Diplomové práce / Theses (KIV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 181 až 200 z 491
Loukota, Lukáš
Monitorování pozornosti osob na bázi EEG

The main topic of this thesis is the analysis of attention from measured EEG signals, received via the MindWave headset. This device contains only one electrode for reading the EEG signals, therefore its usage is far easier than the commonly used EEG cap. The headset itse...

Podávka, Petr
Energeticky efektivní ověřování v bezdrátových sítích

Master thesis deals with energy efficient cryptographic protocols suitable to be used in wireless sensoric networks. Nodes of such networks consist of so called resource constrained devices having limited computing power, storage and capacity and limited lifespan caused by being powered from...

Rasocha, Marek
Portál diabetes.zcu.cz

This thesis extends functionality of the diabetes.zcu.cz portal. The thesis focuses on web architecture, Springs, Apache Wicket and Angular frameworks, the portal's architecture, implementation detail and testing on both PC and mobile devices.

Bratner, Michal
Porovnání nástrojů ověřujících kompozici modulárních Java aplikací

In real software projects is common to use third-party libraries. It brings challenges with incompatibilities between two libraries. There are tools for verifying the composition of modular Java applications to detect these problems. One of these tools is JaCC, which is developed at...

Hula, Josef
Migrace webové aplikace do Microsoft Azure

This diploma thesis is focused on migration of existing web application into Microsoft Azure environment. The first part describes services provided in Azure environment, that are going to be used and their possibilities for backup, monitoring and scalability. The theoretical part also ...

Marek, Miroslav
Zvýšení bezpečnosti Linuxu

The diploma thesis Increase Linux security is a document, whose aim is introduce the reader with the security classification of information systems TCSEC, with the security level of operating systems GNU Linux, with the memory management mechanism that hosts the largest share of vu...

Soběhart, Michel
Systém pro správu sportovních lig

The main goal of the diploma thesis is creation of information system for sports league administration. System should be easily extensible to other sports. Application is primarily designed for administration of futsal league at University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. In this thesis...

Šmucr, Zdeněk
Vyšetření sluchu metodou poklesu intenzity podnětu

This work deals with the design and realization of audiometric diagnostic methods for the detection of interference in the transfer speed in nerve paths. This method is based on hearing sensitivity tests of the stimulation intensity during tonal stimulation (GAP detection) using a ...

Weisheitel, Tomáš
KIVFS - server

This work is devoted to the development of a new distributed file system KIVFS2, which is based on an existing system KIVFS. This new system will eliminate the shortcomings of the system KIVFS, especially the architecture and method of communication between layers will be rewo...

Přibáň, Pavel
Pokročilé vyhledávání v datech ze zpravodajských portálů

The purpose of this master thesis is to create simple and advanced searching for MediaGist system in data from news portals. MediaGist is an online system~for~crosslingual analysis of aggregated news and commentaries based on summarization and sentiment analysis technologies. In the first&#x...

Bláha, Martin
Využití mobilních zařízení pro správu dokumentů

This diploma thesis introduces the reader to Document management system (DMS) and their functionality. It describes DMS which are utilized in the CCA Group a.s. company, or those which are being considered for use there. After the introduction of those systems, a description of...

Kučera, Martin
Simulátor distribuovaného souborového systému

This diploma thesis deals with the topic of distributed file system simulations. As a part of this thesis possible uses of hierarchical storage management are examined and a distributed file system with hierarchical storage management is proposed and later measured. Throughput measurement&#x...

Hourová, Barbora
Automatická detekce argumentace

This thesis deals with automatic detection of argumentation, or specifically stance. In this case it means, that we have two statements and we try to determine, whether the statements agree or conflict with each other. One statement is always a theme and the second one is...

Štanglová, Tereza
Detekce specifických objektů v digitálním snímku pro potřeby určení druhu obsahu scény

The main objective of this master thesis is to create a convolutional neural network for detection of specific objects in digital images. The dataset is divided into two classes (target and non--target) and each image has to fit into one class. Target images (class 1) sho...

Švecová, Veronika
Řízení a procesní mechanismy malých softwarových projektů

This thesis is dedicated to the organisation of the Space Traffic Project; from taking it on to handing it over to the next leader. The main purpose of the project "Space Traffic" is to propagate the Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of West&#...

Martínek, Jiří
Inteligentní vyhledávání dokumentů

This diploma thesis deals with information retrieval in a set of scanned documents in form of raster images. First, the images are converted into the text form using optical character recognition (OCR) methods. Unfortunately, there are errors in conversion,therefore another part of the&...

Široký, Milan
Příprava bezpečnostní dokumentace vyhovující zákonu o kybernetické bezpečnosti

This thesis focused on making a tutorial for creating security documentation, which is required by law number 181/2014 collection. In the first chapter is describe of this law with interesting paragraphs. The next chapter is focused on presentation of two internal systems, which&#x...

Pouba, Jindřich
Klasifikace uživatelů přistupujících k webovým službám

This thesis explores methods of classification of web users depending on their behaviour. it emhasizes classification of robots and human web users. There are multiple explored methods, from simple classification based on times of requests to classification based on Markov models. Another&#x...

Benešová, Renata
Vizualizace fyziologických dat pro platformu Android

Measurement of body temperature can be monitored by the course of the disease and the effectiveness of the treatment of the patient is monitored. New Technologies Research Centre of University of West Bohemia is developing a wireless thermometer system that measures and records bod...

Hovjacký, Ondřej
Uchování a zpracování velkých dat typu JSON

This thesis inspects methods of storing big data (especially of type JSON), explores these options in greater detail and describes design and implementation of a system which provides a unified access to them. It also covers and evaluates tests of several NoSQL databases and M...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 181 až 200 z 491