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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 85
Maisnerová, Katarína
Fair execution costs?

The area of executions undoubtedly involves an area of law that is inconvenient and conflicting for the average person. The negative emotions accompanying the entire procedure are logically reflected in the impression of general injustice in the amount of costs covered. On the one&...

Nemanský, Jan
Pohledávka po zamítnutí insolvenčního návrhu - možnosti obrany dlužníka

The article deals with the problematics of the debtor’s means of defense against the creditor that is not the insolvency petitioner and whose receivable was submitted to the insolvency proceedings after this proceeding has ended in cases when the proceedings was discontinued by the...

Tvrdík, Ivan
(Ne)sporná řízení

The article is a response to the fundamental inadequacy and desperate quality of the criticism of the draft substantive plan of the Civil Procedure Code, while thematically dealing with the contentiousness of contentious proceedings and their definition (conceptual definition of contentious ...

Hablovič, Jakub
Pojem uprchlík v mezinárodním a československém právu 1918 - 1939

Political events between 1918 and 1939 provoked several waves of refugees in Europe, to which both international and Czechoslovak law had to respond. The main goal of this article is to analyze the definition of the term refugee in international law relevant to the situation&#...

Chaloupka, Roman
Uspokojení pohledávky zajištěného věřitele po rozhodnutí o splnění oddlužení

The aim of this paper is to analyze the issue of satisfaction of the secured creditor's claim after the decision to meet the debt relief in the insolvency proceedings. The use of the legal option of the secured creditor to demand satisfaction of the secured receivable...

Štika, Martin
Zastavování dlouhodobě bezvýsledných exekucí v rozměru právně výkladovém, ústavním a společenském

This article looks at Section 55(7) to (13) of the Enforcement Code, relating to the discontinuance of protracted and unsuccessful enforcement procedures. In the first part, the author outlines the procedure under this legislation, including its practical application, from the perspective of...

Hablovič, Jakub
Reflexe migrační vlny v československém právním řádu v roce 1938

The article deals with the reflection of the migration wave caused by the rising fascism the so-called Sudeten Germans and the subsequent withdrawal of these territories to Germany as a result of the signing of the Munich Agreement in the Czechoslovak legal system. Due to ...

Nováková, Veronika
Aspekty odškodňování nemajetkové újmy způsobené nezákonným trestním stíháním se zaměřením na mimosoudní postup Ministerstva spravedlnosti ČR

Injured parties as a result of an illegal criminal prosecution can claim compensation from the state for the non-pecuniary damage. Before filing a lawsuit in court, they file their claims with the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic, which was supposed to assess their&#x...

Koutenský, Otakar
Postižení účasti povinného v obchodní korporaci

The article deals with the comparison of the disability of the obligor's participation in a public company and a general partner in a limited partnership; and impairment of the obligor's participation in a limited liability company, in a cooperative and in a limited partner...

Dočkal, Milan
Historie a vývoj komanditní společnoti a komparace její právní úpravy v obecném obchodním zákoníku se současným právním stavem

This thesis is devoted to the comparison of the legislation of the limited partnership contained in the General Commercial Code with the current valid and effective legal regulation. In the particular chapters, there are presented and compared the main legal norms concerning the li...

Kotroušová, Denisa
Corporal Punishments as a Mean of Upbringing vs. Children’s Rights in the Czech Republic

This article focuses on one of the means of upbringing - corporal punishments. It sets down a question if they can be seen as an admissible mean of upbringing under the Czech law. Even though the answer seems obvious on the first sight, it is actually far more&#...

Koutenský, Otakar
Exekuce přikázáním pohledávky z účtu manžela povinného

The article focuses on the issue of penalizing property belonging to the joint property of the spouses and the exclusive property of the obligor's spouse during execution by ordering a claim from the obligor's spouse's account. At the beginning, the general regulation of...

Psutka, Jindřich
Společné jmění manželů v judikatorní retrospektivě – aneb stručný příspěvek k problematice kontinuity dřívější rozhodovací praxe v poměrech stávající úpravy

Matrimonial property is a traditional part of the broader regulation of matrimonial property law. This is a specific case of a joint community of property, which can only arise during the marriage and only between spouses. Judicial interpretation has a key role long in the...

Profeldová, Tereza
Does Undisputed Jurisdiction of Arbitral Tribunal Also Provide Parties with Effective Control Mechanism from Side of Courts?

The jurisdiction of the courts is not something one usually thinks of when it comes to the conclusion of an arbitration agreement. Despite doctrines advocating for a transnational or anational approach to international arbitration, arbitral proceedings are being conducted under the national&...

Profeldová, Tereza
Relationship between the EU Law and Constitutional System of Member States - Did EU Cross the Line?

EU law is based on the principle of its primacy. It is argued that by voluntarily acceding to the EU, the Member States agreed to limit sovereignty and to transfer certain powers to the EU. Such principles were undisputed as long as they concerned the interpretation ...

Kocina, Jan
Vyjádření k obžalobě a odměna obhájce

The article points out the new provisions comprised in Section 177 (d) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which extended the formal requirements on the contents of a criminal indictment, and in Section 196 (2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, where the law newly require...

Hablovič, Jakub
Home office - práce na dálku dle podmínek § 317 zákoníku práce

The article deals with the issue of performing dependent work according to the conditions of § 317 of the Labour Code which is most often reffered to as home office. Because such a designation is not used by law, this article deals with the comparison of the ter...

Hablovič, Jakub
Charakteristika a předpoklady reflexní škody dle občanského zákoníku

The article deals with the issue of a relatively new phenomenon in Czech law - reflective valuation of losses. It presents the legal framework of reflective loss and subsequently analyzes key aspects of this issue. The article then focuses on the theoretical aspects of the...

Wolfová, Jitka
Velká novela exekučního řádu minula svůj cíl

The last amendment to the Enforcement Code, which was introduced by the No. 286/2001 Coll., is an extensive amendment in its content. The aim of this amendment was mainly to solve the problem of multiple execution proceedings, an introduction of the principle of one manda...

Chrenek, Tomáš
Korporace - aktuální právní pojetí v historickém kontextu

The thesis deals with the legal development of corporations, especially the simplest forms of private-law corporations (associations). The axis of the work is the Roman law regulation of corporations and its continuity up to the current concept of these legal entities according to ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 85