Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (CBG) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Martínek, Ondřej
Mykologický inventarizační průzkum v NPR Kladské rašeliny, část Tajga The thesis deals with the mycological survey of the national nature reserve Kladské peat bogs. The survey, focused on macromycetes, was carried out from April 2023 to February 2024. 228 species of fungi were found during the survey, 19 of which are included in the Red... |
Kubincová, Zuzana
Revize lepidopterologických sbírek motýlů deponovaných v Západočeském muzeu v Plzni The results of a review of the lepidopteran collections of Antonín Hájek and Jaroslav Polák are summarized in this bachelor thesis. Both collections provide information about butteflies and moths mainly distributed in the Czech Republic, especially in the Pilsen and Central Bohemia regi... |
Bláhová, Anna
Mapování dřevin v areálu Školní zahrady ZČU The bachelor's thesis is devoted to the mapping of trees in the ZČU School Garden in Pilsen. Every tree in the garden was determined and its coordinates were measured. These coordinates were processed in GIS and based on them, map documents were created showing the va... |
Zemanová, Kateřina
Trvalé preparáty a jejich praktické použití ve výuce přírodopisu na základní škole The bachelor thesis is focused on the preparation of permanent slides as teaching material. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The theoretical part describes the framework educational program and teaching methods, which are crucial for the effective preparation of lessons in... |
Vaňková, Nicola
Faunistický průzkum nočních makrolepidopter přírodní rezervace Diana v Českém lese The main topic of this bachelor's thesis is a faunistic survey of nocturnal macrolepidoptera in the Diana nature reserve, which is part of the protected landscape area Český les (PLA Český les). A significant part of the territory of the nature reserve consists of original... |
Hajtmarová, Martina
Využití pojmových map při výuce fyzické geografie na základních školách This bachelor thesis focuses on the use of concept maps in the process of teaching physical geography in primary schools. My main goal is to design a teaching situation that uses a concept map in teaching a selected topic in physical geography in primary schools. The ... |
Krištofovičová, Alexandra
Pavouci přírodní památky Petrské údolí The main topic of my bachelor's thesis is mapping the spider fauna in the Petrské údolí nature reserve. The research was initiated in April 2023 and concluded in November 2023. The theoretical part will provide a closer look at the given locality from various perspectives.... |
Zemková, Markéta
Postoj budoucích učitelů zeměpisu k tématům fyzické geografie This bachelor thesis examines the attitudes of prospective teachers towards physical geography topics. It first focuses on an analysis of the literature of pedagogical research, the critical places of geography or physical geography in the Framework for Education. A questionnaire and a ... |
Písař, Jakub
Inventarizační průzkum vybraných lokalit Plzeňského kraje The bachelor thesis deals with mycological research in two selected economic forests of the Pilsen Region. During the inventory survey in the Teplý locality and the Za Hůrkou locality, a total of 223 species of macrofungi from the divisions Ascomycota and Basidiomycota were determi... |
Marešová, Klára
Hodnocení environmentální výchovy, vzdělávání a osvěty (EVVO) na druhém stupni ZŠ The bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis of environmental education, awareness and education (EVVO) at the second level of primary school in the Czech Republic. The thesis consists of a theoretical part that introduces the Reader to the issues of environmental education and a... |
Smetana, Jan
Inventarizační průzkum Přírodní památky Studánky u Cerhovic This bachelor thesis deals with the mapping of plants in the area of the natural monument Studánky u Cerhovic, where a total of 234 species were identified. 16 protected and 8 invasive plant species were discovered. The present bachelor thesis also includes the biometry of... |
Reinvartová, Karolína
Sukcese rostlin kaolinových oprámů u obce Horní Bříza This bachelor's thesis deals with plant succession after kaolin mining. The theoretical part of the work focuses on the issue of kaolin mining and the related process of environmental remediation, using methods of succession and restoration. The practical part consists of an invento... |
Matějková, Adéla
Botanická naučná vycházka národní přírodní rezervací Soos s využitím mobilních zařízení This bachelor thesis is dedicated to the creation of an interactive botanical educational walk. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter describes the Soos National Nature Reserve and its general characteristics. The second chapter discusses mobile technologies in educati... |
Mendzhul, Natálie
Inventarizační průzkum Přírodní rezervace Páteříková huť The topic of this bachelor thesis is an inventory survey of the nature reserve Páteříková Huť, which is located in the Pilsen region in the district Klatovy. The main reason for carrying out the inventory survey in the selected area was mainly the botanical diversity of... |
Zrubcová, Žofie
Bezobratlí školní zahrady During the year 2023, research on invertebrates was carried out in the school garden of the Faculty of Education in Pilsen. The site was divided into 3 habitats. Methods of invertebrate collection were: ground traps, light traps, artificial shelter method and Moericke trays. A ... |
Lauberová, Kateřina
Soubor interaktivních pracovních listů na téma členovci pro základní školy The main objective of this work is to create a set of interactive worksheets on the topic of arthropods for second level of primary school. In the introductory part of the work, the tribe Arthropoda is characterized at the level of knowledge of second grade primary&... |
Kořánek, Tomáš
Diverzita fytoplanktonu vybraných rybníků Bolevecké rybniční soustavy a detekce případných parazitů sinic a řas The present bachelor thesis deals with the study of the species composition of phytoplankton of selected fishponds of the Bolevec system in Pilsen, its changes during the year and monitoring of possible occurrence of fungal parasites of cyanobacteria and algae. Phytoplankton samples wer... |
Pivoňka, Martin
Návrh a evaluace vyučování tématu Místní region na příkladu Chodska This bachelor's thesis deals with the design and verification of teaching material intended for teaching the geography of the local region at the 2nd level of elementary schools and lower secondary schools in Domažlice. The teaching material deals with the topic of agriculture ... |
Bočková, Vanessa
Malakofauna údolí Hořiny mezi Hradcem a Hradišťany This work is focused on the research of terrestrial molluscs of Hořina rivulet valley between Hradec u Stoda and Hradišťany localities. The collection of molluscs was carried out from July to August of 2022. The collection of molluscs was carried out on 17 localities. The ... |
Horejšová, Eva
Zdravý životní styl a střevní mikrobiom The thesis deals with healthy lifestyle and gut microbiome. |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Centrum biologie, geověd a envigogiky / Centre of Biology, Geosciences and Environmental Education
- 19 měkkýši
- 17 geography
- 15 základní škola
- 14 molluscs
- další >
- 272 bakalářská práce
- 116 2020 - 2024
- 156 2013 - 2019