Bońkowski, Tomasz
Použití modelů lidského těla v pasivní bezpečnosti motocyklů This work is focused on the application of the scalable hybrid human body model for the improvement of the motorcyclists' passive safety. The research begins by setting the stage, elucidating the historical context, and articulating the core problem statement. It further delineates ... |
Camprová turjanicová, Jana
Mikrostrukturálně orientovaný model transportu iontů v porézním prostředí The presented thesis focuses on the multiscale modeling of ionic transport in porous medium and its application to the modeling of cortical bone tissue. It considers two-phase material that consists of an incompressible electrolyte solution and a solid phase that is described by tw... |
Krejčová, Milada
Mikromechanika na molekulární úrovni - molekulární motory, Maxwellův démon My presented dissertation thesis aims to show possibilities and use statistical physics in biomechanics, especially for modelling a muscle on a molecular level (myosin II molecular motor) and its connection to the so-called Maxwell's demon. In the model, I use the Fokker-Planck equa... |
Novák, Michal
Aspekty použitelnosti železobetonových konstrukcí, aplikace na panelové systémy Research of existing knowledge about the properties of used building materials, the method of calculating the deformation of slab reinforced concrete structures with emphasis on the later application of loading, research and analysis of structures and methods of design according to applicabl... |
Pecka, Aleš
Řešení úloh FSI s využitím nespojité Galerkinovy metody konečných prvků The ultimate goal of this thesis is to design and implement a fluid-structure interaction (FSI) methodology mainly for applications in aeroelasticity, such as flutter prediction. One of the main requirements for the FSI algorithm is a high level of modularity, meaning that the flui... |
Rendl, Jan
Nelineární dynamika rotujících soustav s kluznými ložisky This thesis is focused on the mathematical modelling of rotating systems with journal bearings and detailed investigation of particular journal bearing types and their effects on rotating system's behaviour. First, a complex model of a radial journal bearing is introduced for modelling... |
Špička, Jan
Vývoj virtuálního modelu člověka jako multibody systému This work is focused on the virtual modelling of the human body, with the main focuse on the full body models, utilized and developed for dynamics crash scenarios. This thesis firstly presents a brief overview of the current state of the art in the human models. Howe... |
Novák, Matyáš
Implementace kvantově-mechanických výpočtů elektronové struktury a vlastností neperiodických materiálových struktur A new ab-inito method and the related computer code has been developed within this work --- in accordance with its aims --- for calculating electronic states and structural properties of (primarily) nonperiodic, possibly electrically charged, material structures. This method has been impleme... |
Heczko, Jan
Modelování pryžových součástí při zohlednění změn mechanických vlastností způsobených provozními podmínkami This work deals with modelling of mechanical properties of rubber with the consideration of chemical ageing and cumulation of microcracks driven by fatigue damage. The use of time-averaging technique, based on asymptotic expansions, is suggested for the purpose of numerical simulations ... |
Prausová, Helena
Modelování turbulentního proudění pomocí RANS a implicitního přístupu LES s využitím nespojité Galerkinovy metody The thesis deals with numerical modelling of turbulent compressible fluid flows using RANS and LES approaches, taking advantage of the discontinuous Galerkin finite element method used for discretization of the appropriate mathematical models. The first part is focused on imple... |
Klečková, Jitka
Modelování aeroelastických jevů se zaměřením na predikci flutteru turbínových lopatek Thesis is devoted to a field of aeroelasticity phenomena, which appears due to interaction of fluid and structure. This work is especially aimed at methods of mathematical modelling of aeroelasticity phenomena in steam turbines, where one of the best known is a flutter of turbine b... |
Bulín, Radek
Pokročilé výpočtové metody pro vyšetřování dynamiky vázaných mechanických systémů s lany a poddajnými nosníky This dissertation thesis is dedicated to the modelling of multibody systems that include flexible thin bodies such as beams, ropes, cables and fibers. In this work, the basic methods for cable modelling are summarized and then the complex methodology for the dynamical analysis of... |
Smolík, Luboš
Modelování kmitání a dynamická analýza rotorů turbodmychadel This dissertation thesis deals with methods for computational modelling and testing of lateral vibrations of turbocharger rotors supported in journal bearings with fully floating rings. Furthermore, design for an effective radial journal bearing is proposed. Parameters of an investigated turbocharger&... |
Bek, Lukáš
Pokročilé spoje kompozitních komponent The work is focused on a behaviour investigation of a riveted joint using composite components and a blind rivet. The work describes a design and an implementation of a material model into the commercially used software Abaqus. The most important model characteristics are the ... |
Kesl, Petr
Posuzování spolehlivosti konstrukcí simulační technikou Recently, a changeover from the applicable national standards for designing of building structures to uniform standards eurocodes. Naturally, this change applies also to steel structures. Eurocodes are based on semi-probabilistic "regulation" method of various coefficients, the origin and p... |
Plánička, Stanislav
Matematické modelování dvoufázového proudění The Ph.D. thesis presents a detailed overview of models and techniques used for two-phase flows modeling, which can be numerically solved using the finite volume method. The models and techniques are discussed in detail, including their extent of validity. Using averaging approach, the&... |
Rychecký, Drahomír
Modelování poddajných rotujících těles s kontaktními vazbami The dissertation thesis aims to introduce the reader to one of the possibilities of modeling of flexible bodies connected by contacts with relative small movement. Firstly a state of the art review was made to achieve the stated goal, which was the starting point for expl... |
Heidler, Václav
Numerická simulace proudění chladiva v palivovém souboru reaktoru VVER1000 pomocí lattice Boltzmannovy metody The paper deals with numerical simulation of 3D unsteady turbulent coolant flow inside a fuel assembly TVSA-T of the VVER1000 type reactor operated in Nuclear Power Plant Temelín using Large-Eddy-Simulations (LES). Because of complex geometry of the fuel assemblies and very computational... |
Srbová, Hana
Analýza jednosměrového vláknového kompozitu z hlediska mikromechaniky Aim of this dissertation was to analyze influence of spatial distribution of fibers in the unidirectional carbon fiber composite on overall behavior of the material. The dependency of homogenized material properties of a composite lamina on its degree of irregularity are investigated, p... |
Dyk, Štěpán
Kmitání komponent jaderného palivového souboru s rázovými účinky The thesis is focused on mathematical modelling of vibro-impact systems, particularly on the modelling of the TVSA-T fuel assembly components vibration in WWER-1000/320 reactor. A methodology of the modelling of impact-interacting flexible one-dimensional bodies is formulated and the direct appli... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta aplikovaných věd / Faculty of Applied Sciences
- Katedra mechaniky / Department of Mechanics