Diplomové práce / Theses (KAE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Jeníček, Jakub
Implementace prediktivního řízení v obvodech programovatelné logiky This thesis is focused on the implementation of a specific example of ADMM predictive control method in the circuits of programmable logic. Part of the thesis is a description of the behavior of the implemented system and its parts. In addition, initialization and confi... |
Křeček, Michael
Komunikační systém s vícestavovou rozmítanou modulací The aim of this thesis is the experimental software implementation of a communication system working in real-time. Thesis follows up on [4], where author created software solution of the modulator and demodulator utilizing M-ary chirp modulation in a MATLAB environment. This paper point... |
Bubílek, Aleš
Využití technologie IoT The main goal of this diploma thesis is to design and implement at least one application that are suitable for LPWAN technology, in addition to the research of the used solutions and technologies used in IoT. Theoretical part deals with IoT technologies and its elements, ... |
Folkman, Luděk
Konstrukce akustických zdrojů zvuku pro ověřování volného akustického pole This thesis is aimed at the design and construction of acoustics sources for verification of parameters of free acoustic field. The free acoustic field can be simulated in the anechoic chamber, and the qualification of anechoic chambers can be assessed using these sources. These... |
Kučera, Tomáš
Úprava vícekanálového audio převodníku pro měřicí účely The aim of this work is to analyse the professional converter Behringer ADA8000 ways of use for measurement proposes and to suggest, implement and verify the alternation of convertor's input circuits. The theses propose is to find out a commercially available solution of ... |
Zeis, Zbyněk
Meteostanice pro domácí využití This diploma thesis focuses on the design and implementation of a weather station for home use. The weather station is composed of two units (main and remote) with each other wirelessly communicating at 868 MHz. For the realization of the device, it was first ... |
Flachs, Tomáš
Aplikace softwarového rádia pro zpracování GNSS signálů With decreasing cost and increasing availability of the Software Definated Radio transmitters increases the possibility of using the attacks to the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers. This master thesis deals with the application of software-defined radio for processing of GNSS... |
Przechowski, Kryštof
Rozhraní pro komunikaci s integrovaným bootloaderem v mikrokontroléru STM32 The master thesis deals with an integrated bootloader in microcontrollers STM32, it describes how the bootloader works, its connection and how to use it. Serial communication with the bootloader and the PC is introduced. The firmware for communication between the PC and the bootloa... |
Antal, David
Využití senzoru Grid-Eye pro gestové ovládání The aim of the thesis is to find a usage for Grid-EYE sensor in the field of gesture recognition and control. To meet this goal, it was needed to learn about basic principles of gesture recognition. A test board with given sensor and microcontroller for processing an... |
Bauer, Tomáš
Rozšíření Univerzální řídicí jednotky USG2 o automobilový Ethernet This thesis deals with design of extensional module with automotive Ethernet for Universal electronic control unit USG2 in collaboration with MBtech Bohemia s.r.o. In the first part, it is introducing usage of Ethernet in automotive industry and why the widely used IT Ethernet... |
Průcha, Václav
Statická analýza kódu v souladu s požadavky normy EN50128 This thesis investigates how and where static code analysis can be integrated into a development process of safety relevant SW namely SW of Train Control and Monitoring System of a locomotive. Since development of SW for traction vehicles is subject of assessment according to... |
Čížek, Lukáš
Kytarový DSP multiefekt The diploma thesis is focused on the design of a digital effect prototype unit that is intended for use with electric guitar. Similar devices are commonly called as multi-effects. The multi-effect is based on the Nucleo-F767ZI development kit from ST Microelectronic and audio codec ... |
Hujer, Lukáš
Spínaný laboratorní zdroj s nastavitelnými výstupními parametry The thesis is focused on the design and realization of a functional sample switching power supply. I created a block diagram of the source and subsequently described the individual parts from which it is composed. A part of the thesis is also a theoretical analysis of... |
Petrovič, Jiří
Návrh frekvenčního násobiče s vysokým potlačením nežádoucích produktů This diploma thesis is focused on a frequency multiplier design with high suppression of spurious products. The first part of this work is an overview of possible frequency multiplication circuits utilizing parametric frequency multiplier devices. Demands on a signal filtering given by ... |
Vaněk, Josef
Návrh řízení 3-osého manipulátoru pro automatizované testování řídicích jednotek The objectives of this thesis are to survey components and controllers for the drives control of a manipulator and to choose the best drive control solution for the given mechanical construction of a manipulator designed for the front panel stimulation of an electronic control ... |
Svoboda, Miroslav
Návrh, analýza a aplikace řízení aktuátoru hmatové zpětné vazby a systému snímání tlaku pro dotykové vstupní zařízení v automobilu In this diploma work written in English, the electric part of an actuator for haptic feedback has been calculated, simulated and subsequently designed. Furthermore, control and measurement circuits were simulated and a printed circuit board was then designed. This software has... |
Sharov, Oleg
Návrh detektoru pohybu kolejového vozidla při vypnuté mobilní části systému ETCS The purpose of this master thesis was to design and create the prototype of cold movement detector for railway vehicles while the on-board part of ETCS system is switched off. The design of this detector was implemented in accordance with principles of a railway signalling... |
Martínek, Lukáš
Návrh bezpečného systému pro řízení lisu chmele This diploma thesis is focused on the design of a safe hops press system with respect to the requirements of the relevant standards. The text of this diploma thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part, the standards used in designing the system or the ... |
Dostál, Ondřej
Dvoukvadrantový jednofázový spínaný zdroj 60 V/40 A/1000 W pro testy BMS This diploma thesis is focused on design and physical realization of single-phase switching mode power supply combined with load bank for purpose of testing lithium-based batteries and battery management systems. The first part contains analysis of prospective topology, which hardware design ... |
Mašek, Jan
Technický vývoj a budoucnost trolejbusové trakce v Čechách a na Slovensku This diploma thesis deals with the development of the vehicle of mass transport an integral part of many Czech and Slovak cities - the trolleybus. The thesis deals primarily with the technical development of vehicles and power system, and also focuses on historical developmen... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra aplikované elektroniky a telekomunikací / Department of Applied Electronics and Telecommunications
- 18 microcontroller
- 14 mikrokontrolér
- 10 ethernet
- 10 FPGA
- další >
- 269 diplomová práce