone. The proposal is described and implementation is made using AR drone 2.0 using JavaScript and TypeScript programming languages. Prototype is implemented as server aplication. |
Ježek, Vojtěch
Zjednodušená simulace analogové části zapojení ECU a vozidla The aim of this diploma thesis was to design and create simulator of analog electronic circuits, which are present in the automotive control unit. First part describes the differences between digital and analog simulation. Next part is theoretical analysis of methods for analysis o... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra aplikované elektroniky a telekomunikací / Department of Applied Electronics and Telecommunications
- 18 microcontroller
- 14 mikrokontrolér
- 10 ethernet
- 10 FPGA
- další >
- 269 diplomová práce