Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (CBG) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Toušková, Tereza
Poruchy příjmu potravy The thesis deals with eating disorders and their prevention. |
Šlaufová, Eva
Zhodnocení synuzie nočních motýlů (Lepidoptera) post-industriálních stanovišť v okolí obce Horní Bříza This Bachelor thesis summarizes the results of an inventory survey and evaluation of synusia of large nocturnal butterflies from post-industrial habitats around the village of Horní Bříza. The species of nocturnal butterflies were monitored using specially assembled UV light traps in eight... |
Borovská, Viktorie
Výukový program: Rostliny aridních oblastí v Zoo a botanické zahradě Plzeň The topic of this bachelor thesis is an educational program about plants of arid regions. It deals with the analysis of important concepts related to plants of arid climates, their adaptation and the mapping of selected representatives located in the Pilsen Zoological and Botanical... |
Kaucká, Daniela
Měkkýši Odlezelského jezera The malacological inventory research of Odlezel Lake and its surrounding area was carried out continuously in the spring, summer and autumn months of 2022. The collection took place at 24 sites, most of them were terrestrial, some of them aquatic and some were transitional wet... |
Voříšková, Kateřina
Dendrologická naučná stezka na Plešivci s využitím QR kódů The bachelor thesis Dendrological educational trail in Plešivec with the use of QR codes contains a proposal for a educational trail in Plešivec, in which QR codes are used at individual sites. In the first part of the thesis the locality of Brda and Mount Plešivec i... |
Kreisslová, Alžběta
Mapové dovednosti studentů na VŠ This bachelor thesis focuses on comparing students of geography at the university and their succes rate in map skills, particularly in the interpretation of topography. The aim of this work is to identify the most common misconceptions among students when reading, analyzing, interpretin... |
Kutková, Kristýna
Choroby obilovin This bachelor's thesis deals with cereal diseases occurring in the Pilsen Region. Areas within 35 km from the city of Pilsen were selected for research. The sample collection was carried out in May and June 2022. At the beginning of the thesis, I focus on the cha... |
Sazimová, Klára
Dopady stravování na životní prostředí This thesis deals with diet-related environmental impact. The theoretical part of this thesis works with the basic terminology related to the topic and it also offers ways to mitigate said impact. The practical part of this thesis analyzes the data collected via a questionnaire. |
Poncová, Tereza
Návrh a ověření výukového materiálu pro výuku geografie místního regionu Sokolovsko This bachelor's thesis deals with the design and verification of teaching material intended for the geography of the local region for pupils of the 2nd grade of primary schools. The teaching material deals with the topic of brown coal surface mining in the region Sokolovsk... |
Jeřábková, Lucie
Sukcese na Smolnické výsypce The thesis focuses on the succession on the Smolnice spoil heap, which is a result of intensive lignite mining in the Sokolov region. It presents succession models, its types and methods of its study. The impact of mining on the landscape of the region is also discus... |
Kolářová, Zuzana
Vytvoření geografické virtuální procházky a ověření její efektivity ve výuce The bachelor's thesis deals with the creation of a virtual walk around the Rokycany district and verification of effectiveness in teaching. The virtual walk was created using six spherical photographs. Spherical photographs show six selected places in the Rokycany district. A worksheet... |
Krátká, Daniela
Zhodnocení využití krajiny v obci Bolešiny This bachelor's thesis is analyzing the land use of the countryside residences in the Village Bolešiny and their comparison of the resident structure and the structure of the landscape. |
Váchalová, Barbora
Měkkýši údolí Klabavy mezi Rokycany a Dýšinou The target of this bachelor's thesis was to perform inventory research of molluscs in the valley along the Klabava between Rokycany and Dýšina with a length of 6.3 km. There were examined 24 localities. The field research was carried out from July to November 2021. Th... |
Majer, Karel
Výuková strategie konceptových map ve výuce zeměpisu na základní škole This thesis examines the influence of strategy of concept maps on the learning process, the understanding of relationships and connections within the subject matter, and the motivation of elementary school pupils. A concept map is a graphic diagram that enables pupils to visualize ... |
Hránková, Eliška
Výuka o lidských rasách v kurikulu zeměpisu na ZŠ v ČR a vybraných evropských zemích This thesis discusses and compares teaching about human races in geography classes in the Czech Republic, Germany and United Kingdom. Its primary focus is on the second level of primary schools in Czech Republic (grades 6-9) and the corresponding levels of education in foreign ... |
Zimanová, Kamila
Antibakteriální aktivita přírodních polyfenolů The bachelor thesis on the antibacterial activity of natural polyphenols deals with the study of the effectiveness of various polyphenols in the fight against bacteria. The theoretical part, the antibacterial activity is first defined, then the individual groups of polyphenols, and finally... |
Haisová, Aneta
Využití vybraných aplikací ve výuce zeměpisu The thesis deals with applications that can be included in geography education. A database of sixteen applications was created, and for four selected applications themes for teaching using these applications were created. In addition, a questionnaire was developed and sent to geography ... |
Holá, Lucie
Přínos stanovení karyotypu cytogenetickými metodami u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem This bachelor's thesis is focused on the contribution of karyotype determination by cytogenetic methods in patients with multiple myeloma. This work is divided into theoretical part and results. The theoretical part includes following topics: cytogenetics, cytogenetic nomenclature ISCN, oncocytogenetic... |
Millianová, Barbora
Návrh terénní výuky zeměpisu na Tachovsku The work deals with the design of fieldwork of geography for multi-year high schools, which was created on the topic of the local region of Tachov. A walk was set up with ten study stations near the village of Branka, which is located on the border of the B... |
Lešková, Monika
Návrh a ověření vyučovací hodiny zaměřené na kritické místo Měsíc pro žáky 2. stupně ZŠ This Bachelor's thesis aims to uncover a critical point in the teaching of geography at the second level of primary school. One of the topics considered critical by Pluháčková et al. (2019) was chosen, namely the topic of the Moon Phase, and the teaching on this ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Centrum biologie, geověd a envigogiky / Centre of Biology, Geosciences and Environmental Education
- 19 měkkýši
- 17 geography
- 15 základní škola
- 14 molluscs
- další >
- 272 bakalářská práce
- 116 2020 - 2024
- 156 2013 - 2019