Diplomové práce / Theses (KAE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Bečka, Stanislav
Senzorický systém s mikrokontolérem pro lékařské aplikace This thesis deals with the design and construction of a sensoric system for medical purposes. The system will be used in spiroergometry. The system consists of a sensoric part and of an ECG generator. The sensoric part allows acceleration, magnetic field, temperature and pressure... |
Strnad, Lukáš
Optimization of the existing test system Lukáš Strnad. Optimization of the existing test system. Department of Applied Electronics and Telecommunications, University of West Bohemia Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 2015, supervisor: Doc. Dr. Ing. Vjačeslav Georgiev This master's thesis is concern with testing of the printed circu... |
Procházka, Jaroslav
Návrh koncepce analogového syntezátoru This diploma thesis is focused on an analog synthesizer concept. The first part describes the most important elements of analog synthesizers. Next, principles of each single method of a sound synthesis, that can be implemented using just analogue technology are explained. Possibilities ... |
Čapek, Lukáš
Elektrochemické leptání v materiálografii The subject of this thesis is the electrolytic etching of materialographic specimens. The procedure of specimen preparation, especially its electrolytic etching, is described in the first part of the thesis. The second part is about the design of a microcomputer controlled device ... |
Malán, Jaroslav
Dálkově ovládaná laboratoř na platformě STR912FAW44 The final thesis is focused on webserver software development for the STR912FAW44 platform and expansion submodule hardware design for communication module JH10 with ARM microcontroller containing ethernet interface. Purpose of this thesis is implementation of remotely controlled laboratory system thr... |
Ferkl, Lukáš
Digitální osciloskop na platformě STM32F4xx The master thesis is focused to the design of the digital oscilloscope on a 32 bit microcontroller STM32F4xx series. General functionality of digital oscillocsopes, principles of conversion of analog signal to digital form and subsequent processing are described in the thesis. The oscil... |
Jadlovský, Ondřej
Spínaný zdroj s aktivním PFC The presented diploma thesis, Switching power supply with active PFC, deals with the power factor correction switching power supplies. The work focuses on the design of active PFC filter and downstream converter with the output voltage of 32V and 2A. The aim is to implement... |
Mázor, Radek
Vliv mechanického zatížení asynchronního motoru na drážkovou harmonickou momentu stroje This diploma thesis is focused on the mechanical load dependency on slot harmonic in the moment of induction machine. The goal of the diploma thesis is to describe the source of harmonics creation in the air gap of the asynchronous machines and their influence on the ... |
Faktor, Martin
Robotická platforma s více končetinami This diploma thesis deals with complete design and implementation of small model of a robotic platform with multiple legs. The robotic platform is controlled by the smartphone with operating system Android via Bluetooth interface. First part of this thesis is focused on the mechani... |
Petržilka, Milan
Řídicí jednotka pro kvadrotorovou helikoptéru The thesis is focused on flight control unit for a quadrotor helicopter development. The first part describes how the quadrotor helicopter works. The following part describes the construction of the quadrotor helicopter. Third part is dedicated to the construction of flight control unit... |
Bouzek, Ondřej
Přenos diagnostické informace mezi návěstidlem a stavědlem The goal of this master thesis was to design and realise system which will be able to transmit diagnostic information about lighting of signal lamp between railway signal and interlocking. The pulse width modulation and amplitude shift keying with modulation frequency 10 kHz was... |
Šrámek, Petr
Online lokalizace mobilních objektů This master thesis is focused on device for online tracking of mobile objects such as a car. A part of this master thesis is designing an easy online interface for visualization and controlling of the device. The first part of master thesis deals with the choice of... |
Tesárek, Radek
Odolnost el. pohonu z hlediska poklesu napájecího napětí Presented diploma thesis investigates the immunity of the electric drive to voltage sag. Thesis is divided into five chapters. First chapter defines what is a voltage sag, how it could be created and how it spreads in power system. Second chapter is devoted to another dis... |
Sak, Tomáš
Obrazová analýza kamerových dat parkovacích stání This thesis describes the problem of parking lot in front of the FEL/UWB. During the analysis of this problem was realized placement of cameras to cover the entire area of parking lot. Furthermore, the distribution of parking spaces in nine sectors, described by letters A... |
Kaminský, Tomáš
Návrh a diagnostika elektromagnetického ventilu pro motory automobilů Diploma thesis is focused on the issue of electromagnetic actuators used as injection valves for car engines. A mathematical model of general electromagnetic valve is described in the thesis and the theoretical analysis of this model is included. An actuator of the electromagnetic ... |
Jančo, Petr
Návrh perspektivní topologie síťových napájecích zdrojů bez elektrolytických kondenzátorů pro použití v LED světlech Electrolytic capacitor is a fundamental component, which significantly shortens the lifespan of the switching source. In my work, I deal with design and construction of perspective switching source without electrolytic capacitors designed for LED lights. The aim is not only to remove th... |
Lodr, Jan
Modul pro měření proudu s velkým rozsahem The master thesis presents a current measurement module with large measurement range from 100 ?A to 100 A. This module is designed for current consumption measurement of electronic control units used in vehicles. The module communicates using CAN bus with other devices. Dimensions ... |
Daňková, Andrea
Měření prostorového rozložení a množství kapaliny při ostřiku světlometu automobilu The master thesis presents spatial liquid distribution and liquid volume measurement during car headlamps washing. It describes basic terms concerning headlamps, headlamp washer system, liquid level measurement options and fundamentals of image processing systems. The master thesis includes a practica... |
Koranda, Václav
Konduktivní proudy trakčního pohonu s vektorovým řízením The aim of this work is to bring the issue of conductive currents of traction drives with vector control. First acquainted with this issue, and then in the next chapter will focus on the regulation and supply of traction squirrel cage induction motor. The third chapter... |
Talafous, Luboš
Internetová podpora pro výuku el. trakce Submitted diploma thesis is focused on broadening the EDUCON online educational site with the Electric Traction issue. The main objective of the thesis is the possibility of conveying the basic information to the reader through the web interface. The content of the diploma thesis... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra aplikované elektroniky a telekomunikací / Department of Applied Electronics and Telecommunications
- 18 microcontroller
- 14 mikrokontrolér
- 10 ethernet
- 10 FPGA
- další >
- 269 diplomová práce