Konferenční příspěvky / Conference papers (KMM) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Bricín, David
Průcha, Vojtěch
Jansa, Zdeněk
Kříž, Antonín
Changes in Structure and Corrosion Resistance of Cryogenically Treated WC-Co Cemented Carbides Deep cryogenic treatment (DCT) of WC-Co cemented carbides (CC) was experimentally explored. Four types of cemented carbides were studied. They had different WC grain sizes and the volume fractions of the cobalt binder. Some specimens were deep-cryogenic-treated (DCT) at -186°C in dry va... |
Jansa, Zdeněk
Průcha, Vojtěch
Šutta, Pavol
Minár, Jan
XRD Analysis of Tungsten Carbides with Cobalt Binder The paper deals with the influence of deep cryogenic treatment on the structure of sintered WC-Co carbides from the aspect of XRD analysis. We demonstrate the influence of cryogenic processing on the change of grain size, the development of Co phases in the structure, and ... |
Čejková, Petra
Kříž, Antonín
Brom, Karel
Steidl, Petr
High-temperature tribological protection of laser cladding materials for power generation components The paper examines and compares the properties of laser clad deposits of Stellite 6 and Stellite 21 on 1.4923 + QT base material which is often used for power generation components. Cladding was performed using two different bead widths on a 63 mm diameter shaft with ... |
Janda, Tomáš
Leták, Radek
Skřivanová, Nikola
Volkmannová, Julie
Jirková, Hana
Kučerová, Ludmila
Influence of processing parameters of medium manganese steel with 5% mn on the development of mechanical properties Medium manganese steels belong to the group of third generation high-strength steels. These steels show an excellent combination of strength and ductility. Their manganese content is around 3 to 12%. After hot forming, their structure is mostly formed by a martensitic matrix. During... |
Špirit, Zbyněk
Kaufman, Jan
Brajer, Jan
Strejcius, Josef
Chocholoušek, Michal
Zvýšení únavové životnosti materiálů metodou laser shock peening Laser Shock Peening (LSP) is one of the modern contactless technologies for surface reinforcement of metallic materials. The technology is based on the shock wave principle generated during the interaction of short laser pulses with the surface of the material. Shock waves&... |
Vála, Lukáš
Vavruňková, Veronika
Jandová, Věra
Pola, Michal
Křenek, Tomáš
Formation of iron sulfide photocatalytic colloidal dispersion via pulsed laser ablation in liquids Pulsed laser irradiation of iron sulfide in water and ethanol allows laser ablation and generation of FeS nano/micro particles. Measurement of the size distribution reveals 100, 1000 and 5000 nm sized particles in water and 180 nm sized particles in ethanol. The values of ... |
Glanc, Aleš
Houdková Šimůnková, Šárka
Jansa, Zdeněk
Vostřák, Marek
Microstructure, tribological behaviour and xrd analysis of hvof sprayed and laser remelted cocrtaalcsiy coatings Superalloys with cobalt as a base material are widely used among different industry applications. Their main advantages are excellent corrosion and wear resistance. Material CoCrTaAlCSiY was chosen for this study as an unexplored representative of Co-based superalloys with a potential for go... |
Bricín, David
Jansa, Zdeněk
Somr, Josef
Elmanová, Andrea
Kříž, Antonín
Influence of heat treatment on properties of SD251-PH1 composite produced by additive SLM technology The aim of this case study was to evaluate how heat treatment affects the structure and properties of the engineered composite material labelled SD251-PH1. This composite material was formed by mixing two powder blends in a weight ratio of 90 wt. % WC-Co powder SD251 with... |
Průcha, Vojtěch
Bricín, David
Properties of Borided Cemented Carbides with Various Binders This paper explores the thermochemical treatment of cemented carbides (CC), specifically the boriding process. Six different types of CCs with different size of tungsten carbide (TC) grains were chosen as experimental materials. They contained binders of different chemical compositions. In five&#... |
Průcha, Vojtěch
Bricín, David
Kříž, Antonín
Jansa, Zdeněk
Properties of Cryogenic Treated Cemented Carbides (WC-Co) The present paper explores the effects of deep cryogenic treatment (DCT) on the properties of WC-Co cemented carbides. The investigation involved four different cemented carbide (CC) grades. Two of them were coarse-grained WC with grain sizes larger than 6 µm and binder fractions o... |
Bricín, David
