Disertační práce / Dissertations (KAR) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Liwoch, Radosław
Zagadnienia typologii i chronologii zabytków archeologicznych z fazy wcesnopaństwowej (koniec X ? połowa XIII w.) na Rusi południowo-zachodniej. Formování raně středověkého státu z pohledu archeologie. Otázky typologie a chronologie archeologických památek (konec 10. ? polovina 13. století) na jihozápadní Rusi. Archaeology is the science that examines the past of the mankind on the basis of material testimonies - archaeological sites and artefacts - left by human beings. The main goal of archaeologists trying to reconstruct past cultural processes is to determine when these artefacts ... |
Hrubá, Hana
Pozdně středověká keramika v jihozápadních Čechách The thesis deals with kitchen and table pottery of the High- and Late Middle Ages in southwestern Bohemia. In terms of chronology whole time range is divided into two periods: first period covers time range from the second half of 13th century to the first half of... |
Chlevišťan, Jiří
Archeologie a vývoj lodní dopravy v pravěké Evropě. Historie, metody, prameny Dissertation thesis is focused on prehistoric boat within european continent. There was gathered boat from teritory of 17 countries which was dated max. to 5th century BC or halstatt period. Attention was paid to chronological typological aspects of these boats, mainly to artefacts ... |
Preusz, Klára
Aplikace moderních metod v krajinné archeologii - příkladová studie Ager Castronoviano My thesis attempts to suggest the suitable methodology for a diachronic analysis of the landscape development and transformation of Ager Castronovano (Lazio, central Italy). Combining a wide range of sources, it reconstructs settlement and the rural landscape development, revealing the continuity... |
Kaňka, Jan
Reakce fortifikačních systémů českých hradů na nástup palných zbraní The presented dissertation thesis aims to present the concept of evaluation of fortification components of Bohemian castles and their reaction to firearms. This approach is not very common within the Czech castellology, but it definitely deserves deeper understanding and its appliance... |
Hobl, Luboš
Souvislost hradů v Čechách s řádovými hrady v jižním Pobaltí The presented Ph.D. thesis was aimed at verifying the theory of prof. T. Durdík on the influence of the Czech castle architecture of the last Přemyslids, and more specifically - the castle type of So-called Central European Castell, on the regular Teutonic Order´s castles in... |
Augustýnová, Markéta
Metalurgie bronzu doby bronzové v Čechách ve světle výpovědi jejich pramenů The thesis engages in current state of the bronze metallurgy source base of the Bronze Age in Bohemia and on the basis of the formal and space attributes of this activity evidences examines the potential system of the local bronze metalurgy organisation. |
Netolický, Petr
Etnoarcheologie staveb. Komparativní výzkum tradiční architektury střední a východní Evropy The thesis is concerned with archaeological sources, namely those which primarily relate to the development, the design and function of residential buildings from a rural but also urban environment between 6th-17th century. Current knowledge about the development, the design and function of&... |
Ondříčková, Marie
Hudební nástroje starověkého Blízkého východu. This research focuses on musical artifacts in the framework of archaeology.The dissertation has theoretical and practical parts. Theoretical passages present analyses of archaeological discoveries within musical context. The practical part brings reconstruction of three types of musical instruments. We... |
Šteffl, Jindřich
Účel bronzových depotů The main aim of this doctoral thesis lies in researching the purpose of bronze hoards and the crucial part of this research is based mainly on testing a newly created archaeological theoretical model which interprets hoards as estates of the deceased. This theoretical model wa... |
Novák, David
Drobná vrchnostenská sídla a vrchnostenské dvory 13. - 17. století We consider the elite residences a continuous phenomenon in which not only formal attributes played a crucial role, but a substantially wider network of purposes and meanings that constituted the medieval and early modern realities. This work therefore avoids traditional terminology and ... |
Netolický, Petr
Etnoarcheologie staveb: komparativní výzkum tradiční architektury střední a východní Evropy The thesis is concerned with archaeological sources, namely those which primarily relate to the development, the design and function of residential buildings from a rural but also urban environment between 6th-17th century. Current knowledge about the development, the design and function of&... |
Hlásek, Daniel
Eneoliticko-bronzový keramický komplex The topic of this dissertation is the Aeneolithic-Bronze Age pottery complex . The complex consists of a stable range of various kinds of ceramic vessels which continuously reappeared in the territory of central Europe and southern Scandinavia for over three thousand years. Both be... |
Peterková, Eliška
Ornamentika pravěké keramiky Ornamentation prehistoric pottery This dissertation examines the decoration on prehistoric ceramic containers. The first part discussed the issue ornaments on ceramics from a theoretical point of view. A general overview is presented ornament development in the Czech prehistory from the Neo... |
Plzák, Jindřich
Moderní dokumentační metody archeologických faktů The thesis focuses on basic application of three-dimensional digital environment in archaeology. The thesis mainly consists of methods and options of artefact documentation using modern technology which have not been commonly used so far in archaeological research and fieldwork. Modern documentat... |
Šteffl, Jindřich
Účel bronzových depotů The main aim of this doctoral thesis lies in researching the purpose of bronze hoards and the crucial part of this research is based mainly on testing a newly created archaeological theoretical model which interprets hoards as estates of the deceased. This theoretical model wa... |
Preusz, Michal
Keramika 16. a 1. poloviny 17. století v jižních a západních Čechách The thesis evaluates the development and transformation of ceramics in the 16th and the first half of the 17th century in southern and western Bohemia. Modern ceramics form a large group of artefacts, which is important especially as a source for the dating of archaeological... |
Frýzl, Jan
Římsko-provinciální spony z oblasti severně od středního Dunaje a jejich význam v tehdejší živé kultuře This doctoral thesis deals with the Roman-Provincial brooches from the Roman Period which were discovered in the north of the Middle Danube territory (Bohemia, Moravia, Lower Austria north of the Danube and Slovakia). This thesis deals with the variability and expression of the Rom... |
Král, Pavel
Krajina v zázemí asyrských metropolí This dissertation aims to explore the landscape around the city Mosul in northern Iraq and to evaluate the changes of settlement pattern. In this part of northern Mesopotamia, there are ruins of the three most important Assyrian metropolises - Dur-Sharruken (modern Chorsabad), Calah... |
Švejcar, Ondřej
Variabilita pohřebního ritu v prostředí únětické kultuy The presented thesis is dealing with selected aspects of the burial rite of the Unetic culture in Czech. On the basis of the collected data from published burial sites of this culture, the questions testing the variability within the frame of burial rite of the Unet... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra archeologie / Department of Archeology