Ackermann, Michal
Jansa, Zdeněk
Kubátová, Dana
Kříž, Antonín
Špirit, Zbyněk
Štafka, Jiří
Development of the structure of cemented carbides during their processing by SLM and HIP The study focuses on microstructural evolution in a WC-Co powder mixture during Selective Laser Melting (SLM) and hot isostatic pressing (HIP) processing. This powder mixture contained a 13 plus/minus 0.6 % weight fraction of Co binder and WC particles of mean size of 3.0 ... |
Bricín, David
Votava, Filip
Kubátová, Dana
Kříž, Antonín
Influence of the quality of models made by additive technologies on the quality of castings cast by investment casting The article deals with the use of additive technologies (AM) to produce a fusible model for a casting. AM technologies SLA, FDM, or PolyJet have been used to create models of castings of musical instrument keys from various polymeric materials. The roughness profiles of the&#x... |
Bartoň Klufová, Pavla
Kříž, Antonín
Effects of basalt on corrosion resistance of composite basalt-copper laser cladding The present contribution explores the effects of basalt on corrosion resistance of basalt-copper composite material which has been deposited onto steel substrate by laser cladding. For this experimental study, three mixtures of filler powders were prepared, containing 15, 20 and 25 weight&#x... |
Bricín, David
Špirit, Zbyněk
Kříž, Antonín
Influence of boridation on microstructure and properties of aluminium alloy EN AW-2024 The aim of this case study was to analyse the influence of the boriding process on the structure and mechanical properties of the aluminium alloy EN AW 2024. The prepared samples were processed under various process parameters in Durferrit powder. After chemical-thermal treatment, ... |
Kříž, Antonín
Vilcsek, Igor
Kaleta, Karel
Oprava tělesa ventilu parní turbíny svařováním This paper is based on the already published paper "The impact of steam turbine valve repair by welding on the change of material properties" and pays particular attention to the technology of welding repair. To determine the technology and assess its accuracy, a number&#... |
Průcha, Vojtěch
Benešová, Soňa
Veselý, Vilém
Kesl, Miloslav
Effects of hot forging on the structural condition in HS 6-5-2 high-speed steel Microstructure analysis was performed on rolled bars of high-speed steel after two and three forging cycles, each cycle comprising one upsetting and one drawing out operation. High-speed steels belong to difficult-to-form materials with a narrow forging temperature interval. Forging above the... |
Bartoň Klufová, Pavla
Tittel, Jan
Vostřák, Marek
Jansa, Zdeněk
Kříž, Antonín
Corrosion resistance of laser-deposited composite copper-basalt overlay This paper deals with an assessment of the corrosion resistance of copper-basalt composite cladded by laser. The filler powder for laser overlaying was a mixture of high-purity copper powder Oerlikon METCO 55 consisting of 45–90 µm particles and a basalt powder comprising particles 50–2... |
Bartoň Klufová, Pavla
Vostřák, Marek
Kříž, Antonín
Chemical heterogeneity of Inconel 625 overlay with an increased molybdenum content and its evaluation using the potentiodynamic corrosion test The paper focuses on a detailed analysis of chemical heterogeneity of Inconel 625 overlays with an increased molybdenum content deposited by laser cladding. Fifteen samples of laser overlays on S355J2 steel were prepared, each with an area of 90×140 mm. The thickness of the steel&#... |
Khalaj, Omid
Saebnoori, Ehsan
Jirková, Hana
Chocholatý, Ondřej
Svoboda, Jiří
Corrosion Behavior and Mechanical Properties of New Developed Oxide Precipitation Hardened Steels The Oxide Precipitation Hardened (OPH) steel is a new developed group of materials from Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) alloys which are well known advanced materials for high temperature properties. Besides, the corrosion resistance of these types of material is so important regarding&#... |
Křenek, Tomáš
Mikysek, Petr
Pola, Michal
Vála, Lukáš
Melaré, Estela
Jandová, Věra
Vavruňková, Veronika
Rieger, David
Formation of metastable zirconium oxides using pulsed laser deposition of ZrO based target There is a growing interest about the possibilities for preparation of various zirconium oxides from scientific as well asapplication point of view. Laser ablation of solid target consisting of sintered grains of metallic hexagonal Zr3O and monoclinic ZrO2 results in evaporation of Zr,&... |